
Defines functions climater_filter

Documented in climater_filter

#' ClimateR Catalog Filter
#' @description Filter the climateR catalog based on a set of constraints
#' @param id The resource, agency, or catalog identifier
#' @param asset The subdataset or asset in a given resource
#' @param AOI an sf of SpatVect point or polygon to extract data for
#' @param startDate a start date given as "YYYY-MM-DD" to extract data for
#' @param endDate an end date given as "YYYY-MM-DD" to extract data for
#' @param varname variable name to extract (e.g. tmin)
#' @param model GCM model name generating 
#' @param ensemble The model ensemble member used to generate data
#' @param scenario A climate or modeling scenario
#' @return data.frame
#' @family dap
#' @export

climater_filter <- function(id = NULL,
                            asset = NULL,
                            AOI = NULL, 
                            startDate = NULL, 
                            endDate = NULL, 
                            varname = NULL, 
                            model = NULL, 
                            scenario= NULL,
                            ensemble = NULL) {
  variable <- description <- duration <- e <- s <- URL <- NULL
    catalog = climateR::catalog
  } else {
    catalog = filter(climateR::catalog, id == !!id)
  if (nrow(catalog) == 0) {
    stop("no data to filter.", call. = FALSE)
    catalog = filter(catalog, asset == !!asset)
  if (nrow(catalog) == 0) {
    stop("no data to filter.", call. = FALSE)
  if(inherits(AOI, "list")){
    AOI = AOI[[1]]

  ### 1  ---- varname filter
    u <- unique(catalog$variable)
    if (all(varname %in% catalog$variable)) {
      catalog <- filter(catalog, varname %in% !!varname | variable %in% !!varname)
    } else {
      bad <- varname[!varname %in% u]
      m <- distinct(select(catalog, variable, description, units))
      stop("'", bad, "' not availiable varname for '", catalog$id[1], "'. Try: \n\t",
           paste(">", paste0(m$variable, " [", m$units, "] (", m$description, ")"),
                 collapse = "\n\t"
           call. = FALSE
    if ("historical" %in% catalog$scenario) {
      scenario <- c("historical", scenario)
      catalog <- filter(catalog, scenario %in% !!scenario)
  ### 2 ---- model filter
  if (!is.null(model)) {
    u <- unique(catalog$model)

    if (is.numeric(model)) {
      if (length(u) >= model) {
        model <- sample(unique(catalog$model), model, replace = FALSE)
      } else {
        stop("There are only ", length(u), " unique models.", call. = FALSE)

    if (all(model %in% catalog$model)) {
      catalog <- filter(catalog, model %in% !!model)
    } else {
      bad <- model[!model %in% u]

      m <- distinct(select(catalog, model, ensemble))

      stop("'", bad, "' not availiable model for '", catalog$id[1], "'. Try: \n\t",
        paste(">", paste0(m$model, " [", m$ensemble, "]"),
          collapse = "\n\t"
        call. = FALSE

  ### ---- AOI filter
    if(inherits(AOI, "sfc")){
      AOI = vect(AOI)
    gid = sapply(1:nrow(catalog), function(x) {
          sum(terra::is.related(terra::project(terra::ext(AOI), crs(AOI), catalog$crs[x]),
                                "intersects")) > 0
        }, error = function(e) {
    catalog = catalog[gid, ]
    if(nrow(catalog) == 0){
      stop("No data found in provided AOI.", call. = FALSE)
  ### 3 ---- date & scenario filter
    endDate = ifelse(is.null(endDate), as.character(startDate), as.character(endDate))
    tmp <- catalog %>% 
        s = do.call("rbind", strsplit(duration, "/"))[, 1],
        e = do.call("rbind", strsplit(duration, "/"))[, 2]
      ) %>% 
      mutate(e = ifelse(e == "..", as.character(Sys.Date()), e)) %>% 
      filter(as.Date(e) >= as.Date(startDate) & as.Date(s) <= as.Date(endDate))
    if(nrow(tmp) == 0){
      stop("Valid Date Range(s) includes: ", 
           paste("\n\t>", unique(paste0( catalog$duration, " [", catalog$scenario, "]")),
                 collapse = ""
           ), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      catalog = tmp
  ### 2 ---- ensemble filter
  # If ensemble is NULL set to 1
  if(is.null(ensemble)){ ensemble = 1 }
  # If data has ensembles set to TRUE
  eflag = any(!is.na(catalog$ensemble))
  if(eflag) {
    if (all(ensemble %in% catalog$ensemble) | !is.numeric(ensemble)) {
      catalog <- filter(catalog, ensemble %in% !!ensemble)
    } else if (is.numeric(ensemble)) {
      cond = any(table(catalog$model, catalog$ensemble) > ensemble)
      catalog =  slice_sample(catalog,
                              by = c('id', 'variable', 'model', "scenario"),
                              n = ensemble)
      if (ensemble == 1 & cond) {
          "Multiple ensembles available per model. Since `ensemble = NULL`, we default to:\n\t> ",
          paste0(catalog$model, " [", catalog$scenario, "] [", catalog$ensemble, "]",
                 collapse = "\n\t> ")
    } else {
      bad <- ensemble[!ensemble %in% catalog$ensemble]
      m <- distinct(select(catalog, model, ensemble))
        "' not availiable ensemble for '",
        "'. Try: \n\t",
        paste(">",  m$ensemble, collapse = "\n\t"),
        call. = FALSE
    if(nrow(catalog) == 0 ){
      stop("Configuration not found.")


  catalog[!duplicated(select(catalog, -URL)), ]
mikejohnson51/climateR documentation built on March 27, 2024, 5:31 p.m.