
Defines functions HtmlToTagList

# TOKENS <- data_frame(
#   raw = c('="', '">', '"'), #, "'"),   # , "(", ")"),
#   escaped = c("=&QUOT", "&QUOT>", "&quot;") #, "&#039;", "&#40", "&#41")
# )
# EscapeHtmlToTaglist <- function(string) {
#   for (i in seq_along(TOKENS$raw)) {
#     raw <- TOKENS$raw[i]
#     escaped <- TOKENS$escaped[i]
#     string <- gsub(raw, escaped, string, fixed = TRUE)
#   }
#   string
# }
# UnescapeHtmlToTaglist <- function(string) {
#   for (i in rev(seq_along(TOKENS$raw))) {
#     raw <- TOKENS$raw[i]
#     escaped <- TOKENS$escaped[i]
#     string <- gsub(escaped, raw, string, fixed = TRUE)
#   }
#   string
# }

#' @export

  # TODO:  Before we get started, we also need to
  # Remove all comments  <!--   --!>
  # Handle html entities

  # Get rid of line feeds
  escapedHtml <- str_replace_all(rawHtml, fixed("\n"), "")

  # replace empty self closing tags with full tags
  escapedHtml <- str_replace_all(escapedHtml, "<(\\w+)\\s*/>", "<\\1></\\1>")

  # Split our input into tokens based on tags
  SplitHtml <- escapedHtml  %>%
    str_replace_all("<\\/[^>]*>", "~~~@CLOSE~~~") %>%
    str_replace_all("<([^ //>])", "~~~@OPEN_LEFT_\\1") %>%
    str_replace_all(">", "~~~@OPEN_RIGHT~~~") %>%
  TagCodeList <- SplitHtml[[1]]

  # Get rid of any empty items in our split list
  TagCodeList <- TagCodeList[TagCodeList != ""]

  #replace " with '
  TagCodeList <- gsub('"', "'", TagCodeList)

  # TODO:
  #   Handle ampersands in href arguments

  # Find tags with attributes
  attrIdx <- intersect(
    grep('=', TagCodeList),
    which(stri_startswith_fixed(TagCodeList, '@OPEN_LEFT_'))

  if (length(attrIdx) > 0){
    attrVal <- TagCodeList[attrIdx]
    attrVal <- gsub('@OPEN_RIGHT', ",", attrVal)
    attrVal <- gsub('@OPEN_LEFT_', 'tags$', attrVal)
    attrVal <- sub('^ ', '', attrVal)
    attrVal <- sub(' ', "(", attrVal)

    if(length(TagCodeList[attrIdx]) != length(attrVal)) browser()

    # Add commas between attributes
    attrVal <- str_replace_all(
      ', \\1='

    TagCodeList[attrIdx] <- attrVal

  # Open the tags$??() function call
  TagCodeList <- str_replace(TagCodeList, "@OPEN_LEFT_(.*)", "tags$\\1(")

  # Add commas between arguments to tags$??()
  TagCodeList <- str_replace(TagCodeList, "@OPEN_RIGHT", ",")

  # Close the tags$??() function call
  TagCodeList <- str_replace(TagCodeList, "@CLOSE", "), ")

  # Get rid of any extra commas
  CommaIndices <-  which(TagCodeList == "), ")
  CommasToRemove <- intersect(CommaIndices, CommaIndices - 1)
  if (length(CommasToRemove) > 0){
    TagCodeList[CommasToRemove] <- ")"

  # Get rid of initial commas
  TagsNoAttributesIndices <- which(str_detect(TagCodeList, "^tags\\$.*\\($"))
  OnlyCommasIndices <- which(TagCodeList == ",")
  InitialCommasToRemove <- intersect(TagsNoAttributesIndices+ 1, OnlyCommasIndices)
  if (length(InitialCommasToRemove) > 0){
    TagCodeList <- TagCodeList[-InitialCommasToRemove]

  # Add quotes to inside html text
  InsideHtmlIndices <- c(
    which(!str_detect(TagCodeList, "^tags\\$") & !(TagCodeList %in% c(")", "), ", ","))),
    which(TagCodeList == "," & data.table::shift(TagCodeList == "), ", n = 1, fill = FALSE))
  if (length(InsideHtmlIndices) > 0){
    TagCodeList[InsideHtmlIndices] <- paste0('"', TagCodeList[InsideHtmlIndices], '"')

  # Add commas between tags
  TagsIndices <- which(str_detect(TagCodeList, "^tags\\$"))
  TagsInsideTags <- intersect(InsideHtmlIndices + 1, TagsIndices)
  if (length(TagsInsideTags) > 0){
    TagCodeList[TagsInsideTags] <- paste0(", ", TagCodeList[TagsInsideTags])

  # Remove last comma
  TagCodeList[length(TagCodeList)] <- ")"

  # Collaps our tokens into a single string
  TagCode <- paste0(TagCodeList, collapse = '')

  #eval to tagList object
  TagList <- eval(parse(text=sprintf('tagList(list(%s))', TagCode)))

mikebesso/two.laws.html documentation built on May 29, 2019, 5:43 a.m.