
Defines functions coalesce_with_checks

Documented in coalesce_with_checks

#' Collapse multiple redundant columns into a single column
#' Collapse multiple columns with redundant information into a single column. This function
#' is similar to dplyr::coalesce, but uses several checks and informative error messages.
#' Specifically, it checks for more than one unique non-NA value in each row, and returns an
#' error if there are any such rows (in similar cases, dplyr::coalesce uses the first
#' non-NA value). It then takes, for each row, the unique non-NA value found in one or
#' more of the input columns, and places that value into the first column.
#' @param x data frame containing the redundant columns to be coalesced/collapsed
#' @param columns character vector, the names of the columns to be coalesced/collapsed. The values will be combined into the first column listed in \code{columns}, and the remaining columns will be dropped.
#' @param tol numeric, the tolerance for assuming identity of floating-point numeric values. Defaults to the square route of the machine tolerance
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
#' @return A data frame with \code{columns} values collapsed into the first column listed.
#' @usage coalesce_with_checks(x, columns, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
coalesce_with_checks <- function(x, columns, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  # check inputs
  if (sum(columns %in% colnames(x)) < 2) # check for at least 2 columns in x
      "Function coalesce_with_checks requires at least two valid columns in input data frame")

  if (any(apply(x[,columns], MARGIN = 1,
                function(y) {!(all(is.na(unlist(y))) | all_equal(na.omit(unlist(y)), tol = tol))})))
          "Multiple non-NA values found in at least one row of annotation for the following columns:",
          paste(columns, collapse = ", ")))
    columns_to_coalesce <- intersect(columns, colnames(x))
    if (!setequal(columns_to_coalesce, columns))
      warning("Some columns input to coalesce_with_checks were not found in input data object.")

  for (col.tmp in 2:length(columns)) {
    rows.tmp <- which(is.na(x[[columns[1]]]) & !is.na(x[[columns[col.tmp]]]))
    x[rows.tmp, columns[1]] <- x[rows.tmp, columns[col.tmp]]
    x[,columns[col.tmp]] <- NULL

mjdufort/miscHelpers documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 7:44 p.m.