
Defines functions .postSimMLP .postSim1LP postSim

Documented in postSim

#' Posterior simulation from a GAM object
#' @description This method can be used to simulate vectors of responses from the 
#'              Gaussian posterior approximation of a gamObject.
#' @param o the output of a \code{gam()} or \code{bam()} call.
#' @param nsim the number of simulated vectors of responses. A positive integer.
#' @param newdata Optional new data frame used to perform the simulations. To be passed to \link{predict.gam}.
#' @param trans function used to transform or summarize each vector of simulated responses. 
#'              It must take a vector as argument, but it can output a vector or a scalar.
#'              Potentially useful for saving storage (e.g. by transforming each simulated vector
#'              to a scalar). If left to \code{NULL} then \code{trans = identity} will be used.
#' @param method the method used for the simulation of responses. See \link{simulate.gam}.
#' @param w vector of prior weights of each response. See \link{simulate.gam}. 
#' @param offset numeric vector of offsets. For GAMs with multiple linear predictor (see eg \link{gaulss}) it
#'               must be a list of vectors. If \code{newdata!=NULL} the offsets will be assumed to be zero, 
#'               unless their are explicitly provided. If \code{newdata==NULL} the simulations will use the 
#'               offsets used during model fitting, unless offset is explicitly provided. 
#' @param savePar if \code{TRUE} than also the simulated parameters will be returned.
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to \link{vcov.gam}.
#' @return If \code{savePar == FALSE} the function will return a matrix where each column is a vector of 
#'         simulated responses or a transformed version of it. If \code{savePar == TRUE} it will return
#'         a list where the \code{$simY} entry will contain the simulated responses and \code{$simBeta}
#'         the simulated parameters.
#' @examples 
#' library(mgcViz)
#' library(MASS)
#' b <- gam(accel~s(times, k=20), data=mcycle)
#' # Simulate list of 10 vectors of responses from posterior, taking into
#' # account smoothing parameters uncertainty (see ?vcov.gam)
#' n <- 10
#' sim <- postSim(o = b, nsim = n, unconditional = TRUE)
#' # Posterior simulations in grey and data in red
#' plot(rep(mcycle$times, n), as.vector(sim), col = "grey", 
#'      ylab = "Acceleration", xlab = "Times")
#' points(mcycle$times, mcycle$accel, col = 2)
#' # There is clear disagreement between simulations' and data's 
#' # conditional variance, which can be solved using flexible GAMLSS model:
#' b <- gam(list(accel~s(times, k=20), ~s(times)), data=mcycle, family = gaulss)
#' sim <- postSim(o = b, nsim = n)
#' plot(rep(mcycle$times, n), as.vector(sim), col = "grey", 
#'      ylab = "Acceleration", xlab = "Times")
#' points(mcycle$times, mcycle$accel, col = 2)
#' @importFrom plyr rlply laply
#' @importFrom mgcv rmvn
#' @importFrom stats coef vcov
#' @export postSim
postSim <- function(o, nsim, newdata, trans = NULL, method = "auto", 
                    w = NULL, offset = NULL, savePar = FALSE, ...)
  if( is.null(o$sig2) ){ o$sig2 <- summary(o)$dispersion }
  if( is.null(trans) ) { trans <- identity }
  # Get mean linear predictor
  muHat <- predict(o, type = "link", newdata = newdata)
  X <- predict(o, type = "lpmatrix", newdata = newdata)
  n <- nrow( as.matrix(muHat) )
  # Get coefficients and their covariance matrix
  cf <- coef(o) 
  V <- vcov(o, ...)
  if( is.null(w)  ){
    if( missing(newdata) ){ w <- o$prior.weights } else { w <- rep(1, n) }
  # Get inverse link and determine offsets
  if( is.null(attr(X, "lpi")) ){ # Single linear predictor case
    out <- .postSim1LP(o = o, X = X, cf = cf, V = V, n = n, muHat = muHat, 
                       nsim = nsim, w = w, method = method, trans = trans, offset = offset, 
                       newdata = newdata, savePar = savePar)
  } else { # Multiple linear predictor case
    out <- .postSimMLP(o = o, X = X, cf = cf, V = V, n = n, muHat = muHat, 
                       nsim = nsim, w = w, method = method, trans = trans, offset = offset, 
                       newdata = newdata, savePar = savePar)
  # We want nsim columns and number of rows depending on trans() 
  if( is.vector(out[["simY"]][[1]]) ) {
    if(nsim > 1){
      out[["simY"]] <- do.call("cbind", out[["simY"]])
    out[["simY"]] <- as.matrix( out[["simY"]] ) 

