
# This R script uses the Treatment Selection package to analyze the data example provided in the package

# Install the package


# Load the package data example

tsdata[1:10, ]

## Create TrtSel objects

# Two markers are contained in the data example, a "weak" and "strong" marker

# "Weak" marker

trtsel.Y1 <- trtsel( event ="event", trt = "trt", marker = "Y1", data = tsdata,
            = "randomized cohort", link = "logit", 
                     default.trt = "trt all")


head(trtsel.Y1$ #shows data, along with fitted risks and estimated treatment effects
trtsel.Y1$  #information regarding the model fit

# "strong" marker
trtsel.Y2 <- trtsel( event ="event", trt = "trt", marker = "Y2", data = tsdata,
            = "randomized cohort", link = "logit", 
                     default.trt = "trt none")

## Use the plot function 

# Plot risk curves

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, main = "Y1: Oncotype-DX-like marker", plot.type = "risk", ci = "default",
            conf.bands = TRUE, bootstraps = 50,trt.names=c("chemo.","no chemo."), 
                   show.marker.axis = TRUE)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "theta", ci = "default",
                   conf.bands = TRUE, bootstraps = 50)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, plot.type = "theta", ci = "default",
                   conf.bands = TRUE, bootstraps = 50)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, main = "Y1: Oncotype-DX-like marker", plot.type = "risk", ci = "horizontal",
                    bootstraps = 50,trt.names=c("chemo.","no chemo."))

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, main = "Y1: Oncotype-DX-like marker", plot.type = "risk", ci = "vertical",
                   conf.bands = FALSE, fixed.values = c(20, 50), offset = .01, bootstraps = 50,trt.names=c("chemo.","no chemo."))

#tmp is now made up of a list with elements "curves" and "ci.bounds"

head(tmp$curves) #gives points of the plotted curve
tmp$ci.bounds  #shows bounds

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, main = "Y1: Oncotype-DX-like marker", plot.type = "cdf", bootstraps = 50,
                    ci = "horizontal", offset = .015)

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, main = "Y1: Oncotype-DX-like marker", plot.type = "cdf", bootstraps = 50,
            trt.names=c("chemo.","no chemo."), fixed.values = c(.5, .3), conf.bands = TRUE, ci = "horizontal", offset = .015)

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, main = "Y2: Strong marker", plot.type = "cdf", ci = "horizontal",
            bootstraps = 50)

#default is to plot with confidence intervals for the whole curve

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, main = "Y2: Strong marker", plot.type = "risk", bootstraps = 50,
     trt.names=c("chemo.","no chemo."))

# Plot treatment effect curves
plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, main = "Y1: Oncotype-DX-like marker", plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "vertical",  bootstraps = 50 )
plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, main = "Y2: Strong marker", plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "horizontal", bootstraps = 50)

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, main = "Y1: Oncotype-DX-like marker", plot.type = "cdf", ci = "vertical",  bootstraps = 50)#, fixed.values = seq(from=-1, to=1, by = .1) , xlim=c(-1, 1))

#for more help, see ?plot.trtsel

## Evaluate marker performance

estimates.Y1 <- eval.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, bootstraps = 50)

estimates.Y1$estimates #point estimates

# "strong" marker
trtsel.Y2 <- trtsel( event ="event", trt = "trt", marker = "Y2", data = tsdata,
            = "randomized cohort", link = "logit", 
                     default.trt = "trt all")

#don't compute confidence intervals
estimates.Y2 <- eval.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, bootstraps = 50)

#for more information see ?eval.trtsel

## Assess model calibration

#default is to show calibration plot with 10 groups
cali.Y2 <- calibrate.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, groups = 10)

#no plot
cali.Y1 <- calibrate.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type=NA, groups = 8)

#risk among non-treated individuals
calibrate.trtsel(trtsel.Y2,  plot.type = "risk.t0")
#treated individuals
calibrate.trtsel(trtsel.Y2,  plot.type = "risk.t1")

