
Defines functions trips2shapes

#' Export trips as GTFS shapes.txt
#' @details
#' Export trips as GTFS shapes.txt
#' @param trips trips data.frame
#' @param routes routes data.frame
#' @param stops stops data.frame
#' @param stop_times stop_times data.frame
#' @param ncores number of cores
#' @noRd
trips2shapes <- function(trips, routes, stops, stop_times, ncores = 1) {
  # remove bus and boat routes
  routes_rail <- routes[routes$route_type == 2, ]
  trips_rail <- trips[trips$route_id %in% routes_rail$route_id, ]
  stop_times_rail <- stop_times[stop_times$trip_id %in% trips_rail$trip_id, ]
  stops_rail <- stops[stops$stop_id %in% stop_times_rail$stop_id, ]

  # read in map
  rail <- sf::st_read("./data/railway.gpkg")
  rail$geometry <- rail$geom
  sf::st_crs(rail) <- 27700
  # rail = sf::st_read("./data/railway_fixed.shp")
  # rail = rail[,c("id","type","geometry")]
  # st_crs(rail) = 27700
  # write_sf(rail,"./data/railway.gpkg", delete_dsn = T)
  rail <- sf::st_transform(rail, 27700)
  rail <- rail[rail$type == "rail", ]

  # rail = sf::st_transform(rail, 27700)
  # rail$railway = "rail"
  # rail$id = 1:nrow(rail)
  # make graph
  # make a graph
  wts <- c(1)
  names(wts) <- as.character(unique(rail$type))
  graph <- dodgr::weight_streetnet(rail, type_col = "type", wt_profile = wts, id_col = "id")

  # match stops to graph
  verts <- dodgr::dodgr_vertices(graph)
  stops.bng <- sf::st_as_sf(stops_rail, coords = c("stop_lon", "stop_lat"), crs = 4326)
  stops.bng <- sf::st_transform(stops.bng, 27700)
  stops.bng.coords <- sf::st_coordinates(stops.bng)
  stops.bng$X <- stops.bng.coords[, 1]
  stops.bng$Y <- stops.bng.coords[, 2]
  stops.bng <- as.data.frame(stops.bng)
  # stops.bng = sf::st_coordinates(stops)

  # near = RANN::nn2(data = verts[,c("x","y")], query = stops[,c("stop_lon","stop_lat")], k = 1)

  near <- RANN::nn2(data = verts[, c("x", "y")], query = stops.bng[, c("X", "Y")], k = 1)
  near.dist <- near[["nn.dists"]][, 1]
  near.index <- near[["nn.idx"]][, 1]

  stops_rail$vert <- near.index
  stops_rail$dist <- round(near.dist, 2)

  stops.bng$vert <- near.index
  stops.bng$dist <- round(near.dist, 2)

  # stops$vert[stops$dist > 100] = NA
  foo <- stops.bng[stops.bng$dist > 40, ]
  # foo = sf::st_as_sf(foo, coords = c("stop_lon","stop_lat"), crs = 4326)
  foo <- sf::st_sf(foo)
  qtm(foo[, ]) # +
  # qtm(rail)

  # Work out all the route pairs
  pairs <- stop_times[, c("trip_id", "stop_id")]
  names(pairs) <- c("trip_id_from", "stop_id_from")
  pairs$stop_id_to <- c(pairs$stop_id_from[2:length(pairs$stop_id_from)], NA)
  pairs$trip_id_to <- c(pairs$trip_id_from[2:length(pairs$stop_id_from)], NA)
  pairs <- pairs[pairs$trip_id_from == pairs$trip_id_to, ]
  pairs <- pairs[, c("stop_id_from", "stop_id_to")]
  pairs <- unique(pairs)
  pairs <- pairs[!is.na(pairs$stop_id_from), ]
  pairs$stop_id_from <- as.character(pairs$stop_id_from)
  # rm(stop_times)

  # Match Pairs with Verts IDs
  stops.match <- as.data.frame(stops_rail[, c("stop_id", "vert")])
  # stops.match$geometry = NULL
  names(stops.match) <- c("stop_id", "vert_from")
  pairs <- dplyr::left_join(pairs, stops.match, by = c("stop_id_from" = "stop_id"))
  names(stops.match) <- c("stop_id", "vert_to")
  pairs <- dplyr::left_join(pairs, stops.match, by = c("stop_id_to" = "stop_id"))

  # To save time assume A-B and B-A are the same
  od_id_order <- function(x, id1 = names(x)[1], id2 = names(x)[2]) {
      stplanr.id1 = as.name(id1),
      stplanr.id2 = as.name(id2),
      stplanr.key = ~ paste(pmin(stplanr.id1, stplanr.id2), pmax(stplanr.id1, stplanr.id2))

  pair_nodup <- pairs
  key <- od_id_order(pair_nodup, "vert_from", "vert_to")
  pair_nodup$key <- key$stplanr.key
  pair_nodup <- dplyr::group_by(pair_nodup, key)
  pair_nodup <- dplyr::summarise(pair_nodup,
    vert_from = vert_from[1],
    vert_to = vert_to[1],
    count = n()

