
Defines functions as.station.mvcomb

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
as.station.mvcomb <- function(x,...,is=NULL,ip=NULL,anomaly=FALSE,
			      what='pca',verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("as.station.mvcomb")
  if (inherits(x,'pca')) {
    if (inherits(x,'ds')) class(x) <- class(x)[-1]
    pca <- x
    cls <- class(pca)
    ## REB 2016-11-03
    ## If there is only one single station, avoid collapse of dimension
    if (is.null(dim(attr(pca,'pattern')))) {
      dim(attr(pca,'pattern')) <- c(1,length(attr(pca,'pattern')))
    U <- attr(pca,'pattern')
    W <- attr(pca,'eigenvalues')
    d <- dim(U)
    if (what=='pca') V <- coredata(pca) else if (what=='xval') {
      if (verbose) print('Retrieve the cross-validation data')
      V <- coredata(attr(x,'evaluation')[,seq(2,dim(attr(x,'evaluation'))[2],by=2)])
    } else if (what=='test') {
      if (verbose) print('Retrieve the cross-validation observations')
      V <- coredata(attr(x,'evaluation')[,seq(1,dim(attr(x,'evaluation'))[2]-1,by=2)])
    V[!is.finite(V)] <- 0
    if (!is.null(ip)) {
      dU <- dim(U)
      dV <- dim(V)
      U <- U[,ip]
      W <- W[ip]
      V <- V[,ip]
      dim(U) <- c(dU[1], length(ip))
      dim(V) <- c(dV[1], length(ip))
    if (verbose) {str(U); str(W); str(V)}
    if(length(W)>1) diag.W <- diag(W) else diag.W <- W
    x <- U %*% diag.W %*% t(V)
    if (verbose) str(x)
    if (verbose) print(paste('anomaly=',anomaly))
    if (!anomaly) {
      x <- x + c(attr(pca,'mean'))
    x <- zoo(t(x),order.by=index(pca))
    if (anomaly) {
      attr(x,'aspect') <- 'anomaly' 
    } else {
      attr(x,'aspect') <- 'original'
    #  attr(x,'call') <- match.call()
    #  class(x) <- class(pca)[-1]
    if (verbose) print(attr(pca,'location'))
    names(x) <- attr(pca,'location') # AM 30.07.2013 added
    x <- attrcp(attr(pca,'station'),x)
    # REB 2014-10-27: if the object is DS-results, then look for
    # cross-validation
    if (!is.null(attr(pca,'evaluation'))) {
      if (verbose) print('include evaluation')
      cval <- attr(pca,'evaluation')
      d.cval <- dim(cval)
      V.x <- coredata(cval)
      # The evaluation data are stored as the original calibration
      # predictand followed by the prediction, i.e. station 1,1,2,2,3,3
      if (is.null(ip)) {
        ii1 <- seq(1,d.cval[2]-1,by=2)
        ii2 <- seq(2,d.cval[2],by=2)
      } else {
        ii1 <- ip*2-1#seq(1,d.cval[2]-1,by=2) ip = [1,2,3]
        ii2 <- ip*2#seq(2,d.cval[2],by=2)
      # Recover the station data from the original data x and the
      # cross-validation prediction z
      # seperately using the same spatial PCA pattern and eigenvalues:
      x.cvalx <- U %*% diag.W %*% t(V.x[,ii1])
      x.cvalz <- U %*% diag.W %*% t(V.x[,ii2])
      # Combine the two together and then sort so that the prediction
      # of the first station follows the observation
      # from the first station:
      ii <- order(seq(1,d.cval[1],by=1),seq(1,d.cval[1],by=1)+0.5)
      x.cval <- rbind(x.cvalx,x.cvalz)[,ii]
      mpca <- c(attr(pca,'mean'))
      jj <- order(c(1:length(mpca),1:length(mpca)+0.5))
      if (!anomaly) x.cval <- x.cval + rep(mpca,2)[jj]
      if (anomaly) {
        attr(x.cval,'aspect') <- 'anomaly' 
      } else {
        attr(x.cval,'aspect') <- 'original'
      attr(x,'evaluation') <- zoo(t(x.cval),order.by=index(cval)) 
    ## REB 2016-05-09: if the object is DS-results, then look for
    ## common EOFs
    if (!is.null(attr(pca,'n.apps'))) {
      if (verbose) print(paste('include',attr(pca,'n.apps')))
      for (i.app in 1:attr(pca,'n.apps')) {
        cval <- attr(pca,paste('appendix.',i.app,sep=''))
        d.cval <- dim(cval)
        V.x <- coredata(cval)
        if(!is.null(ip)) {
          V.x <- V.x[,ip,]
        x.cval <-U %*% diag.W %*% t(V.x)
        mpca <- c(attr(pca,'mean'))
        if (!anomaly) x.cval <- x.cval + mpca
        if (anomaly) {
          attr(x.cval,'aspect') <- 'anomaly' 
        } else {
          attr(x.cval,'aspect') <- 'original'
        attr(x,paste('appendix.',i.app,sep='')) <- zoo(t(x.cval),order.by=index(cval))
    #nattr <- softattr(pca)
    #for (i in 1:length(nattr))
    #  attr(x,nattr[i]) <- attr(pca,nattr[i])
    # Add meta data as attributes:
    attr(x,'variable') <- attr(pca,'variable')
    attr(x,'longname') <- attr(pca,'longname')
    attr(x,'unit') <- attr(pca,'unit')
    attr(x,'station_id') <- attr(pca,'station_id')
    attr(x,'location') <- attr(pca,'location')
    attr(x,'longitude') <- attr(pca,'longitude')
    attr(x,'latitude') <- attr(pca,'latitude')
    attr(x,'altitude') <- attr(pca,'altitude')
    attr(x,'country') <- attr(pca,'country')
    attr(x,'quality') <- attr(pca,'quality')
    attr(x,'history') <- history.stamp(pca)
    class(x) <- cls[-1]
    if(!is.null(is)) x <- subset(x, is=is)
    if (verbose) print(class(x))
    if (verbose) print("exit pca2station")
  } else {
    warning(paste("Don't know how to apply as.station to object of class",
                  class(x), collapse=","))
metno/esd documentation built on April 29, 2024, 3:34 p.m.