
Defines functions simjointmeta

Documented in simjointmeta

#' Simulation of multi-study joint data
#' Function to allow the simulation of a correlated single continuous
#' longitudinal outcome and a single survival outcome for data from multiple
#' studies.  The longitudinal sub-model contains a fixed intercept, time (slope)
#' term and a binary treatment assignment covariate, whilst the survival
#' sub-model contains only a binary treatment assignment covariate.
#' @param k the number of studies to be simulated
#' @param n a vector of length equal to k denoting the number of individuals to
#'   simulate per study
#' @param sepassoc a logical taking value \code{FALSE} if proportional
#'   association is required, \code{TRUE} if a separate association parameter is
#'   required for each random effect shared between the sub-models
#' @param ntms the maximum possible number of longitudinal measurements - should
#'   equal the length of the supplied \code{longmeasuretimes}
#' @param longmeasuretimes a vector giving the exact times of the longitudinal
#'   measurement times.  If this is not specified in the function call then the
#'   measurement times of the longitudinal outcome are set to start at 0 then
#'   take integer values up to and including \code{ntms - 1}.
#' @param beta1 a vector of the fixed effects for the longitudinal sub-model.
#'   Here the first element gives the coefficient for a fixed or population
#'   intercept, the second gives the coefficient for the binary treatment
#'   assignment covariate and the third element gives the covariate for the time
#'   (slope) covariate
#' @param beta2 the coefficient for the binary treatment assignment covariate
#' @param rand_ind a character string specifying the individual level random
#'   effects structure.  If \code{rand_ind = 'intslope'} then there is an
#'   individual specific random intercept and random time (slope) term included
#'   in the model.  If \code{rand_ind = 'int'} then the model includes only a
#'   individual specific random intercept.
#' @param rand_stud a character string specifying the study level random effects
#'   structure.  If this is set to \code{NULL} or not specified in the function
#'   call then no study level random effects are included in the model that the
#'   data is simulated from.  There are three options if data is to be simulated
#'   with random effects at the study level.  If a study level random intercept
#'   only is to be included, then set \code{rand_stud = 'int'}.  Else if a study
#'   level random treatment assignment term only is to be included then set
#'   \code{rand_stud = 'treat'}.  Finally if both a study level random intercept
#'   and a study level random treatment effect is to be included, then set
#'   \code{rand_stud = 'inttreat'}.
#' @param gamma_ind parameter specifying the level of association between the
#'   longitudinal and survival outcomes attributable to the individual deviation
#'   from the population longitudinal trajectory. If different association
#'   parameters are required for each study then a list of length equal to the
#'   number of studies should be supplied to \code{gamma_ind}.  If
#'   \code{sepassoc = TRUE} then \code{gamma_ind} should be either a vector of
#'   values of length equal to the number of individual level random effects, or
#'   a list of vectors each of length equal to the number of individual level
#'   random effects. However if \code{sepassoc = FALSE} then \code{gamma_ind}
#'   should be supplied as a single value, or a list of single values.
#' @param gamma_stud parameter specifying the level of association between the
#'   longitudinal and survival outcomes attributable to the study level
#'   deviation from the overall population longitudinal trajectory. If different
#'   association parameters are required for each study then a list of length
#'   equal to the number of studies should be supplied to \code{gamma_stud}.  If
#'   \code{sepassoc = TRUE} then \code{gamma_stud} should be either a vector of
#'   values of length equal to the number of study level random effects, or a
#'   list of vectors each of length equal to the number of study level random
#'   effects. However if \code{sepassoc = FALSE} then \code{gamma_stud} should
#'   be supplied as a single value, or a list of single values.  This parameter
#'   should only be present if \code{rand_stud} is specified in the function
#'   call.
#' @param sigb_ind the covariance matrix for the individual level random
#'   effects. This should have number of rows and columns equal to the number of
#'   individual level random effects.
#' @param sigb_stud the covariance matrix for the study level random effects.
#'   This should have number of rows and columns equal to the number of study
#'   level random effects.  This should only be specified if \code{rand_stud} is
#'   specified in the function call.
