
save2ncdf <- function(x,file,...)

# https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/netcdf/CDL-Data-Types.html:
# short: 16-bit signed integers. The short type holds values between -32768 and 32767. 

save2ncdf.station <- function(x,file,prec='short',missval=-99.9,offs=0,
                               scalf=0.1,torg='1899-12-31',verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('save2ncdf.station')
# Save a station object as a netCDF file using the short-type combined with add_offset and scale_factor
# to reduce the size.   
# Examine the station object: dimensions and attributes  
  d <- dim(x)

  if (is.null(d)) d <- c(length(x),1)
  if (verbose) print(paste('dimension of station: ',paste(d, collapse= ' x ')))
  atts <- names(attributes(x))
  if (verbose) print(atts)
  iattr2ncdf <- !is.element(atts,c('dim','dimnames','index',
  atts <- atts[iattr2ncdf]
  na <- length(atts); la <- rep(0,na)
  attrprec <- rep('character',na)
  for (i in 1:na) {
    #if (verbose) print(atts[i])
    la[i] <- length(attr(x,atts[i]))
    attrprec[i] <- switch(tolower(atts[i]),
  attr(x,'quality') <- as.character(attr(x,'quality'))
  if (verbose) print(paste('attributes:', paste(atts, collapse=', '),
                           '; types:',paste(attrprec, collapse=', ')))
  y <- t(coredata(x))
  attributes(y) <- NULL
  y[!is.finite(y)] <- missval
  y <- round((y - offs)/scalf)
  dim(y) <- c(d[2],d[1])
  if (is.null(attr(x,'calendar'))) attr(x,'calendar') <- 'standard'
  if (!is.na(attr(x,'calendar'))) calendar <- attr(x,'calendar') else
                                  calendar <- 'standard'
  if (class(index(x))=='Date') time <- julian(index(x)) - julian(as.Date(torg)) else
  if (inherits(x,'annual'))
    time <- julian(as.Date(paste(year(x),'01-01',sep='-')))-julian(as.Date(torg))
# Attributes with same number of elements as stations are saved as variables
# Define the dimensions
  if (verbose) print('define dimensions')
  if (verbose) print(stid(x))
  dimSt <- ncdim_def( "stid", "number", as.numeric(stid(x)),longname='station_number')
  dimTi <- ncdim_def( "time", paste("days since",torg), time, calendar=calendar )
  if (verbose) print('define variable')
  ncvar <- ncvar_def(varid(x)[1],unit(x)[1], list(dimSt,dimTi),missval=missval,
                     attr(x,'longname')[1], prec=prec)

  if (verbose) print(paste('create netCDF-file',file))
  ncid <- nc_create(file,ncvar)
  if (verbose) {str(y); print(summary(c(y)))}
  ncvar_put( ncid, ncvar, y)
  ncatt_put( ncid, ncvar, 'add_offset',offs,prec='float')
  ncatt_put( ncid, ncvar, 'scale_factor',scalf,prec='float')
  ncatt_put( ncid, ncvar, 'missing_value',missval,prec='float')
  ncatt_put( ncid, ncvar, 'location',paste(loc(x),collapse=", "),prec='character')
  ncatt_put( ncid, ncvar, 'country',paste(cntr(x),collapse=", "),prec='character')
  if (verbose) print('save attributes')
  for (i in 1:na) {
    if ( (la[i]==d[2]) & !is.na(attr(x,atts[i])[1]) ){
      if (verbose) print(paste(atts[i],attrprec[i],sep=': '))
      ncatt_put( ncid, ncvar, atts[i], attr(x,atts[i]), prec=attrprec[i] )
  # global attributes:
  if (verbose) print('save global attributes')
  for (i in 1:na) {
    if (la[i]!=d[2]) {
      if (verbose) print(paste(atts[i],attrprec[i],sep=': '))
      ncatt_put( ncid, 0, atts[i], attr(x,atts[i]), prec=attrprec[i] )

  if (verbose) print('close')
metno/esd.test documentation built on May 22, 2019, 7:49 p.m.