
Defines functions valid_file_notes_fun form_file_notes tpt_notes mini_notes is.noteconfig noteconf tab_files tab_notes

Documented in noteconf tab_notes

#' Form table notes
#' @inheritParams stable
#' @param note_config a [noteconf()] object used to configure how table notes
#' are displayed; see also [st_noteconf()].
#' @param r_file the name of the R file containing code to generate the table;
#' the file name will be included in the notes in the table footer; see also
#' [st_files()].
#' @param r_file_label a prefix for `r_file`.
#' @param output_file the name of the output file where the table text will be
#' saved; the file name will be included in the notes in the table footer; see
#' also [st_files()].
#' @param output_file_label a prefix for `output_file`.
#' @param output_dir directory location where output `.tex` file is saved;
#' defaults to working directory.
#' @param path.type whether to include the path to the output file in the
#' table notes and how to format it; options include "none", "proj", and
#' "raw"; see [pmtables::format_table_path()].
#' @param ... not used.
#' @examples
#' tab <- stable(
#'   stdata(),
#'   note_config = noteconf(type = "mini")
#' )
tab_notes <- function(notes = character(0), escape_fun = tab_escape,
                      note_config = noteconf(type = "tpt"),
                      r_file = getOption("mrg.script", NULL),
                      r_file_label = "Source code: ",
                      output_file = NULL,
                      output_file_label = "Source file: ",
                      output_dir = getOption("pmtables.dir"),
                      path.type = getOption("pmtables.path.type", "none"),
                      ...) {


  file_info <- tab_files(output_file, output_dir, r_file,
                         r_file_label, output_file_label,
                         path.type = path.type)

  notes <- c(notes, file_info$file_notes)

  if(note_config$sanitize) {
    assert_that(is.character(notes) || is.null(notes))
    notes <- escape_fun(notes, escape = note_config$escape)

  m_notes <- t_notes <- NULL

  if(length(notes) > 0) {
    if(note_config$tpt) {
      t_notes <- tpt_notes(notes, note_config)
    } else {
      m_notes <- mini_notes(notes, note_config)

  # END notes --------------------------------------------------
  out <- list(
    m_notes = m_notes, t_notes = t_notes, config = note_config,
    notes = notes
  c(out, file_info)

# Defaults for `output_file` and `output_dir` are provided by
# `tab_notes()`
tab_files <- function(output_file, output_dir, r_file = NULL,
                      r_file_label = NULL, output_file_label = NULL,
                      path.type = "none") {
  output_path <- output_note <-  NULL
  stable_file_locked <- NULL
  if(is.character(output_file)) {
    if(dirname(output_file) != ".") {
      output_dir <- dirname(output_file)
      output_file <- basename(output_file)
      stable_file_locked <- TRUE
    output_note <- format_table_path(
      file = output_file,
      dir = output_dir,
      path.type = path.type
  if(is.character(output_dir)) {
    output_path <- normalizePath(output_dir, mustWork = FALSE)
    if(is.character(output_file)) {
      output_file <- file.path(output_path, output_file)
      stable_file_locked <- TRUE
  notes <- form_file_notes(
    output_file = output_note,

    file_notes = notes, # Notes entries for r and output files
    r_file = r_file, # Name of the R file
    output_file = output_file, # Full path to output file
    output_note = output_note, # Output file, formatted
    output_dir = output_dir, # Output file path
    stable_file_locked = stable_file_locked # Has the path been locked?

#' Configure table notes
#' @param width the width (as fraction of linewidth) is `minipage` notes
#' @param type put table notes in either the `tablenotes` section of
#' threeparttable (`tpt`) or in a minipage below the table (`minipage`)
#' @param hline where to include horizontal lines
#' @param table_skip vertical space (`cm`) between the last row of the table
#' and the hline (if any) at the top of the table notes
#' @param note_skip vertical space (`cm`) between the top hline of the table
#' notes and the first note line
#' @param hline_pt the point size for hlines
#' @param sanitize if `TRUE`, notes will be sanitized
#' @param escape vector of characters to escape in notes
#' @export
noteconf <- function(width = 0.8,
                     type = c("tpt", "minipage"),
                     hline = c("top", "bottom", "both", "none"),
                     table_skip = 0.67, note_skip = 0.02,
                     hline_pt = 0.4, sanitize = TRUE, escape = "_") {

  hline <- match.arg(hline)

  hline1 <- all(hline %in% c("top",    "both"), hline != "none")
  hline2 <- all(hline %in% c("bottom", "both"), hline != "none")

  type <- match.arg(type)


  ans <- list(
    width = width,
    hline_pt = hline_pt,
    table_skip = table_skip,
    note_skip = note_skip,
    hline = hline,
    type = type,
    tpt = type == "tpt",
    hline1 = hline1,
    hline2 = hline2,
    escape = escape,
    sanitize = isTRUE(sanitize)
  structure(ans, class = "noteconfig")

is.noteconfig <- function(x) inherits(x, "noteconfig")

mini_notes <- function(notes, x) {
  hline1 <- hline2 <- c(
    paste0("\\rule{", 1, "\\linewidth}{",x$hline_pt, "pt}")
  tskip <- paste0("\\vspace{", x$table_skip, "cm}")
  nskip <- paste0("\\vspace{", x$note_skip,  "cm}")
  if(!x$hline1) {
    hline1 <- NULL
  if(!x$hline2) {
    hline2 <- NULL
  notes <- paste(notes, "\\newline")
  out <- c(
    " ",
    " ",

tpt_notes <- function(notes,x) {
  note_sp <- force(x$note_sp)
    paste0("\\item ", notes),

form_file_notes <- function(r_file, r_file_label, output_file,
                            output_file_label, ...) {
  r_note <- output_note <- NULL
  if(is.character(r_file)) {
    r_note <- paste0(r_file_label, r_file)
  if(is.character(output_file)) {
    output_note <- paste0(output_file_label, output_file)
  c(r_note, output_note)

valid_file_notes_fun <- function(x) {
  identical(formals(x), formals(form_file_notes))
metrumresearchgroup/pmtables documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 5:40 p.m.