#' @param vare the variance of the measurement error term
#' @param theta0 parameter defining the distribution of the survival times. A
#'   separate parameter can be defined per study or a common parameter across
#'   all studies.  See Bender et al 2005 for advice on approximating appropriate
#'   values for \code{theta0} and \code{theta1} the using extreme value
#'   distribution.
#' @param theta1 parameter defining the distribution of the survival times. A
#'   separate parameter can be defined per study or a common parameter across
#'   all studies.  See Bender et al 2005 for advice on approximating appropriate
#'   values for \code{theta0} and \code{theta1} the using extreme value
#'   distribution.
#' @param censoring a logical indicating whether the simulated survival times
#'   should be censored or not
#' @param censlam the lambda parameter controlling the simulated exponentially
#'   distributed censoring times.  This can either be supplied as one value for
#'   all studies simulated, or a vector of length equal to the number of studies
#'   in the dataset.
#' @param truncation a logical value to specify whether the simulated survival
#'   times should be truncated at a specified time or not.
#' @param trunctime if \code{truncation = TRUE} then the survival times will be
#'   truncated at the specified \code{trunctime}
#' @return This function returns a list with three named elements.  The first
#'   element is named \code{'longdat'}, the second \code{'survdat'}, the third
#'   \code{'percentevent'}.  Each of these elements is a list of length equal to
#'   the number of studies specified to simulate in the function call.
#'   The element \code{'longdat'} is a list of the simulated longitudinal data
#'   sets.  Each longitudinal dataset contains the following variables:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\code{id}}{a numeric id variable}
#'   \item{\code{Y}}{the continuous longitudinal outcome}
#'   \item{\code{time}}{the numeric longitudinal time variable}
#'   \item{\code{study}}{a study membership variable}
#'   \item{\code{intercept}}{an intercept term}
#'   \item{\code{treat}}{a treatment assignment variable to one of two treatment
#'   groups}
#'   \item{\code{ltime}}{a duplicate of the longitudinal time variable}
#'   }
#'   The element \code{'survdat'} is a list of the simulated survival data sets.
#'   Each survival dataset contains the following variables: \describe{
#'   \item{\code{id}}{a numeric id variable}
#'   \item{\code{survtime}}{the numeric survival times}
#'   \item{\code{cens}}{the censoring indicator}
#'   \item{\code{study}}{a study membership variable}
#'   \item{\code{treat}}{a treatment assignment variable to one of two treatment
#'   groups}
#'   }
#'   The element \code{'percentevent'} is a list of the percentage of events
#'   over censorings seen in the simulated survival data.
#' @details  This function allows the simulation of a single continuous
#'   longitudinal and a single survival outcome which are potentially
#'   correlated.  The model simulates data under a joint model with a zero mean
#'   random effects only sharing structure.  The longitudinal sub-model is
#'   adjusted by a fixed or population intercept, time (slope) term and a binary
#'   treatment assignment covariate.  The survival sub-model is adjusted by only
#'   the fixed or population binary treatment assignment covariate.
#'   Random effects can be specified at either just the individual level, or at
#'   both the individual and study level.  For the options for the random
#'   effects see the above parameter definitions.
#'   The parameters controlling the distributions for the survival times and the
#'   censoring times can be identical across the studies, or separate values can
#'   be supplied for each study.  Similarly the association parameters can be
#'   identical across studies, or unique to each study.
#'   The simulated longitudinal information is capped at each individual's
#'   survival time.  If \code{truncation= TRUE} then the survival times are
#'   truncated at the specified \code{trunctime}.
#'   For description of the methodology of simulating this data see Bender et al
#'   2005, and Austin 2012.
#'   Note that this function does not return data in a \code{jointdata} format.