#treatment effect, with more groups

calibrate.trtsel(trtsel.Y2, plot.type="treatment effect", groups = 15, main = "main title here")

#for more help and to see all the options, see ?calibrate.trtsel

## Compare marker performance

# Compare the markers based on summary measures
mycompare <- compare.trtsel(trtsel1 = trtsel.Y1, trtsel2 = trtsel.Y2,
                                bootstraps = 50, plot = TRUE, fixed.values = c(.05), ci = "vertical", offset = .01, conf.bands = TRUE)

mycompare$estimates.marker1 #estimates from trtsel1



#see ?compare.trtsel for a list of all output values

#no confidence intervals
tmp <- compare.trtsel(trtsel1 = trtsel.Y1, trtsel2 = trtsel.Y2,
                            bootstraps = 50, plot = TRUE, ci = "horizontal")
#with confidence bands
compare.trtsel(trtsel1 = trtsel.Y3, trtsel2 = trtsel.Y2,
                            bootstraps = 50, plot = TRUE, ci = "horizontal", conf.bands = TRUE)

tsdata$Y2_disc <- as.numeric(!(tsdata$Y2>0)) 
tsdata$Y1_disc <- as.numeric(!(tsdata$Y1>mean(tsdata$Y1)))

trtsel.Y3 <- trtsel( event ="event", trt = "trt", marker = "Y2_disc", data = tsdata[1:100,],
            = "randomized cohort", link = "logit", 
                     default.trt = "trt all")

trtsel.Y4 <- trtsel( event ="event", trt = "trt", marker = "Y1_disc", data = tsdata,
            = "randomized cohort", link = "logit", 
                     default.trt = "trt all")
tmp = eval.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, bootstrap = 50)

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, bootstrap = 50, plot.type ="risk" )

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, bootstrap = 50, plot.type ="treatment effect"  )

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, bootstrap = 50, plot.type ="cdf" )

tsdata$Y4 <- round(tsdata$Y1, -1); tsdata$notrt = 1-tsdata$trt
tsdata$Y4[tsdata$Y4 < -75] <- -75

trtsel.Y4 <- trtsel( event ="event", trt = "notrt", marker = "Y4", data = tsdata,
            = "randomized cohort", link = "logit", 
                     default.trt = "trt all")

eval.trtsel(trtsel.Y4, bootstrap = 50)

tmp <- plot(trtsel.Y4, bootstrap = 50, ci = "horizontal") 
tmp <- plot(trtsel.Y4, bootstrap = 50, ci = "vertical") 

#problem here
plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y4, bootstrap =  50, plot.type="treatment effect", ci = "vertical")
plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y4, bootstrap =  50, plot.type="treatment effect", ci = "horizontal")

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y4, bootstrap =  50, plot.type="cdf", ci = "horizontal")
plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y4, bootstrap =  50, plot.type="cdf", ci = "vertical")


#problem here
plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y4, bootstrap =  50, plot.type="cdf", ci = "horizontal") 

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3,bootstrap = 50, plot = "cdf", ci = "vertical")

plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, bootstrap = 50, plot = "treatment effect")
plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y5, bootstrap = 50, plot = "treatment effect")

tsdata$Y5 <- -tsdata$Y1 
trtsel.Y5 <- trtsel( event ="event", trt = "trt", marker = "Y5", data = tsdata,
            = "randomized cohort", link = "logit", 
                     default.trt = "trt all")


tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "risk", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "risk", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "cdf", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "cdf", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50)

#no ci's

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "risk", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "risk", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "cdf", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "cdf", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)

#a single fixed value

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "risk", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50, fixed.value = c(50))

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "risk", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50,  fixed.value = c(.50))

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "cdf", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50, fixed.value = c(.1))
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "cdf", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50, fixed.value = c(50))

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50, fixed.value = c(50))
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50, fixed.value = c(.10))

