Man pages for michaelwitting/masstrixR
Annotation of MS based metabolomics data

alignSpectraFunction to align a spectra to a reference spectrum, e.g....
bin_SpectraFunction to bin spectra on common bins
bin_SpectrumFunction to bin a single spectrum (based on MSnbase)
calculateKendrickMassCalculate the Kendrick Mass
calculateKendrickMassDefectCalculate Kendrick Mass Defect
calculateNominalKendrickMassCalculate nominal Kendrick Mass
calculateRefKendrickMassDefectCalculate referenced Kendrick Mass Defect
checkRmkdCheck if RMKD is negative integer
cleanSpectraThis function is used to clean MS2 spectra in different ways....
clean_spectrumThis function is used to clean MS2 spectra in different ways....
common_peaksCalculate common peaks
commonPeaksCalculate common peaks
contains_fragment_diffThis function allows to search for a specific mass difference...
containsFragmentDifferenceThis function allows to search for a specific mass difference...
contains_neutral_lossThis function allows to search for a fragment m/z in MS2...
containsNeutralLossIonThis function allows to search for a fragment m/z in MS2...
contains_product_ionThis function allows to search for a specific product ion in...
containsProductIonThis function allows to search for a specific product ion in...
createDbCreation of SQLiteDB
createMs2DbThis function creates a MS2 library that can be used for MS2...
create_results_setFunction that calculates scores for a query and a list of...
createResultsSetFunction that calculates scores for a query and a list of...
dot-bin_valuesbinning function (based on MSnbase)
dot-dotproductHelper function to calculate dot product between two...
dot-fix_breaksfunction to fix breaks (based on MSnbase)
filterIsotopePeaksThis function uses CAMERA to identify isotopes in a mz...
forward_dotproductCalculate forward Dotproduct
forwardDotProductCalculate forward Dotproduct
ionFormulaSearchSearch by ion formula
isoPatternSimilarityCalculate similarity of isotope pattern
matchMassDiffChecking for mass diferences
match_mz_interChecking masses from different ion modes
match_mz_intraChecking masses from different ion modes
mzSearchPerforming m/z search
neutralFormulaSearchSearch by neutral formula
predictIsoPatternPrediction of isotope pattern
prepareCompoundListPreparation of compound list
readAnnotatedMgfDataThis function allows to read mgf files which contain...
readGdaFileThis funtion parses a Genedata .gda file and returns three...
readMassBankFileFunction to read a single MassBank record Inspeired from...
readMassBankFolderFunction to read a single MassBank record Inspeired from...
reconstructIsoPatternReconstruct isotope pattern from gda files
reverse_dotproductCalculate reverse Dotproduct
reverseDotProductCalculate reverse Dotproduct
scoreIsoPatternFunction to score isotope pattern
search_by_precursorFunction to find MS2 spectra in a MS2 library for spectral...
searchByPrecursorFunction to find MS2 spectra in a MS2 library for spectral...
validateCompoundListValidation of compound list
michaelwitting/masstrixR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 8:12 p.m.