
Defines functions qgambin rgambin pgambin dgambin dgambin_single

Documented in dgambin pgambin qgambin rgambin

dgambin_single = function(x, alpha, maxoctave, log = FALSE)
  vec = 0:100/100
  # Calculates the 'fitness' distribution of species for a given alpha
  qG99 = qgamma(0.99, alpha, 1) * vec
  Gj = diff(pgamma(qG99, alpha, 1)) / 0.99
  gambin_p = function(k) {
    if(k < 0 || k > maxoctave) 0
    else sum(choose(maxoctave, k) * vec[-1]^k * (1 - vec[-1])^(maxoctave - k) * Gj)
  # Apply Pk to each octave:
  res = vapply(x, gambin_p,  FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
    res = log(res)

#' @title The mixture gambin distribution 
#' @description Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the mixture 
#' gambin distribution.
#' @param x vector of (non-negative integer) quantiles.
#' @param alpha The shape parameter of the GamBin distribution.
#' @param maxoctave The scale parameter of the GamBin distribution - which octave is the highest in the empirical dataset?
#' @param log logical; If \code{TRUE}, probabilities p are given as log(p).
#' @param total_species The total number of species in the empirical dataset
#' @param w A vector of weights. Default, a single weight. This vector must of the same length as alpha.
#' @details \code{dgambin} gives the distribution function of a mixture gambin, so all octaves sum to 1.
#' \code{gambin_exp} multiplies this by the total number of species to give the expected GamBin distribution in units of species, 
#' for comparison with empirical data.  
#' @return A vector with length MaxOctave + 1 of the expected number of species in each octave
#' @references Matthews, T. J., Borregaard, M. K., Gillespie, C. S., Rigal,
#'   F., Ugland, K. I., Krüger, R. F., . . . Whittaker, R. J. (2019) Extension of
#'   the gambin model to multimodal species abundance distributions. Methods
#'   in Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13122
#'   Matthews, T.J., Borregaard, M.K., Ugland, K.I., Borges, P.A.V, Rigal,
#'   F., Cardoso, P. and Whittaker, R.J. (2014) The gambin model provides a
#'   superior fit to species abundance distributions with a single free
#'   parameter: evidence, implementation and interpretation. Ecography 37:
#'   1002-1011.
#' @examples 
#' ## maxoctave is 4. So zero for x = 5
#' dgambin(0:5, 1, 4)
#' ## Equal weightings between components
#' dgambin(0:5, alpha = c(1,2), maxoctave = c(4, 4))
#' ## Zero weight on the second component, i.e. a 1 component model
#' dgambin(0:5, alpha = c(1,2), maxoctave = c(4, 4), w = c(1, 0))
#' expected = gambin_exp(4, 13, total_species = 200)
#' plot(expected, type = "l")
#' ##draw random values from a gambin distribution 
#' x = rgambin(1e6, alpha = 2, maxoctave = 7) 
#' x = table(x)
#' freq = as.vector(x)
#' values = as.numeric(as.character(names(x)))
#' abundances = data.frame(octave=values, species = freq)
#' fit_abundances(abundances, no_of_components = 1)
#' @export
dgambin = function(x, alpha, maxoctave, w = 1, log = FALSE)
  if(any(w < 0)) stop("w must be non-negative", call. = FALSE)
  if(length(maxoctave) != length(alpha)) stop("alpha and octave should be the same length", call. = FALSE)
  w = if(length(w) == 1) rep(1/length(alpha), length(alpha)) else w = w/sum(w)
  res = vapply(seq_along(alpha), 
               function(i) w[i]*dgambin_single(x, alpha[i], maxoctave[i], log=FALSE), 
               FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(x)))
  if(NROW(res) > 1L) res = rowSums(res)
  if(log) res = log(res)

#' @param q	vector of quantiles.
#' @param lower.tail logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise, P[X > x].
#' @param log.p	logical; if \code{TRUE}, probabilities p are given as log(p).
#' @rdname dgambin
#' @export
pgambin = function(q, alpha, maxoctave, w = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) 
  # Form CMF from mass function. Then manipulate as necessary
  probs = dgambin(0:max(maxoctave), alpha,  maxoctave, w=w)
    probs = 1- probs
  cum_probs = cumsum(probs)
    cum_probs = log(cum_probs)
  cum_probs[floor(q) + 1]

#' @param n	number of random values to return.
#' @rdname dgambin
#' @export
rgambin = function(n, alpha, maxoctave, w = 1) 
  # Initialise parameters
  if(length(n) > 1L) n = length(n)
  if(length(maxoctave) != length(alpha)) stop("alpha and octave should be the same length", call. = FALSE)
  # Form look-up table
  probs = dgambin(0:max(maxoctave), alpha, maxoctave, w=w)
  sample(0:max(maxoctave), prob = probs, replace=TRUE, size = n)

#' @param p vector of probabilities.
#' @rdname dgambin
#' @export
qgambin = function(p, alpha, maxoctave, w = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
  # Form CMF from mass function. Then manipulate as necessary
  probs = dgambin(0:max(maxoctave), alpha, maxoctave, w = w)
  # Add on 0 for cut
  probs = c(0, probs)
    probs = 1 - probs
  if(log.p) probs = log(probs)
  cum_probs = cumsum(probs)
  ## Use cut and exploit factor
  as.numeric(cut(p, cum_probs)) - 1
mkborregaard/gambin documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 4:22 a.m.