  if( !savePar ) { out <- out[["simY"]] }
  return( out )

######### Internal function for single linear predictor case
.postSim1LP <- function(o, X, cf, V, n, muHat, nsim, w, method, trans, offset, newdata, savePar){
  lnki <- o$family$linkinv   # Get inverse link function
  # Deal with the offset
  if( !is.null(offset) ){ # User provided offset: nothing to do
    offI <- offset
  } else { 
    offI <- numeric( n )                # Default offset is zero
    if( !is.null(attr(X, "model.offset")) ){  # Original fit included offset
      if( missing(newdata) ){                 # We re-calculate it using original data
        offset <- muHat - drop(X %*% cf)
      } else {                                # If we are using new data we need the user
        message("NB no offset provided")      # to provide the offset
  simBeta <- NULL
  if( savePar ){
    simBeta <- as.matrix( mgcv::rmvn(nsim, cf, V) )
    if(nsim > 1) { simBeta <- t( simBeta ) }
  # Simulate a vector of responses for each vector of coefficients, and transform it using trans()
  simY <- llply(1:nsim,
                  beta <- if( savePar ) { simBeta[ , ii, drop = TRUE] } else { rmvn(1, cf, V) }
                  mu <- lnki( X %*% beta + offI )
                  # Simulated and transform
                  unname(drop(.simulate.gam(mu = mu, w = w, sig = o$sig2, method = method, 
                                           fam = o$family, nsim = 1, u = NULL, trans = trans)))
  return( list("simY" = unname(simY), "simBeta" = unname(simBeta)) )

######### Internal function for multiple linear predictors case
.postSimMLP <- function(o, X, cf, V, n, muHat, nsim, w, method, trans, offset, newdata, savePar){
  lpi <- attr(X, "lpi")
  nte <- length(lpi)                                 
  lnki <- lapply(o$family$linfo, "[[", "linkinv")  # Get inverse link function
  # Deal with the offset
  if( !is.null(offset) ){ # User provided offset: nothing to do
    offI <- offset
  } else { 
    offI <- rlply(nte, { numeric(n) })  # Default offset is zero
    if( !is.null(attr(X, "model.offset")) ){  # Original fit included offset
      if( missing(newdata) ){                 # We re-calculate it for each term using original data
        offset <- lapply(1:nte, 
                           drop(muHat[ , .ii] - X[ , lpi[[.ii]], drop = FALSE] %*% cf[lpi[[.ii]]])
      } else {                                # If we are using new data we need the user
        message("NB no offset provided")      # to provide the offset
  simBeta <- NULL
  if( savePar ){
    simBeta <- rmvn(nsim, cf, V)
  # Simulate a vector of responses for each vector of coefficients, and transform it using trans()
  simY <- llply(1:nsim,  
                  beta <- if( savePar ) { simBeta[ii, , drop = TRUE] } else { rmvn(1, cf, V) }
                  mu <- t( laply(1:nte, # Need to do it term by term
                                   lnki[[.ii]]( X[ , lpi[[.ii]], drop = FALSE] %*% beta[lpi[[.ii]]] + offI[[.ii]] )
                                 }) )
                  # Simulated and transform
                  unname(drop(.simulate.gam(mu = mu, w = w, sig = o$sig2, method = method, 
                                           fam = o$family, nsim = 1, u = NULL, trans = trans) ))
  return( list("simY" = unname(simY), "simBeta" = unname(simBeta)) )

mfasiolo/mgcViz documentation built on April 19, 2024, 8:16 a.m.