
#' Names of all fixed discrete palettes
#' @format A data.frame of 869 observations with 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{package}{character, name of package}
#'   \item{palette}{character, name of palette}
#'   \item{length}{integer, number of colors in palette}
#'   \item{type}{character, type of palette}
#' }

#' Names of all fixed discrete palettes
#' @format A data.frame of 25 observations with 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{package}{character, name of package}
#'   \item{palette}{character, name of palette}
#'   \item{length}{integer, maximal number of colors in palette}
#'   \item{type}{character, type of palette}
#' }

#' Names of all continuous palettes
#' @format A data.frame of 205 observations with 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{package}{character, name of package}
#'   \item{palette}{character, name of palette}
#'   \item{type}{character, type of palette}
#' }
milescsmith/SeuratPlotly documentation built on June 5, 2019, 1:16 a.m.