testEquality2D <- function(w) {
# Tests a two dimensional random sample for equality of Kendall's tau and Blomqvist's beta.
# (intrinsic property of elliptical distributions)
# Input:
# w: numeric matrix or data frame with two columns.
# Output:
# List containing the value of the test statistic.
# Under the null hypothesis, this test statistic has a standard normal distribution.
# $statistic: numeric vector of length one giving the value of the test statistic.
# Create list for output
out <- list(statistic=NA)
# Store given random sample in two vectors
u <- w[, 1]
v <- w[, 2]
n <- length(u)
# Estime Blomquvist's beta
hatBeta <- mean(sign(u - 0.5) * sign(v - 0.5)) # for copula data the median of the margins is 0.5
# Estimate Kendall's tau
#hatTau <- cor(x=u, y=v, method="kendall")
hatTau <- copula::corKendall(w)[1, 2]
# Compute the test statistic
T <- hatBeta - hatTau
# Compute the estimated variance of T using
# Var(hatTau)=Var(2h1(u,v)) and h1(u,v)=1-2u-2v+4Cn(u,v)
# Vector of empirical copula
Cn <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n) {
Cn[i] <- sum((u <= u[i]) & (v <= v[i])) / n
# Vector of h1
h1 <- 1 - 2 * u - 2 * v + 4 * Cn
# Compute the estimated covariance matrix C
A <- cbind(sign(u - 0.5) * sign(v - 0.5) - hatBeta, (2 * h1) - mean(2 * h1))
C <- t(A) %*% A / n
# Compute Df(t_0) for the delta method
Df <- array(0, c(1, 2))
Df[1, 1] <- 1
Df[1, 2] <- -1
# Compute the standard deviation of the test statistic
std <- sqrt(Df %*% C %*% t(Df))
# Compute the transformed test statistic
stat <- sqrt(n) * T / std
# Store the value of the transformed test statistic in the list for the output
out$statistic <- stat
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