
## main script for cordex cities extraction


cordex.station <- function(param=NULL) {
  europe.cities <- toupper(c("Amsterdam",
                             "Brussels" ,
                             "Budapest", ## comment for t2m
                             "Lisbon", ## comment for t2m
                             "Rome", ## comment for t2m
                             "San Marino",
                             "Valletta", ## comment for t2m
                             "Warsaw", ## comment for t2m
  x <- read.csv(file ="/home/abdelkaderm/SHARED/data/worldcapitals.txt",head=TRUE,sep="\t")
  lon <- lat <- rep(NA,length("europe.cities"))
  for (i in 1 : length(europe.cities)) {
    id <- grep(substr(tolower(europe.cities[i]),1,3),substr(tolower(as.character(x$Name)),1,3))
    lon[i] <- x$Longitude[id]
  lat[i] <- x$Latitude[id]
  europe.country <- toupper(c("Netherlands",
                              "Hungary", ## comment for t2m
                              "Portugal", ## comment for t2m
                              "United Kingdom",
                              "Czech Republic",
                              "Italy", ## comment for t2m
                              "San Marino",
                              "Bosnia & Herzegovina",
                              "Malta", ## comment for t2m
                              "Holy See",
                              "Poland", ## comment for t2m

  ## 1. Retrieving data into y and map the stations
  X <-  NULL ; ss <-  NULL
  for (i in 1:length(europe.cities)) {
    print(paste(i, europe.cities[i],europe.country[i],"ECAD"))
    ss1 <- select.station(loc = europe.cities[i] , cntr = europe.country[i] , src = "ECAD" , param = param, it = c(1982,2012)) 
    if (is.null(ss1)) {
      ## browser()
      ## dx <- 0.05 ; k <- 1
      ## while (is.null(ss1) & (k < 10)) {
      ss1 <- select.station(cntr = europe.country[i] , src = "ECAD" , param = param , it = c(1982,2012))
      if (!is.null(ss1)) {
        d <- distAB(lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],lons=ss1$longitude,lats=ss1$latitude)
        id <- d ==min(d)
        class(ss1) <- "data.frame"
        ss1 <- ss1[id,]
      else ss1 <- NULL
      ##dx <- dx+1
      ##k <- k+1
      ## }
    ## if (i==10) browser()
    if (!is.null(ss1)) {
      class(ss1) <- "data.frame"
      if (dim(ss1)[1]>1) ss1 <- ss1[1,]
    ## if (!is.null(ss1)) ss <- merge(ss,ss1,all=TRUE)
    ## y  <- station(loc = europe.cities[i] , cntr = europe.country[i] , src = "ECAD" , path = "/disk1/ECAD/" , param = "precip")
    if (!is.null(ss1)) y <-  station(ss1, param=param,path = "/disk1/data/ECAD/") else y <- NULL
    ## Downscaling cmip5 results
    ## browser()
    if (!is.null(y)) {
      Z <- coredata(y)
      y[Z < -90] <- NA
      X <- combine(X,y)
                                        #ss <- select.station(stid = "100601" , loc = "Oslo" , cntr="NORWAY" , src = "ECAD" , param = "t2m") 
#y <- station(ss,path="/disk1/data/ECAD/")  
#ds <- DSCMIP5.t2m.zoo(y,path="CMIP5.monthly/rcp45",pattern="tas",
#                        years=seq(1900,2100,by=1),plot=TRUE,dx=15,dy=15,
#                        reanalysis="ERA40_t2m_mon.rda")
metno/esd.test documentation built on May 22, 2019, 7:49 p.m.