build_rfuns <- function(pkg, pkgs) {
pkgs <- paste(pkgs, collapse = '", "')
rfuns <- sub("\\{PKGS\\}", pkgs, docs$rfuns)
gsub("\\{PKG\\}", pkg, rfuns)
build_description <- function(pkg) {
gsub("\\{PKG\\}", pkg, docs$description)
install_if <- function(pkg) {
x <- vapply(pkg, install_if_, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
data.frame(pkg = names(x), required_install = x,
row.names = NULL)
install_if_ <- function(x) {
i <- !requireNamespace(x, quietly = TRUE)
if (i) {
utils::install.packages(x, quiet = TRUE)
#' pkgverse
#' Create your own pkgverse
#' @param pkg Name of your set of packages. It's recommended that users append
#' this name with something like 'verse' or otherwise provide some kind of
#' explicit/obvious indicator that the package name is a stand in for a
#' selection of packages.
#' @param pkgs Character vector of package names.
#' @param keep If not `FALSE`, then used to indicate location to keep the
#' `pkg` dir (name), which should _not_ include the `pkg` name but should
#' exist. It will be `path.expand()`ed and tested for presence.
#' @param use If not `NULL` (the default), then a character vector of `usethis`
#' "use" functions (the bit after the first underscore) that make sense for
#' a package.
#' @param install_if Logical indicating whether to install (from CRAN) any
#' packages in `pkgs` that are not already installed on the system. Defaults
#' to `FALSE`.
#' @return Installs a package of desired name, which, when loaded, will load,
#' handle, and display conflicts of the packages supplied via \code{pkgs}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## vector of pkgs
#' tidyweb <- c("curl", "jsonlite", "httr", "xml2", "rvest", "purrr", "dplyr",
#' "stringi", "gdns", "urltools", "iptools", "seleniumPipes", "webdriver",
#' "HARtools", "xslt", "V8", "webreadr", "openssl", "splashr")
#' ## create tidyweb pkgverse
#' pkgverse("tidyweb", tidyweb,
#' keep = "~/packages",
#' use = c("readme_rmd", "rstudio", "testthat", "mit_license", "git")
#' )
#' }
#' @export
pkgverse <- function(pkg, pkgs, keep = FALSE, use = NULL, install_if = FALSE) {
## install uninstalled pkgs if desired
if (install_if) {
## original wd
owd <- getwd()
## return to owd on exit
## determine and configure path location and source storage
keep <- keep[1]
if (!is.logical(keep)) {
if (!is.character(keep))
stop("`keep` should be a logical or character.", call. = FALSE)
keep <- path.expand(keep)
if (!dir.exists(keep)) {
stop("`keep` must exist.", call. = FALSE)
if (dir.exists(file.path(keep, pkg))) {
stop("The package you are trying to creatre already exists.",
call. = FALSE)
tmp <- keep
} else {
## temp dir to write pkg (check if R version 3.5.0 or greater)
if (getRversion() < '3.5.0') {
tmp <- tempdir()
} else {
tmp <- tempdir(check = TRUE)
## cleanup on exit
on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
## build .R source file
rfuns <- build_rfuns(pkg, pkgs)
## set wd to tmp dir
## rm pkg folder if it already exists
if (dir.exists(pkg)) {
unlink(pkg, recursive = TRUE)
## create pkg folder
## cd pkg dir
## create R directory in pkg path
## save rfuns to R dir
writeLines(rfuns, file.path("R", "verse.R"))
## build description file
description <- build_description(pkg)
## write description
writeLines(description, "DESCRIPTION")
## add deps
lapply(pkgs, usethis::use_package)
## if use funs provided and usethis is installed
if (!is.null(use) && requireNamespace("usethis", quietly = TRUE)) {
## expand into full use_* names
use <- sprintf("use_%s", sub("^use_", "", use))
## attach usethis to make functions discoverable
#if (!isNamespaceLoaded("usethis")) {
## find usethis functions
use <- vapply(use, exists, FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
where = "package:usethis", mode = "function") # are they there?
## warn if any usethis functions were not found
if (any(!use)) {
not_found <- paste(names(use[!use]), collapse = ", ")
warning("the following usethis functions were not found: ", not_found)
## only select found names
use <- names(use[use])
## iterate through usethis functions
for (use_f in use) {
f <- get(use_f, pos = "package:usethis", mode = "function")
## a few have actions on `interactive()` to mute them
if ((use_f == "use_readme_rmd") | (use_f == "use_readme_md")) {
} else {
## build package
## install package
devtools::install(reload = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
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