
Defines functions blsAPI

Documented in blsAPI

# blsAPI.R
#' @title Request Data from the U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics API
#' @description Allows users to request data for one or multiple series through the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics API.  Users provide parameters as specified in <\url{https://www.bls.gov/developers/api_signature.htm}> and the function returns a JSON string or data frame.
#' @details See <\url{https://www.bls.gov/developers/}> and <\url{https://www.bls.gov/developers/api_signature.htm}> for more details on the payload.
#' @param payload a string or a list containing data to be sent to the API.
#' @param api_version an integer for which api version you want to use (i.e. 1 for v1, 2 for v2)
#' @param return_data_frame a boolean if you want to the function to return JSON (default) or a data frame. If the data frame option is used, the series id will be added as a column.  This is helpful if multiple series are selected.
#' @keywords bls api economics
#' @export blsAPI
#' @import httr rjson
#' @examples
#' # These examples are taken from <https://www.bls.gov/developers/api_signature.htm>
#' library(rjson)
#' library(blsAPI)
#' # API Version 1.0 R Script Sample Code
#' # Single Series request
#' response <- blsAPI('LAUCN040010000000005')
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Multiple Series
#' payload <- list('seriesid'=c('LAUCN040010000000005','LAUCN040010000000006'))
#' response <- blsAPI(payload)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' # One or More Series, Specifying Years
#' payload <- list(
#'  'seriesid' = c('LAUCN040010000000005','LAUCN040010000000006'),
#'  'startyear'= 2010,
#'  'endyear'  = 2012)
#' response <- blsAPI(payload)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' # API Version 2.0 R Script Sample Code
#' # Single Series
#' response <- blsAPI('LAUCN040010000000005', 2)
#' json     <- fromJSON(response)
#' # Or request a data frame
#' df <- blsAPI('LAUCN040010000000005', 2, TRUE)
#' # Multiple Series
#' payload <- list('seriesid'=c('LAUCN040010000000005','LAUCN040010000000006'))
#' response <- blsAPI(payload, 2)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' # One or More Series with Optional Parameters
#' payload <- list(
#'   'seriesid'=c('LAUCN040010000000005','LAUCN040010000000006'),
#'   'startyear'=2010,
#'   'endyear'=2012,
#'   'catalog'=FALSE,
#'   'calculations'=TRUE,
#'   'annualaverage'=TRUE,
#'   'registrationKey'='995f4e779f204473aa565256e8afe73e')
#' response <- blsAPI(payload, 2)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' }

blsAPI <- function(payload=NA, api_version=1, return_data_frame=FALSE){
  if (class(payload) == "logical"){
    # Payload not defined
    message("blsAPI: No payload specified.")
    # Payload specified so make the request
    api_url <- paste0("https://api.bls.gov/publicAPI/v",
    if (is.list(payload)){
      # Multiple Series or One or More Series, Specifying Years request
      payload <- toJSON(payload)
      m <- regexpr('\\"seriesid\\":\\"[a-zA-Z0-9-]*\\",', payload)
      str <- regmatches(payload, m)
      if (length(str) > 0){
        # wrap single series in []
        replace <- sub(",", "],", sub(":", ":[", str))
        payload <- sub(str, replace, payload)
      response <- httr::POST(url = api_url, body = payload, httr::content_type_json())
      # Single Series request
      response <- httr::GET(url = paste0(api_url, payload))
    # Return the results of the API call
    if (return_data_frame){
      json <- fromJSON(rawToChar(response$content))
      if (json$status != "REQUEST_SUCCEEDED") {
				stop(paste("blsAPI call failed",
				           paste(json$message, collapse = ";"),
      # Iterate over the series
      number_of_series <- length(json$Results$series)
      for (i in 1:number_of_series){
        # Set the default structure of the data frame
        df_start <- data.frame(year = character(),
                               period = character(),
                               periodName = character(),
                               value = character(),
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        # Get the data
        series_data <- json$Results$series[[i]]$data
        # Can get no data after a successful request
        if (length(series_data) > 0) {
          j <- 0
          for (d in series_data) {
            j <- j + 1
            # Remove the footnotes from the list to stop the warnings
            d$footnotes <- NULL
            d$latest <- NULL
            # Add record to the data frame
            df_start[j, ] <- unlist(d)
          # Add in the series id
          df_start$seriesID <- json$Results$series[[i]]$seriesID
        # Create the data frame that will be returned
        if (!exists("df_to_return")){
          # Data frame to return not defined so create it
          df_to_return <- df_start
        else {
          # Append to the existing data frame
          df_to_return <- rbind(df_to_return, df_start)
    else {
      # Return the JSON results
mikeasilva/blsAPI documentation built on May 11, 2023, 4:57 a.m.