
Defines functions read.atekst.old

#' Parse an atekst .txt file
#' Parses an atekst .txt-file. The function returns a data frame with the headline, paper, date, time, mode (net/print), url, and text for each article.
#' @param file Path to a .txt-file downloaded from atekst. Typically called something like "\code{Utvalgte_dokumenter-100-01.01.2015.txt}".
#' @keywords parse atekst
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' corpus <- read.atekst("Utvalgte_dokumenter-100-01.01.2015.txt")
#' save(corpus, file = "atekst-corpus.RData")
#' }

read.atekst.old <- function(file) {
  file <- readLines(file, skipNul = TRUE, encoding = "latin1", warn = FALSE)
  file <- enc2utf8(file)
  Encoding(file) <- "UTF-8"

  ## Extract each article
  splits <- grep("==============================================================================", file)
  articles <- lapply(0:length(splits), function(x) {
    if (x == 0) {  # for first article
      article <- file[(grep("------------------------------------------------------------------------------", file)[1] - 6):(splits[1] - 1)]
    } else if (x == length(splits)) { # for last
      article <- file[(splits[x] + 2):(length(file) - 1)]
    } else {
      article <- file[(splits[x] + 2):(splits[x + 1] - 1)]

  ## Then parse each article in turn
  allList <- lapply(articles, function(art) {

    ## headline
    headline <- art[grep("------------------------------------------------------------------------------", art) - 2]

    ## paper
    paperLine <- grep(", [0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]", art)[1]
    paper <- sub("(,*),.*", "\\1", art[paperLine])

    ## date/time
    dateRaw <- sub(".*, (.*)", "\\1", art[paperLine])
    dateRaw <- strsplit(dateRaw, " ")[[1]]
    date <- dateRaw[1]
    time <- NA
    if (length(dateRaw) == 2) time <- dateRaw[2]

    ## mode/url
    starting <- grep("Publisert p", art)[1] + 1
    if (grepl("nett", art[starting - 1])) {
      mode <- "net"
      urlLine <- grep("Se webartikkelen p", art)
      url <- sub("Se webartikkelen p. (.*)$", "\\1", art[urlLine[length(urlLine)]])
    } else {
      mode <- "print"
      url <- NA

    ## body text (as "main")
    if (mode == "print") {
      x <- length(art) + 1
    } else {
      x <- urlLine

    foundEnd <- FALSE
    while(!foundEnd) {  # a relatively slow but safe way to find the end of the main text
      x <- x - 1
      if (grepl("[A-Za-z]", art[x])) {
        foundEnd <- TRUE
        if (grepl("Les hele nyheten p", art[x])) foundEnd <- FALSE

    main <- paste(art[starting:(x - 1)], collapse = " ")  # x = last line w/o body text
    main <- gsub("\\s+", " ", main)  # remove multiple spaces
    main <- sub("\\s*|\\s*$", "", main)  # and leading/trailing spaces

    ## Sometimes it carries more than one vector per element, screwing things up
    headline <- as.character(headline)[1]
    paper <- as.character(paper)[1]
    date <- as.character(date)[1]
    time <- as.character(time)[1]
    mode <- as.character(mode)[1]
    url <- as.character(url)[1]
    main <- as.character(main)[1]

    return(data.frame("headline" = headline,
                      "paper" = paper,
                      "date" = date,
                      "time" = time,
                      "mode" = mode,
                      "url" = url,
                      "text" = main))

  out <- do.call("rbind", allList)
  for (var in names(out)) out[, var] <- as.character(out[, var])
mikaelpoul/parseAtekst documentation built on May 22, 2019, 10:51 p.m.