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View source: R/MS1_AdductDbCreate.R
A compound list that can be used with masstrixR can be generated on the fly. Minimum input is a data frame with the following columns: metabolite id ($id), SMILES ($smiles), InChI ($inchi), InChIKey ($inchikey), formula ($formula) metabolite name ($name) and an exact mass ($exactmass). Furthermore, the adducts that shall be covered in the DB have to be defined. This can be either done by using an list of adducts or supplying a adduct definition for each metabolite with an additiona adduct column ($adducts). If it is intended to perform retetion time and collisional cross section matching columns containing this information are required ($rt and $ccs). In case of CCS matching, individual adduct rules are required since each adduct has a different CCS value. Examples for each input are found in the examples in the vignettes.
1 2 |
compoundList |
List of compounds that shall be added to DB |
adductList |
Vector with adducts that shall be covered in the DB. |
rt |
Boolean value indicating if compound list contains RT data |
ccs |
Boolean value indicating if compound list contains CCS data |
Returns a data frame suitable for upload to a SQLite DB.
Michael Witting,
1 | prepareCompoundList(compoundList, adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"))
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