
Defines functions fit_afs

Documented in fit_afs

#' Given target data, fit the AFS function
#' This function takes AFS target data and estimates parameters for the AFS function
#' A dataframe specifying the rare MAC bins and the observed proportion of variants is used to fit the data
#' The proportion of rare variants (p_rv) is by default the sum of the rare allele count bins. The proportion be manually specified if desired
#' @param  Observed_bin_props data frame with 3 columns, Lower, Upper (of MAC bins)  and proportion of variants in that MAC bin
#' @param p_rv proportion of rare variants - default is the sum of the rare MAC bin proportions
#' @return list of parameters - alpha, beta, and b as well as fitted proportions
#' @examples
#' data("afs_afr")
#' fit_afs(Observed_bin_props = afs_afr)
#' @export
#' @importFrom nloptr slsqp

fit_afs <- function(Observed_bin_props, p_rv = NULL){
    # Check the column names of Observed_bin_props
    if(colnames(Observed_bin_props)[1] != 'Lower' | colnames(Observed_bin_props)[2]  != 'Upper' |
        colnames(Observed_bin_props)[3] != 'Prop'){
        stop('Observed_bin_props needs to have column names Lower, Upper, and Prop')
    # Make sure the Observed_bin_props are numeric
    Observed_bin_props$Prop <- (as.numeric(as.character(Observed_bin_props$Prop)))
    # Make sure there are not any NAs in the proportions
        stop('Proportions in Observed_bin_props need to be numeric with no NA values')
    if(!is.numeric(Observed_bin_props$Lower) | !is.numeric(Observed_bin_props$Upper)){
        stop('Observed_bin_props MAC bins need to be numberic')
    # Check the order of the MAC bins
    if(is.unsorted(Observed_bin_props$Upper) | is.unsorted(Observed_bin_props$Lower)){
        stop('The MAC bins need to be ordered from smallest to largest')
    # Set the default value for p_rv to the sum of the rare variant bins
        p_rv <- sum(Observed_bin_props$Prop)
    # specify the function to define the constraints
    hin.tune <- function(x) {
        h <- numeric(1)
        h[1] <- x[1] # the first parameter (alpha) must be > 0
    c1 <- 1:Observed_bin_props$Upper[nrow(Observed_bin_props)] #### individual MACs to use in the function
    calc_prob_LS<-function(tune){ # define the least squares loss function
        ### calculate b
        indivual_prop_no_b <- 1/((c1+tune[2])^(tune[1])) # calculate the function completely without b for each individual MAC
        b <- p_rv/sum(indivual_prop_no_b) #### solve for b
        #### calculate the function with b for each individual MAC
        indivual_prop <- b*indivual_prop_no_b
        all <- 0
        for(i in 1:nrow(Observed_bin_props)){ # loop over the bins
            E <- sum(indivual_prop[Observed_bin_props$Lower[i]:Observed_bin_props$Upper[i]]) # Calculate expected (from the function)
            O <- Observed_bin_props$Prop[i] # record the observed proportion in the target data
            c <- (E-O)^2 # calculate the squared error
            all <- all+c # sum the squared error over all MAC bins
        return(all) # The output here is the sum of the squared error over MAC bins
    tune <- c(1,0) #### start with the function 1/x (alpha = 1, beta = 0)
    # Minimize with the SLSQP function using the starting values (tune), the least squares loss function (calc_prob_LS), and constraints (hin.tune)
    S <- suppressMessages(slsqp(tune, fn = calc_prob_LS, hin = hin.tune )) # suppressMessages b/c each produces a warning
    b <- p_rv/sum(1/((c1+S$par[2])^(S$par[1]))) #back calculate b after the parameters have been solved for
    # and calculate the MAC bin proportions given the parameters:
    re <- afs(alpha = S$par[1], beta = S$par[2], b = b, mac_bins = Observed_bin_props[,c(1,2)])
    # Return the parameters alpha, beta, and b, as well as the proportions as calculated by the function
    return(list(alpha = S$par[1], beta = S$par[2], b = b, Fitted_results = re))
meganmichelle/RAREsim documentation built on June 11, 2022, 7:34 p.m.