  # Make Routes in Dodgr
  # hopefully tempory hack
  # dp.list = list()
  # origins = unique(pairs$vert_from)
  dp.list <- dodgr::dodgr_paths(graph, from = as.character(pair_nodup$vert_from), to = as.character(pair_nodup$vert_to), pairwise = T, quiet = F)

  # dodgr_paths_byelement = function(i){
  #   from = origins[i]
  #   to = pairs$vert_to[pairs$vert_from == from]
  #   dp = dodgr::dodgr_paths(graph, from = as.character(from), to = as.character(to))
  #   return(dp)
  # }
  # if(ncores == 1){
  #   dp.list = lapply(1:length(origins),dodgr_paths_byelement)
  # }else{
  #   CL <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores) #make clusert and set number of core
  #   parallel::clusterExport(cl = CL, varlist=c("origins", "pairs","graph"), envir = environment())
  #   parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl = CL, {library(dodgr)})
  #   dp.list = parallel::parLapply(cl = CL,1:length(origins),dodgr_paths_byelement)
  #   parallel::stopCluster(CL)
  # }

  # for(i in 1:length(origins)){
  #   #message(i)
  #   from = origins[i]
  #   to = pairs$vert_to[pairs$vert_from == from]
  #   dp = dodgr::dodgr_paths(graph, from = as.character(from), to = as.character(to))
  #   dp.list[[i]] = dp
  # }

  # dp.all = unlist(unlist(dp.list, recursive = FALSE), recursive = FALSE)
  # dp.all.names = names(dp.sf)
  dp.all <- unlist(dp.list, recursive = FALSE)

  path_to_sf <- function(dp, verts) {
    # Check for emplyr paths
    if (length(dp) > 0) {
      path <- verts[match(dp, verts$id), ]
      path <- matrix(c(path$x, path$y), ncol = 2)
      path <- sf::st_linestring(path)
    } else {

  dp.sf <- lapply(dp.all, path_to_sf, verts = verts)
  names(dp.sf) <- 1:length(dp.sf)
  # dp.nulls = dp.sf[is.na(dp.sf)]
  dp.sf <- dp.sf[!is.na(dp.sf)]
  dp.names <- names(dp.sf)

  dp.sfdf <- data.frame(id = dp.names, geometry = sf::st_as_sfc(dp.sf), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  dp.sfdf <- sf::st_sf(dp.sfdf)
  sf::st_crs(dp.sfdf) <- 27700

  # Clean Match names
  # clean_names = strsplit(dp.sfdf$id, "\\.")
  # clean_names = sapply(clean_names, "[[", 2)
  # clean_names = strsplit(clean_names, "-")
  # dp.sfdf$vert_from = as.integer(sapply(clean_names, "[[", 1))
  # dp.sfdf$vert_to = as.integer(sapply(clean_names, "[[", 2))
  pair_nodup$id <- as.character(1:nrow(pair_nodup))

  pairs.sf <- dplyr::left_join(pair_nodup, dp.sfdf, by = c("id"))
  # pairs.na = pairs.sf[is.na(pairs.sf$id),] #was 590 with bus and boat #520 without# down to 18 with split lines
  pairs.sf <- sf::st_sf(pairs.sf, crs = 27700)
  # qtm(pairs.sf[1:100,])
  # problems causes with routes that only have one line between start and end (hence cluster of nearby problems)
  foo <- pairs.sf[sf::st_is_empty(pairs.sf), ]
  foo$geometry <- NULL

  foo <- dplyr::left_join(foo, stops_rail[, c("stop_id", "vert")], by = c("vert_from" = "vert"))
  names(foo) <- c("key", "vert_from", "vert_to", "count", "id", "stop_id_from")
  foo <- dplyr::left_join(foo, stops_rail[, c("stop_id", "vert")], by = c("vert_to" = "vert"))
  names(foo) <- c("key", "vert_from", "vert_to", "count", "id", "stop_id_from", "stop_id_to")
  bar <- as.data.frame(table(c(foo$stop_id_from, foo$stop_id_to)))
  foobar <- st_as_sf(stops[stops$stop_id %in% bar$Var1, ], coords = c("stop_lon", "stop_lat"), crs = 4326)
  # stops.problem = stops[stops$stop_id %in% c(pairs.na$stop_id_from, pairs.na$stop_id_to),]
  # tab = as.data.frame(table(c(pairs.na$stop_id_from,pairs.na$stop_id_to )))
  # tab2 = as.data.frame(table(c(pairs.na$vert_from,pairs.na$vert_to )))
  # head(clean_names)

  pairs.sf.reverse <- pairs.sf

  reverse_lines <- function(geom) {
    if (sf::st_is_empty(geom)) {
    } else {
      geom.matrix <- as.matrix(geom)
      geom.reverse <- geom.matrix[seq(nrow(geom.matrix), 1), ]
      geom.reverse <- sf::st_linestring(geom.reverse)

  # pairs.sf.reverse$geometry =
  lapply(pairs.sf.reverse$geometry[1:1000], reverse_lines)
mem48/UK2GTFS documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 6:05 p.m.