#'   Function \code{\link{tojointdata}} can help to reformat this data into a
#'   \code{jointdata} format.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tojointdata}}
#' @export
#' @import MASS
#' @references Bender et al (2005) Generating survival times to simulate Cox
#'   proportional hazards models. Statistics in Medicine 24:1713–1723
#'   Austin (2012) Generating survival times to simulate Cox proportional
#'   hazards models with time-varying covariates. Statistics in Medicine 31:
#'   3946–3958
#' @examples
#'  #simulated data without study level variation specified
#'  exampledat1<-simjointmeta(k = 5, n = rep(500, 5), sepassoc = FALSE,
#'               ntms = 5, longmeasuretimes = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
#'               beta1 = c(1, 2, 3), beta2 = 1, rand_ind = 'intslope',
#'               rand_stud = NULL, gamma_ind = 1,
#'               sigb_ind = matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1.5),nrow=2), vare = 0.01,
#'               theta0 = -3, theta1 = 1, censoring = TRUE, censlam = exp(-3),
#'               truncation = FALSE, trunctime = max(longmeasuretimes))
#'  #simulated data with different parameters for each study for the
#'  #association parameters, censoring distribution parameters and survival time
#'  #parameters
#'  gamma_ind_set<-list(c(0.5, 1), c(0.4, 0.9), c(0.6, 1.1), c(0.5, 0.9),
#'                      c(0.4, 1.1))
#'  gamma_stud_set<-list(c(0.6, 1.1), c(0.5, 1), c(0.5, 0.9), c(0.4, 1.1),
#'                      c(0.4, 0.9))
#'  censlamset<-c(exp(-3), exp(-2.9), exp(-3.1), exp(-3), exp(-3.05))
#'  theta0set<-c(-3, -2.9, -3, -2.9, -3.1)
#'  theta1set<-c(1, 0.9, 1.1, 1, 0.9)
#'  exampledat2<-simjointmeta(k = 5, n = rep(500, 5), sepassoc = TRUE, ntms = 5,
#'                            longmeasuretimes = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
#'                            beta1 = c(1, 2, 3), beta2 = 1,
#'                            rand_ind = 'intslope', rand_stud = 'inttreat',
#'                            gamma_ind = gamma_ind_set,
#'                            gamma_stud = gamma_stud_set,
#'                            sigb_ind = matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5), nrow = 2),
#'                            sigb_stud = matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5), nrow = 2),
#'                            vare = 0.01, theta0 = theta0set,
#'                            theta1 = theta1set, censoring = TRUE,
#'                            censlam = censlamset, truncation = FALSE,
#'                            trunctime = max(longmeasuretimes))
simjointmeta <- function(k = 5, n = rep(500, 5), sepassoc = FALSE, ntms = 5,
                         longmeasuretimes = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), beta1 = c(1, 1, 1), beta2 = 1,
                         rand_ind = c("intslope", "int"), rand_stud = c("int", "inttreat", "treat",
                                                                        NULL), gamma_ind = 1, gamma_stud = NULL, sigb_ind, sigb_stud = NULL,
                         vare = 0.01, theta0 = -3, theta1 = 1, censoring = TRUE, censlam = exp(-3),
                         truncation = FALSE, trunctime = max(longmeasuretimes)) {
  if (!is.null(gamma_stud) && !is.null(rand_stud) && !is.null(sigb_stud)) {
    if (length(n) != k) {
      stop("Number of studies differs between k and length of n")
    rand_ind <- match.arg(rand_ind)
    if (rand_ind != "intslope" && rand_ind != "int") {
      stop(paste("Unknown individual level random effects specification:",
    rand_stud <- match.arg(rand_stud)
    if (rand_stud != "int" && rand_stud != "inttreat" && rand_stud !=
        "treat") {
      stop(paste("Unknown study level random effects specification:",
    if (missing(sigb_ind)) {
      stop("Missing argument: sigb_ind")
    if (missing(sigb_stud)) {
      stop("Missing argument: sigb_stud")
    if (missing(ntms)) {
      stop("Missing argument: ntms")
    samegamma <- TRUE
    if (class(gamma_ind) == "list" && class(gamma_stud) == "list") {
      samegamma <- FALSE
