alignSpectra | Function to align a spectra to a reference spectrum, e.g.... |
bin_Spectra | Function to bin spectra on common bins |
bin_Spectrum | Function to bin a single spectrum (based on MSnbase) |
calculateKendrickMass | Calculate the Kendrick Mass |
calculateKendrickMassDefect | Calculate Kendrick Mass Defect |
calculateNominalKendrickMass | Calculate nominal Kendrick Mass |
calculateRefKendrickMassDefect | Calculate referenced Kendrick Mass Defect |
checkRmkd | Check if RMKD is negative integer |
cleanSpectra | This function is used to clean MS2 spectra in different ways.... |
clean_spectrum | This function is used to clean MS2 spectra in different ways.... |
common_peaks | Calculate common peaks |
commonPeaks | Calculate common peaks |
contains_fragment_diff | This function allows to search for a specific mass difference... |
containsFragmentDifference | This function allows to search for a specific mass difference... |
contains_neutral_loss | This function allows to search for a fragment m/z in MS2... |
containsNeutralLossIon | This function allows to search for a fragment m/z in MS2... |
contains_product_ion | This function allows to search for a specific product ion in... |
containsProductIon | This function allows to search for a specific product ion in... |
createDb | Creation of SQLiteDB |
createMs2Db | This function creates a MS2 library that can be used for MS2... |
create_results_set | Function that calculates scores for a query and a list of... |
createResultsSet | Function that calculates scores for a query and a list of... |
dot-bin_values | binning function (based on MSnbase) |
dot-dotproduct | Helper function to calculate dot product between two... |
dot-fix_breaks | function to fix breaks (based on MSnbase) |
filterIsotopePeaks | This function uses CAMERA to identify isotopes in a mz... |
forward_dotproduct | Calculate forward Dotproduct |
forwardDotProduct | Calculate forward Dotproduct |
ionFormulaSearch | Search by ion formula |
isoPatternSimilarity | Calculate similarity of isotope pattern |
matchMassDiff | Checking for mass diferences |
match_mz_inter | Checking masses from different ion modes |
match_mz_intra | Checking masses from different ion modes |
mzSearch | Performing m/z search |
neutralFormulaSearch | Search by neutral formula |
predictIsoPattern | Prediction of isotope pattern |
prepareCompoundList | Preparation of compound list |
readAnnotatedMgfData | This function allows to read mgf files which contain... |
readGdaFile | This funtion parses a Genedata .gda file and returns three... |
readMassBankFile | Function to read a single MassBank record Inspeired from... |
readMassBankFolder | Function to read a single MassBank record Inspeired from... |
reconstructIsoPattern | Reconstruct isotope pattern from gda files |
reverse_dotproduct | Calculate reverse Dotproduct |
reverseDotProduct | Calculate reverse Dotproduct |
scoreIsoPattern | Function to score isotope pattern |
search_by_precursor | Function to find MS2 spectra in a MS2 library for spectral... |
searchByPrecursor | Function to find MS2 spectra in a MS2 library for spectral... |
validateCompoundList | Validation of compound list |
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