
Defines functions mutations random_sequences

Documented in mutations random_sequences

# BiostringsTools - Interfaces to several sequence alignment and
# classification tools
# Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Hahsler and Anurag Nagar
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

### create random sequences

random_sequences <- function(len, number = 1, prob = NULL,
                             type = c("DNA", "RNA", "AA")) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    alpha <- switch(type,
        DNA = Biostrings::DNA_BASES,
        RNA = Biostrings::RNA_BASES,
        AA = AA_ALPHABET[1:20]

    # .rand_string <- function(...) stop("No sequence creator selected.")

    if (is.null(prob)) {
        .rand_string <- function(len, prob, alpha) {
            c2s(sample(alpha, len,
                replace = TRUE,
                prob = prob
    } else { ### with specified probabilities
        if (is.matrix(prob)) { ### transition matrix
            # prob <- oligonucleotideTransitions(seqs, as.prob=TRUE)

            if (!all(sort((rownames(prob))) == sort(alpha)) ||
                !all(sort((colnames(prob))) == sort(alpha))) {
                    "Illegal or missing names in transition matrix.\n",
                    "Expecting values for", paste(alpha, collapse = ", ")

            prob <- prob[alpha, alpha]

            .rand_string <- function(len, prob, alpha) {
                s <- character(len)
                s[1L] <- sample(alpha, 1L, prob = colMeans(prob))

                for (i in 2:len) s[i] <- sample(alpha, 1L, prob = prob[s[i - 1L], ])

        } else { ### vector with letter frequencies
            names(prob) <- toupper(names(prob))
            prob <- prob[alpha]
            if (any(is.na(prob))) {
                    "Illegal or missing names in probability vector.\n",
                    "Expecting values for", paste(alpha, collapse = ", ")

            .rand_string <- function(len, prob, alpha) {
                c2s(sample(alpha, len,
                    replace = TRUE,
                    prob = prob

    s <- switch(type,
        DNA = DNAStringSet(replicate(number, .rand_string(len, prob, Biostrings::DNA_BASES))),
        RNA = RNAStringSet(replicate(number, .rand_string(len, prob, Biostrings::RNA_BASES))),
        AA = AAStringSet(replicate(number, .rand_string(len, prob, Biostrings::AA_ALPHABET[1:20])))

    names(s) <- 1:length(s)

mutations <- function(x, number = 1, change = 0.01, insertion = 0.01,
                      deletion = 0.01, prob = NULL) {
    if (inherits(x, "XStringSet") && length(x) != 1) stop("x has to be a single sequence!")
    if (inherits(x, "XStringSet")) {
        name <- paste(names(x[1]), "_", sep = "")
        x <- x[[1]]
    } else {
        name <- ""

    alpha <- alphabet(x, baseOnly = TRUE)
    xs <- s2c(as.character(x))
    n <- length(xs)

    ### estimate letter frequencies or use given probabilities
    if (is.null(prob)) {
        prob <- letterFrequency(x, letters = alphabet(x, baseOnly = TRUE), as.prob = TRUE)
    } else {
        names(prob) <- toupper(names(prob))
        prob <- prob[alpha]
        if (any(is.na(prob))) stop("illegal or missing names in prob.")

    .mut <- function(xs, change, insertion, deletion, prob) {
        ### change
        if (change > 0) {
            m <- which(runif(n) < change)
            # xs[m] <- sample(alpha, sum(m), replace=TRUE, prob=prob)
            ### this correctd for equal base exchange
            while (length(m) > 0) {
                newLetters <- sample(alpha, length(m), replace = TRUE, prob = prob)
                oldM <- m
                m <- m[xs[m] == newLetters]
                xs[oldM] <- newLetters

        ### deletion
        if (deletion > 0) {
            keep <- which(runif(n) > deletion)
            xs <- xs[keep]

        ### insertion
        if (insertion > 0) {
            ni <- rbinom(1, n, insertion)
            for (i in 1:ni) {
                pos <- sample(0:length(xs), 1)
                if (pos == 0) {
                    xs <- c(sample(alpha, 1, prob = prob), xs)
                } else if (pos == length(xs)) {
                    xs <- c(xs, sample(alpha, 1, prob = prob))
                } else {
                    xs <- c(
                        xs[1:pos], sample(alpha, 1, prob = prob),
                        xs[(pos + 1L):length(xs)]

    xs <- replicate(number, .mut(xs, change, insertion, deletion, prob),
        simplify = FALSE

    r <- (switch(class(x),
        DNAString = DNAStringSet(lapply(xs, DNAString)),
        RNAString = RNAStringSet(lapply(xs, RNAString)),
        AAString = AAStringSet(lapply(xs, AAString))

    names(r) <- paste(name, 1:length(r), sep = "mutation_")
mhahsler/rMSA documentation built on May 24, 2024, 3:36 p.m.