    } else if ((class(gamma_ind) == "list" && class(gamma_stud) != "list") ||
               (class(gamma_ind) != "list" && class(gamma_stud) == "list")) {
      stop("one but not both of gamma_ind and gamma_stud supplied as
           varying between study - specify as both varying or both constant")
    if (!(length(theta0) %in% c(1, k))) {
      stop("Supply either one theta0 or one per study")
    if (length(theta0) == 1) {
      theta0 <- rep(theta0, k)
    if (!(length(theta1) %in% c(1, k))) {
      stop("Supply either one theta1 or one per study")
    if (length(theta1) == 1) {
      theta1 <- rep(theta1, k)
    if (!(length(censlam) %in% c(1, k))) {
      stop("Supply either one censlam or one per study")
    if (length(censlam) == 1) {
      censlam <- rep(censlam, k)
    if (rand_ind == "intslope") {
      q <- 2
    } else if (rand_ind == "int") {
      q <- 1
    if (rand_stud == "inttreat") {
      r <- 2
    } else {
      r <- 1
    lat <- q + r
    if (!sepassoc) {
      lat <- 2
      if (samegamma) {
        if ((length(gamma_ind) + length(gamma_stud)) != lat) {
          cat("Warning: Number of association parameters
              do not match model choice\n")
        gamma <- c(rep(gamma_ind, q), rep(gamma_stud, r))
        } else {
          for (i in 1:k) {
            if ((length(gamma_ind[[i]]) + length(gamma_stud[[i]])) !=
                lat) {
              cat("Warning: Number of association parameters
                  do not match model choice\n")
          gamma <- lapply(1:k, function(u) {
            c(rep(gamma_ind[[u]], q), rep(gamma_stud[[u]], r))
    } else {
      if (samegamma) {
        if ((length(gamma_ind) + length(gamma_stud)) != lat) {
          cat("Warning: Number of association parameters
              do not match model choice\n")
        gamma <- c(gamma_ind, gamma_stud)
        } else {
          for (i in 1:k) {
            if ((length(gamma_ind[[i]]) + length(gamma_stud[[i]])) !=
                lat) {
              cat("Warning: Number of association parameters
                  do not match model choice\n")
          gamma <- lapply(1:k, function(u) {
            c(gamma_ind[[u]], gamma_stud[[u]])
    if (length(sigb_ind) != q^2) {
      cat("Warning: Dimension of individual level covariance matrix
          does not match chosen rand_ind\n")
      if (length(sigb_ind) > q^2) {
        sigb_ind <- sigb_ind[1:q, 1:q]
      } else {
        sigb_ind <- diag(q) * sigb_ind[1]
    if (length(sigb_stud) != r^2) {
      cat("Warning: Dimension of individual level covariance matrix
          does not match chosen rand_ind\n")
      if (length(sigb_stud) > r^2) {
        sigb_stud <- sigb_stud[1:r, 1:r]
      } else {
        sigb_stud <- diag(r) * sigb_stud[1]
    if (q == 1) {
      if (sigb_ind < 0) {
        stop("Variance must be positive")
    } else {
      if (!isSymmetric(sigb_ind)) {
        stop("Individual level Covariance matrix is not symmetric")
      if (any(eigen(sigb_ind)$values < 0) || (det(sigb_ind) <= 0)) {
        stop("Individual level Covariance matrix must be
             positive semi-definite")
    if (r == 1) {
      if (sigb_stud < 0) {
        stop("Variance must be positive")
    } else {
      if (!isSymmetric(sigb_stud)) {
        stop("Study level Covariance matrix is not symmetric")
      if (any(eigen(sigb_stud)$values < 0) || (det(sigb_stud) <=
                                               0)) {
        stop("Study level Covariance matrix must be positive semi-definite")
    if (missing(longmeasuretimes)) {
      longmeasuretimes <- 0:(ntms - 1)
    sim <- simdat2randlevels(k = k, n = n, rand_ind = rand_ind, rand_stud = rand_stud,
                             sepassoc = sepassoc, ntms = ntms, longmeasuretimes = longmeasuretimes,
                             beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, gamma = gamma, sigb_ind = sigb_ind,
                             sigb_stud = sigb_stud, vare = vare, theta0 = theta0, theta1 = theta1,
                             censoring = censoring, censlam = censlam, truncation = truncation,
                             trunctime = trunctime, q = q, r = r)