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, plot.type = "risk", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, plot.type = "risk", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, plot.type = "risk", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, plot.type = "risk", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)

tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "vertical",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)
tmp <- plot.trtsel(trtsel.Y3, plot.type = "treatment effect", ci = "horizontal",
                   bootstraps = 50, conf.bands = FALSE)

tmp <- compare.trtsel(trtsel1 = trtsel.Y2, trtsel2 = trtsel.Y1,
               bootstraps = 50, plot = TRUE, ci = "horizontal", conf.bands = TRUE, 
                      fixed.values = c(-0.5, .1))

tmp <- compare.trtsel(trtsel1 = trtsel.Y3, trtsel2 = trtsel.Y4,
                      bootstraps = 50, plot = TRUE, ci = "vertical", 
                      conf.bands = TRUE, annotate.plot =TRUE, offset = .05)

tmp <- calibrate.trtsel(trtsel.Y1, plot.type = "treatment effect", groups =20)

## subcohort examples
n = 1000
nmatch = 2

D <- tsdata$event
T <- tsdata$trt
Y1 <- tsdata$Y1
Y2 <- tsdata$Y2

# generate case-control subset (sample based on D only)
S[D==1] <- 1 #select all cases
numcontrols <- length(D[D==1])*nmatch
S[D==0] <- sample(c(rep(1,numcontrols),rep(0,length(D[D==0])-numcontrols)))

myD<-D[S==1]; myT<-T[S==1]; myY<-Y2[S==1]

my.trtsel<-trtsel(event="event",trt="trt",marker="Y2", data = tsdata,
                  default.trt = "trt none")

tsdata_cc <- tsdata[S==1,]

cc.trtsel<-trtsel(event="event",trt="trt",marker="Y1", data = tsdata_cc,
                  cohort.attributes = c(n, mean(T), mean(D), 1),
        "nested case control", 
                  default.trt = "trt none")

#rho = c(mean(D), 1000000, mean(D[T==0]), mean(D[T==1]), nmatch, sum(T==1),0)
tmp <- eval.trtsel(cc.trtsel, bootstraps=50)

plot(cc.trtsel, bootstraps=0)

plot(cc.trtsel, bootstraps=50, plot.type = "theta")
plot(my.trtsel, bootstraps = 50, plot.type = "theta")



nmatch = 2
# generate case-control subset (sample based on R and T)

S[D==1] <- 1 #select all cases
numcontrols <- length(D[D==1 & T==0])*nmatch
#numcontrols <- sum(myconts.t0)*nmatch
S[D==0 & T==0] <- sample(c(rep(1,numcontrols),rep(0,length(D[D==0 & T==0])-numcontrols)))

#numcontrols <- sum(myconts.t0)*nmatch
numcontrols <- length(D[D==1 & T==1])*nmatch
S[D==0 & T==1] <- sample(c(rep(1,numcontrols),rep(0,length(D[D==0 & T==1])-numcontrols)))

# fit risk model

myD<-D[S==1]; myT<-T[S==1]; myY<-Y2[S==1]

tsdata_scc <- tsdata[S==1,]

scc.trtsel<-trtsel(event="event",trt="trt",marker="Y1", data = tsdata_scc,
                   cohort.attributes = c(n, mean(D==0 & T==0), mean(D==1 & T==0), mean(D==0 & T==1), 1,1),
         "stratified nested case control", 
                   default.trt = "trt none")


tmp <- eval.trtsel(scc.trtsel, bootstraps = 10)$estimates
plot.trtsel(scc.trtsel, bootstraps = 10, plot.type = "theta")

eval.trtsel(my.trtsel, bootstraps = 10)#500)

eval.trtsel(cc.trtsel, bootstraps = 10)

eval.trtsel(scc.trtsel, bootstraps = 10)#500)

### plots

plot.trtsel(cc.trtsel, bootstraps = 10, plot.type = "treatment effect")
plot.trtsel(scc.trtsel, bootstraps = 10, plot.type = "treatment effect")
mdbrown/TreatmentSelection documentation built on May 22, 2019, 3:23 p.m.