MseekModules: MseekModules

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MseekModulesR Documentation



Regular modules in Metaboseek take a shiny::reactiveValues object called values as their first argument. values is the primary interface allowing communication between modules and is generated by MseekMinimalServer(). Modules expect this input to work properly, and will only work in shiny apps that provide the proper environment set up by MseekMinimalServer().


MseekModules(input, output, session, values, reactives, static, keys, ...)



input, output, session

arguments necessary for use with callModule()


a reactiveValues object that in effect gives read and write access to external objects


a list, wrapped in a reactive() expression with settings for this module. See details.


a list of arguments that are not in a reactive context and hence do not change while the app is running.


reactive({}) that reports the current key press. This argument is deprecated and will be removed from all modules.


additional arguments, as defined for the individual module. For example: constant layout options depending on the context that this module is used in


id to be used to define a namespace via NS() (must match id in callModule for the server Module)


If the server module for this Module returns something, it is described in Details.


  • MseekModules: generic server logic example for MseekModules

  • MseekModulesUI: generic UI example for MseekModules

See Also

values for a description of the values object

mjhelf/Metaboseek documentation built on April 23, 2022, 12:09 p.m.