
Defines functions plotAreaInROPE

Documented in plotAreaInROPE

plotAreaInROPE <- 
function(paramSampleVec, credMass = 0.95, compVal = 0, maxROPEradius,
  n = 201, plot = TRUE,
  ROPEColor = "darkred", ...) {
  # Plots the probability mass included in the ROPE as a function of
  #   the half-width of the ROPE.

  # Sanity checks:
    stop("maxROPEradius is missing with no default.")
  if(!isTRUE(maxROPEradius > 0))
    stop("maxROPEradius must be > 0.")
    stop("A finite value for compVal is needed.")

  ropeRadVec = seq( 0 , maxROPEradius , length=n ) # arbitrary comb
  areaInRope = rep( NA , n )
  for ( rIdx in 1:n ) {
    areaInRope[rIdx] <- mean( paramSampleVec > (compVal-ropeRadVec[rIdx])
                            & paramSampleVec < (compVal+ropeRadVec[rIdx]) )

  if(plot) {
    # Deal with ... argument:
    dots <- list(...)
    if(length(dots) == 1 && class(dots[[1]]) == "list")
      dots <- dots[[1]]
    defaultArgs <- list(xlab=bquote("Radius of ROPE around "*.(compVal)),
      ylab="Posterior in ROPE", type="l", lwd=4, col=ROPEColor, cex.lab=1.5) 
    useArgs <- modifyList(defaultArgs, dots)
    useArgs$x <- ropeRadVec
    useArgs$y <- areaInRope
    do.call("plot", useArgs, quote=TRUE)
    HDIlim = hdi( paramSampleVec , credMass=credMass )
    farHDIlim = HDIlim[which.max(abs(HDIlim-compVal))]
    ropeRadHDI = abs(compVal-farHDIlim)
    areaInFarHDIlim <- mean( paramSampleVec > (compVal-ropeRadHDI)
                           & paramSampleVec < (compVal+ropeRadHDI) )
    lines( c(ropeRadHDI, ropeRadHDI) , c(-0.5, areaInFarHDIlim) ,
           lty="dashed" , col=ROPEColor )
    text( ropeRadHDI , 0 ,
          bquote( atop( .(100*credMass)*"% HDI limit" ,
                       "farthest from "*.(compVal) ) ) , adj=c(0.5,0) )
    lines( c(-0.5, ropeRadHDI) ,c(areaInFarHDIlim, areaInFarHDIlim) ,
           lty="dashed" , col=ROPEColor )
    text( 0 , areaInFarHDIlim , bquote(.(signif(areaInFarHDIlim, 3))) ,
          adj=c(0, 1.1) )

  invisible( list( x=ropeRadVec , y=areaInRope ) )
mikemeredith/BEST documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 1:19 p.m.