
contr.isotonic <- function (n, perm, contrasts = TRUE, sparse = FALSE) {
  if(is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1L) {
    if (n > 1L) levels <- as.character(seq_len(n))
    else stop("not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts")
  } else {
    levels <- as.character(n)
    n <- length(n)
  if(!missing(perm)) {
    if(length(perm) != length(levels))
      stop("'perm' must have the same number of levels as 'n'")
    if(is.character(perm)) {
      if(any(sort(perm) != sort(levels)))
        stop("'perm' must be a permutation of the levels in 'n'")
      permn <- match(levels,perm)
    else if(is.numeric(perm)) {
      if(any(sort(perm) != seq_len(n)))
        stop("'perm' must be a permutation of 'n'")
      permn <- perm
      perm <- levels[perm]
  } else {
    permn <- seq_len(n)
    perm <- as.character(permn)
  contr <- .Triang(perm)[permn,]
  if(contrasts) contr[,-1, drop = FALSE]
  else contr

contr.opisotonic <- function (n, perm, contrasts = TRUE, sparse = FALSE) {
  if (is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1L) {
    if (n > 1L) levels <- as.character(seq_len(n))
    else stop("not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts")
  } else {
    levels <- as.character(n)
    n <- length(n)
  if (!missing(perm)) {
    if (length(perm) != length(levels))
      stop("'perm' must have the same number of levels as 'n'")
    if (is.character(perm)) {
      if (any(sort(perm) != sort(levels)))
        stop("'perm' must be a permutation of the levels in 'n'")
      permn <- match(levels, perm)
    } else if (is.numeric(perm)) {
      if (any(sort(perm) != seq_len(n)))
        stop("'perm' must be a permutation of 'n'")
      permn <- perm
      perm <- levels[perm]
  } else {
    permn <- seq_len(n)
    perm <- as.character(permn)
  allcombin <- lapply(seq_len(n-1), function(x) combinat::combn(perm, x, simplify = FALSE))
  allcombin2 <- unlist(allcombin, recursive = FALSE)
  d <- c(n, length(allcombin2))
  dn <- list(perm, sapply(allcombin2, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ".")))
  z <- array(0, d, dn)
  for(i in seq_len(ncol(z))) z[,i] <- as.numeric(perm %in% allcombin2[[i]])
  movecols <- rev(cumsum(sapply(allcombin, length)))
  z2 <- cbind(z[,movecols], z[,-movecols])

.Triang <- function(nms) {
    n <- as.integer(length(nms))
    d <- c(n,n)
    dn <- list(nms, nms)
    z <- array(0,d,dn)
    z[row(z)>=col(z)] <- 1L
mdonoghoe/addreg documentation built on May 22, 2019, 4:19 p.m.