    list(longitudinal = sim$longdat, survival = sim$survdat, percentevent = sim$percentevent)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(gamma_stud) || !is.null(sigb_stud) || !is.null(rand_stud)) {
        stop("Some but not all of gamma_stud, rand_stud and sigb_stud supplied")
      } else {
        if (length(n) != k) {
          stop("Number of studies differs between k and length of n")
        rand_ind <- match.arg(rand_ind)
        if (rand_ind != "intslope" && rand_ind != "int") {
          stop(paste("Unknown individual level random effects specification:",
        if (missing(sigb_ind)) {
          stop("Missing argument: sigb_ind")
        samegamma <- TRUE
        if (class(gamma_ind) == "list") {
          samegamma <- FALSE
        if (!(length(theta0) %in% c(1, k))) {
          stop("Supply either one theta0 or one per study")
        if (length(theta0) == 1) {
          theta0 <- rep(theta0, k)
        if (!(length(theta1) %in% c(1, k))) {
          stop("Supply either one theta1 or one per study")
        if (length(theta1) == 1) {
          theta1 <- rep(theta1, k)
        if (!(length(censlam) %in% c(1, k))) {
          stop("Supply either one censlam or one per study")
        if (length(censlam) == 1) {
          censlam <- rep(censlam, k)
        if (rand_ind == "intslope") {
          q <- 2
        } else if (rand_ind == "int") {
          q <- 1
        if (missing(ntms)) {
          stop("Missing argument: ntms")
        lat <- q
        if (!sepassoc) {
          lat <- 1
          if (samegamma) {
            if (length(gamma_ind) != lat) {
              cat("Warning: Number of association parameters
                  do not match model choice\n")
            gamma <- rep(gamma_ind, q)
            } else {
              for (i in 1:k) {
                if (length(gamma_ind[[i]]) != lat) {
                  cat("Warning: Number of association parameters
                      do not match model choice\n")
              gamma <- lapply(1:k, function(u) {
                rep(gamma_ind[[u]], q)
      } else {
        if (samegamma) {
          if (length(gamma_ind) != lat) {
            cat("Warning: Number of association parameters
                do not match model choice\n")
          gamma <- gamma_ind
          } else {
            for (i in 1:k) {
              if (length(gamma_ind[[i]]) != lat) {
                cat("Warning: Number of association parameters
                    do not match model choice\n")
            gamma <- lapply(1:k, function(u) {

        if (length(sigb_ind) != q^2) {
          cat("Warning: Dimension of individual level covariance matrix
            does not match chosen rand_ind\n")
          if (length(sigb_ind) > q^2) {
            sigb_ind <- sigb_ind[1:q, 1:q]
          } else {
            sigb_ind <- diag(q) * sigb_ind[1]
        if (q == 1) {
          if (sigb_ind < 0) {
            stop("Variance must be positive")
        } else {
          if (!isSymmetric(sigb_ind)) {
            stop("Individual level Covariance matrix is not symmetric")
          if (any(eigen(sigb_ind)$values < 0) || (det(sigb_ind) <=
                                                  0)) {
            stop("Individual level Covariance matrix must
               be positive semi-definite")
        if (missing(longmeasuretimes)) {
          longmeasuretimes <- 0:(ntms - 1)
        sim <- simdat1randlevel(k = k, n = n, rand_ind = rand_ind,
                                sepassoc = sepassoc, ntms = ntms, longmeasuretimes = longmeasuretimes,
                                beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, gamma = gamma, sigb_ind = sigb_ind,
                                vare = vare, theta0 = theta0, theta1 = theta1, censoring = censoring,
                                censlam = censlam, truncation = truncation, trunctime = trunctime,
                                q = q)
        list(longitudinal = sim$longdat, survival = sim$survdat, percentevent = sim$percentevent)
mesudell/joineRmeta documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 6:06 p.m.