

describe("logrrr works", {
  it("can be initialized with defaults", {
    lgr <- Logrrr$new()
    lgr_output <- lgr$outputs[[1]]
    expect_true(inherits(lgr_output, "LogOutput"))
    expect_true(!is.null(lgr$log_level) && is.numeric(lgr$log_level))
    expect_true(lgr$log_level > 0)
  it("can set the log level", {
    lgr <- Logrrr$new()
    warn_lvl <- lgr$log_level
    info_lvl <- lgr$log_level
    expect_true(warn_lvl > info_lvl)
  it("can send messages to a connection, with default values", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    lgr$info("a message")
    lgr$warn("a message")
    expect_true(length(outputstream) == 2) # each message is a string
    expect_true(grepl("INFO", outputstream[[1]]))
    expect_true(grepl("WARN", outputstream[[2]]))
    expect_match(outputstream[[1]], "time")

  it("will suppress color ansi characters to output", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    lgrnc <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(format_func = TextFormatter(no_color = TRUE), output = outcon))
    lgr$info("a message")
    lgrnc$info("a message")
    expect_equal(length(outputstream), 2) # each message is a string
    expect_true(outputstream[[1]] != outputstream[[2]])
    expect_equal(substr(outputstream[[1]], 1, 9), "\033[34mINFO")
    expect_equal(substr(outputstream[[2]], 1, 9), "INFO: a m")
  it("will only log messages greater than a particular log level", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    lgr$info("a message")
    lgr$debug("a debug message")
    os_info <- outputstream
    expect_equal(length(os_info), 1) # no debug
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    lgr$info("a message")
    lgr$debug("a debug message")
    os_debug <- outputstream
    expect_equal(length(os_debug), 2)
    expect_equal(os_info, os_debug[[1]])
  it("can write to multiple outputs", {
    outcon1 <- textConnection("outputstream1", "w")
    outcon2 <- textConnection("outputstream2", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = list(o1 = LogOutput$new(output = outcon1), o2 = LogOutput$new(output = outcon2)))
    lgr$info("a message")
    expect_equal(length(outputstream1), 1)
    expect_equal(length(outputstream2), 1)
    expect_match(outputstream1, "INFO")
    expect_match(outputstream2, "a message")
    expect_equal(outputstream1, outputstream2)
  it("can log different levels", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(log_level = "TRACE", LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    lgr$trace("trace msg")
    lgr$debug("debug msg")
    lgr$info("info msg")
    lgr$warn("warn msg")
    expect_error(lgr$error("error msg"), "error msg")

    expect_match(outputstream[[1]], "trace")
    expect_match(outputstream[[2]], "debug")
    expect_match(outputstream[[3]], "info")
    expect_match(outputstream[[4]], "warn")
    expect_match(outputstream[[5]], "error")
  it("is chainable", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(log_level = "TRACE", LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    try(lgr$trace('trace')$debug('debug')$info('info')$warn('warn')$error('error'), silent = TRUE)
    expect_equal(length(outputstream), 5)

    # should not log to levels below
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(log_level = "INFO", LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    try(lgr$trace('trace')$debug('debug')$info('info')$warn('warn')$error('error'), silent = TRUE)
    expect_equal(length(outputstream), 3)

    # should not log to levels below
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(log_level = "FATAL", LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    try(lgr$trace('trace')$debug('debug')$info('info')$warn('warn')$error('error'), silent = TRUE)
    expect_equal(length(outputstream), 0)
  it("can persist entries for all subsequent messages", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(output = outcon, format_func = TextFormatter(no_color = TRUE)))
    lgr$set_fields(user = "devin")
    lgr$info("a nice message")
    lgr$warn("a scary warning")
    expect_match(outputstream[[1]], "user=devin")
    expect_match(outputstream[[2]], "user=devin")

  it("can add additional persistent entries", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(output = outcon, format_func = TextFormatter(no_color = TRUE)))
    lgr$set_fields(user = "devin")
    lgr$info("a nice message")
    lgr$set_fields(other = "another")
    lgr$warn("a scary warning")
    lgr$set_fields(other = NULL)
    lgr$warn("a final warning")
    expect_match(outputstream[[1]], "user=devin")
    # user=devin should still exist even as another field gets added
    expect_match(outputstream[[2]], "user=devin")
    expect_match(outputstream[[2]], "other=another")
    expect_match(outputstream[[3]], "user=devin")
    # no expect_nomatch so using the same detection pattern as expect_match
    expect_false(grepl("other=another", outputstream[[3]], fixed = TRUE))
  it("should color additional entries as well", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(output = outcon))
    lgr$set_fields(user = "devin")
    lgr$info("a nice message")
    lgr$warn("a scary warning")
    expect_match(outputstream[[1]], "\033[34muser\033[39m=devin", fixed = TRUE)
    expect_match(outputstream[[2]], "\033[33muser\033[39m=devin", fixed = TRUE)
  it("can set an entries for a single message", {
    outcon <- textConnection("outputstream", "w")
    lgr <- Logrrr$new(outputs = LogOutput$new(output = outcon, format_func = TextFormatter(no_color = TRUE)))
    lgr$with_fields(sim_status = "started")$info("start sim")
    lgr$warn("some other warning")
    expect_true(grepl("sim_status=started", outputstream[[1]]))
    expect_false(grepl("sim_status=started", outputstream[[2]]))
  it("logs json messages to a file that can be read back in line by line", {
    tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
    lgrf <- Logrrr$new(output = list(file = LogOutput$new(format_func = JSONFormatter(), output = tmpfile)))
    lgrf$info("a first message")
    lgrf$with_fields(user = "devin")$warn("a warning")
    loglines <- readLines(tmpfile)
    expect_equal(length(loglines), 2)
    expect_equal(jsonlite::fromJSON(loglines[[2]])$user, "devin")

metrumresearchgroup/logrrr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:20 p.m.