
logbin.smooth <- function (formula, mono = NULL, data, subset, na.action, offset, control = list(...),
                            model = TRUE, model.logbin = FALSE, method = c("cem","em"),
                            accelerate = c("em","squarem","pem","qn"), control.accelerate = list(),
                            ...) {
  call <- match.call()
  method <- match.arg(method)
  accelerate = match.arg(accelerate)
  family <- binomial(link = log)
  if (missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  gp <- interpret.logbin.smooth(formula)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  mf$formula <- gp$fake.formula
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "offset"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mdata <- mf
  mdata[[1L]] <- as.name("get_all_vars")
  mdata <- eval(mdata, parent.frame())
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf$na.action <- na.fail
  mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  if (!missing(na.action)) mf$na.action <- na.action
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  control <- do.call("logbin.control", control)
  control2 <- control
  control2$trace <- pmax(0, as.numeric(control$trace) - 1)
  mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
  os <- model.offset(mf)
  allknots <- expand.grid(lapply(gp$smooth.spec, "[[", "knot.range"))
  n.allknots <- nrow(allknots)
  bestk <- NULL
  bestk.model <- NULL
  bestk.aic <- Inf
  bestk.allref <- NULL
  bestk.param <- NULL
  bestk.knots <- NULL
  allconvk <- TRUE
  for (k in seq_len(n.allknots)) {
    if (control$trace > 0)
      cat("Knots: ", paste0(allknots[k,], collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
    allref <- logbin.smooth.allref(mt, mdata, method, mono, gp, allknots[k,])
    design.numref <- sapply(allref$allref, length)
    design.all <- expand.grid(lapply(design.numref, seq_len))
    nparam <- nrow(design.all)
    best.model <- NULL
    best.loglik <- -Inf
    best.param <- NULL
    best.knots <- NULL
    allconv <- TRUE
    for (param in seq_len(nparam)) {
      if (control$trace > 1) cat("logbin.smooth parameterisation ", param, "/", nparam, "\n", sep = "")
      modelspec <- logbin.smooth.design(gp, method, allref, allknots[k, , drop = FALSE], 
                                        design.all[param, , drop = FALSE])
      data.new <- modelspec$data
      data.new[["(offset)"]] = os
      modelf <- call("logbin",formula = eval(modelspec$formula), mono = eval(modelspec$monotonic), 
                      data = as.name("data.new"), control = control2, method = method,
                      accelerate = accelerate, control.method = control.accelerate,
                      warn = FALSE, fit = TRUE)
      if (!is.null(os)) modelf$offset = as.name("(offset)")
      if (!missing(subset)) modelf$subset = subset
      if (!missing(na.action)) modelf$na.action = na.action
      modelf$model <- model
      thismodel <- eval(modelf)
      if (!thismodel$converged) allconv <- FALSE
      if (thismodel$loglik > best.loglik) {
        best.model <- thismodel
        best.loglik <- thismodel$loglik
        best.param <- design.all[param,,drop=FALSE]
        best.knots <- modelspec$knots
        if (thismodel$converged & !thismodel$boundary) break
    if (!best.model$converged || (!allconv & best.model$boundary))
      if (identical(accelerate, "em"))
        warning(gettextf("%s: algorithm did not converge within %d iterations -- increase 'maxit'.",
                          best.model$method, control$maxit), 
                call. = FALSE)
        warning(gettextf("%s(%s): algorithm did not converge within %d iterations -- increase 'maxit' or try with 'accelerate = \"em\"'.",
                          best.model$method, accelerate, control$maxit),
                call. = FALSE)
    if(!allconv) allconvk <- FALSE
    reparam.call <- call("logbin.smooth.reparam", coefficients = best.model$coefficients,
                          interpret = gp, type = method, allref = allref, knots = best.knots,
                          design.knots = allknots[k,,drop=FALSE], design.param = best.param)
    if (!missing(subset)) reparam.call$subset <- subset
    if (!missing(na.action)) reparam.call$na.action <- na.action
    reparam <- eval(reparam.call)
    nvars <- length(reparam$coefs)
    vardiff <- length(best.model$coefficients) - nvars
    aic.c <- best.model$aic - 2 * vardiff + 2 * nvars * (nvars + 1) / (NROW(best.model$y) - nvars - 1)
    if(control$trace > 0)
    if(aic.c < bestk.aic) {
      bestk <- k
      bestk.model <- best.model
      bestk.aic <- aic.c
      bestk.allref <- allref
      bestk.param <- best.param
      bestk.knots <- best.knots
  if (bestk.model$boundary) {
    if (bestk.model$np.coefficients[1] > -control$bound.tol)
      warning(gettextf("%s: fitted probabilities numerically 1 occurred",
                       bestk.model$method), call. = FALSE)
      warning(gettextf("%s: MLE on boundary of parameter space",
                       bestk.model$method), call. = FALSE)
  reparam.call <- call("logbin.smooth.reparam", coefficients = bestk.model$coefficients,
                        interpret = gp, type = method, allref = bestk.allref, knots = bestk.knots,
                        design.knots = allknots[bestk,,drop=FALSE], design.param = bestk.param)
  if (!missing(subset)) reparam.call$subset <- subset
  if (!missing(na.action)) reparam.call$na.action <- na.action
  reparam <- eval(reparam.call)
  nvars <- length(reparam$coefs)
  vardiff <- length(bestk.model$coefficients) - nvars
  aic.c <- bestk.model$aic - 2 * vardiff + 2 * nvars * (nvars + 1) / (NROW(bestk.model$y) - nvars - 1)
  fit <- list(coefficients = reparam$coefs, residuals = bestk.model$residuals,
              fitted.values = bestk.model$fitted.values, effects = bestk.model$effects,
              R = bestk.model$R, rank = bestk.model$rank, qr = bestk.model$qr, family = family,
              linear.predictors = bestk.model$linear.predictors,
              deviance = bestk.model$deviance, loglik = bestk.model$loglik,
              aic = bestk.model$aic - 2*vardiff, aic.c = aic.c,
              null.deviance = bestk.model$null.deviance, iter = bestk.model$iter,
              prior.weights = bestk.model$prior.weights, weights = bestk.model$weights,
              df.residual = bestk.model$df.residual + vardiff, df.null = bestk.model$df.null,
              y = bestk.model$y, x = reparam$design)
  if(model) fit$model <- reparam$mf
  if(model.logbin) fit$model.logbin <- bestk.model
  xminmax.smooth <- bestk.model$xminmax
  xminmax.smooth[reparam$smoothnames] <- NULL
  fit2 <- list(converged = allconvk, boundary = bestk.model$boundary,
               na.action = attr(reparam$mf, "na.action"), call = call, formula = formula, 
               full.formula = gp$full.formula, terms = mt, terms.full = reparam$mt, 
               data = data, offset = os, control = control, method = method, contrasts = bestk.model$contrasts,
               xlevels = bestk.model$xlevels, xminmax = xminmax.smooth, knots = bestk.knots)

  fit <- c(fit, fit2)            
  class(fit) <- c("logbin.smooth", "logbin", "glm", "lm")
mdonoghoe/logbin documentation built on Aug. 13, 2021, 7:30 p.m.