# #
# #
# An R package for statistical in-line quality control. #
# #
# Written by: Miguel A. Flores Sanchez #
# Professor of the Mathematics Department #
# Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Ecuador #
# miguel.flores@epn.edu.ec #
# #
# t2 chart
##' Function to plot t2 Hotelling chart
##' This function is used to compute statistics required by the t2 of HOTELLING
##' or Shewhart Multivariate chart.
##' @param x An object of class 'mqcd'
##' @param ... Arguments passed to or from methods.
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link{mqcd}}, \code{\link{mqcs}}
##' @export
## @references Montgomery, D.C. (2000)
##' @examples
##' ##
##' ## Continuous data
##' ##
##' library(qcr)
##' data(dowel1)
##' str(dowel1)
##' data.mqcd <- mqcd(dowel1)
##' res.mqcs <- mqcs.t2(data.mqcd)
##' summary(res.mqcs)
##' plot(res.mqcs, title =" Hotelling Control Chart for dowel1")
##' data(archery1)
##' str(archery1)
##' data.mqcd <- mqcd(archery1)
##' res.mqcs <- mqcs.t2(data.mqcd)
##' summary(res.mqcs)
##' plot(res.mqcs, title =" Hotelling Control Chart for archery1")
mqcs.t2 <- function(x, ...) {
##' @rdname mqcs.t2
##' @method mqcs.t2 default
##' @inheritParams mqcd
##' @param limits A two-values vector specifying the control limits.
##' @param Xmv The mean vector. It is only specified for Phase II or when
##' the parameters of the distribution are known.
##' @param S The sample covariance matrix. It is only used for Phase II or
##' when the parameters of the distribution are known.
##' @param colm The number of samples (m) and it is only used in Hotelling
##' control chart for Phase II.
##' @param alpha It is the the significance level (0.01 for default)
##' @param phase Allows to select the type of UCL to use. Only values of phase = 1 or 2 are allowed.
##' @param method The method employed to compute the covariance matrix
##' in the individual observation case. Two methods are used "sw"
##' for compute according to (Sullivan,Woodall 1996a) and "hm"
##' by (Holmes,Mergen 1993)
##' @param plot Logical value. If \code{TRUE} a t2 chart should be plotted.
##' @author Edgar Santos-Fernandez
##' @export
mqcs.t2.default <- function(x, data.name = NULL, limits = NULL, Xmv = NULL, S = NULL,
colm = NULL, alpha = 0.01,
phase = 1, method = "sw", plot = FALSE, ...)
obj<-mqcd(data= x, data.name = data.name)
result<-mqcs.t2.mqcd(x = obj, data.name = data.name, limits = NULL, Xmv = Xmv,
S = S, colm = colm, alpha = alpha,
phase = phase, method = method, plot = plot, ...)
} # mqcs.t2.default
##' @rdname mqcs.t2
##' @method mqcs.t2 mqcd
##' @inheritParams mqcs.t2.default
##' @export
#x <- mqcd(datos2)
#alpha <- 0.00135
mqcs.t2.mqcd <- function(x, limits = NULL, Xmv = NULL, S = NULL, colm = NULL,
alpha = 0.01,
phase = 1, method = "sw", plot = FALSE, ...)
if(is.null(x) || !inherits(x, "mqcd"))
stop("data must be an objects of class (or extending) 'mqcd'")
# if(!missing(Xmv))(phase <- 2)
mqcs<-mqcs(x, method)
if(is.null(Xmv)) Xmv <- mqcs$mean
if(is.null(S)) S <- mqcs$S
if(is.null(colm)) colm <- nrow(x)
x.jk <- mqcs$mean.jk
p <- ncol(x) # quality characteristics
m <- nrow(x) # number of samples or observations
n <- dim(x)[3] # observations or sample size
statistics <- matrix(0,m,1)
for (ii in 1 : m){
statistics[ii,1] <- n * t(x.jk[ii,] - Xmv) %*% solve(S) %*% (x.jk[ii,] - Xmv)
if (is.null(limits)){
ifelse(n == 1, ifelse(phase == 1,
ucl <- ((colm - 1) ^ 2) / colm * qbeta(1 - alpha,p / 2,(((2 * (colm - 1) ^ 2) / (3 * colm - 4) - p - 1) / 2)),
ucl<-((p * (colm + 1) * (colm - 1)) / ((colm ^ 2) - colm * p)) * qf(1 - alpha,p,colm - p)),
ifelse(phase == 1,
ucl <- (p * (colm - 1) * (n - 1)) / (colm * n - colm - p + 1) * qf(1 - alpha,p,colm * n - colm - p + 1),
ucl <- (p * (colm + 1) * (n - 1)) / (colm * n - colm - p + 1) * qf(1 - alpha,p,colm * n - colm - p + 1))
limits <- c(lcl = 0, ucl = ucl)
violations <- which(statistics > limits[2])
data.name <- attr(x, "data.name")
result <- list(mqcd = x, type = "t2", statistics = statistics,
mean = Xmv, S = S, alpha = alpha,
limits = limits, data.name = data.name,
violations = violations)
oldClass(result) <- c("mqcs.t2", "mqcs")
if(plot) plot(result, ...)
} # mqcs.t2.mqcd
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