Man pages for mdfortune/simGWAS
Simulating the expected output from a GWAS with a given causal model

compute_gamma0Compute gamma0, given haplotype frequencies
compute_gamma0_PWCompute gamma0 given distribution of W
est_statisticestimate Z score at a single SNP
est_zscoreestimate Z score at a single SNP
expected_z_scoreCompute expected Z Score
make_datasetSimulate a dataset given a set of controls (without...
make_dataset_phenoSimulate a dataset given a set of controls (with phenotype)...
simulated_z_scoreCompute a simulated Z Score
which_genotypescomputes a matrix telling us which haplotype pairs correspond...
mdfortune/simGWAS documentation built on May 22, 2019, 3:25 p.m.