
Defines functions get_station_table get_nodename_table get_nodedesc_table get_river_table get_reach_table get_lengths_table get_grain_class_table get_bank_stations_table get_levees_table get_timestep_table get_output_block get_sediment_block get_xsection_block get_xsection_block_geometry get_2darea_block get_plan_info_table get_2d_flow_area_table get_results_meta_table get_plan_meta_table get_2d_coordinates_table get_coordinates_facepoint get_coordinates_cell list_2d_coordinates list_plan_info list_grain_classes list_output_times list_lengths list_bank_stations list_levees list_stations list_node_names list_node_descriptions list_rivers list_reaches list_sediment list_xs

Documented in list_2d_coordinates list_bank_stations list_grain_classes list_lengths list_levees list_node_descriptions list_node_names list_output_times list_plan_info list_reaches list_rivers list_stations

# station table path
get_station_table = function(RAS.version) {
  if (is.null(RAS.version))
    RAS.version = options()[["RAStestR.RASversion"]]
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "River Stations"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes")

# node name table path
get_nodename_table = function(RAS.version) {
  if (is.null(RAS.version))
    RAS.version = options()[["RAStestR.RASversion"]]
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Node Names"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes")

# node description table path
get_nodedesc_table = function(RAS.version) {
  if (is.null(RAS.version))
    RAS.version = options()[["RAStestR.RASversion"]]
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Node Descriptions"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes")

# river table path
get_river_table = function(RAS.version) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "River Names"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes")

# reach table path
get_reach_table = function(RAS.version) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Reach Names"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes")

# reach lengths table path
get_lengths_table = function(RAS.version) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Lengths"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes")
# grain class table path
get_grain_class_table = function(RAS.version) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Event Conditions", "Sediment", "Grain Class Names"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Sediment", "Grain Class Data", "Grain Class Names"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Sediment", "Grain Class Data", "Grain Class Names")
# bank station table path
get_bank_stations_table = function(RAS.version) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Bank Stations"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes")
# levees table path
get_levees_table = function(RAS.version) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Levees"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections", "Attributes")
# output interval table path
get_timestep_table = function(run.type, RAS.version) {
  run.type = match.arg(run.type, c("Steady", "Unsteady",
    "Unsteady+Sediment", "QuasiUnsteady"))
  if (run.type == "Unsteady+Sediment")
    file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Time Date Stamp")
  else if (run.type == "Unsteady")
    file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Base Output", "Unsteady Time Series", "Time Date Stamp")
  else if (run.type == "Steady")
    file.path("Results", "Steady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Base Output", "Steady Profiles", "Profile Names")
    file.path("Results", "Sediment", "Output Blocks",
      "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Time Date Stamp")

# parent path of output data
get_output_block = function(run.type, RAS.version) {
  run.type = match.arg(run.type, c("Steady", "Unsteady",
    "Unsteady+Sediment", "QuasiUnsteady"))
  if (run.type == "Unsteady+Sediment")
    file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Sections")
  else if (run.type == "Unsteady")
    file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Base Output", "Unsteady Time Series", "Cross Sections")
  else if (run.type == "Steady")
    file.path("Results", "Steady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Base Output", "Steady Profiles", "Cross Sections")
    file.path("Results", "Sediment", "Output Blocks",
      "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Sections")

# parent path of sediment output data
get_sediment_block = function(run.type, RAS.version) {
  run.type = match.arg(run.type, c("Steady", "Unsteady",
    "Unsteady+Sediment", "QuasiUnsteady"))
  if (run.type == "Unsteady+Sediment")
    file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Sections")
  else if (run.type == "QuasiUnsteady")
    file.path("Results", "Sediment", "Output Blocks",
      "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Sections")
    stop(sprintf('No sediment data available for run type "%s"', run.type))

# parent path of cross section output data
get_xsection_block = function(run.type, RAS.version) {
  run.type = match.arg(run.type, c("Steady", "Unsteady",
    "Unsteady+Sediment", "QuasiUnsteady"))
  if (run.type == "Unsteady+Sediment")
    file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Sediment SE", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Section SE")
  else if (run.type == "QuasiUnsteady")
    file.path("Results", "Sediment", "Output Blocks",
      "Sediment SE", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Section SE")
    stop(sprintf('No sediment data available for run type "%s"', run.type))

# parent path of cross section output data in geometry
get_xsection_block_geometry = function(RAS.version) {
  file.path("Geometry", "Cross Sections")

# parent path of 2D flow area output data
get_2darea_block = function(run.type, RAS.version) {
  run.type = match.arg(run.type, c("Steady", "Unsteady",
    "Unsteady+Sediment", "QuasiUnsteady"))
  if (run.type == "Unsteady")
    file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Output", "Output Blocks",
      "Base Output", "Unsteady Time Series", "2D Flow Areas")
    stop(sprintf('No 2D data available for run type "%s"', run.type))

# Plan Information Path
get_plan_info_table = function(RAS.version) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Plan Data", "Plan Information"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Plan Data", "Plan Information"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Plan Data", "Plan Information")

# 2D flow area names
get_2d_flow_area_table = function(RAS.version) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", "Names"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", "Attributes"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", "Attributes")

# path to results metadata
get_results_meta_table = function(run.type, RAS.version) {
  if (run.type %in% c("Unsteady", "Unsteady+Sediment"))
      "5.0.3" = file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Summary"),
      "5.0.4" = file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Summary"),
      "5.0.5" = file.path("Results", "Unsteady", "Summary")
  else if (run.type == "QuasiUnsteady")
      "5.0.6" = file.path("Results", "Sediment", "Summary")
      "5.0.3" = file.path("Results", "Steady", "Summary"),
      "5.0.4" = file.path("Results", "Steady", "Summary"),
      "5.0.5" = file.path("Results", "Steady", "Summary")

# path to plan metadata
get_plan_meta_table = function(run.type, RAS.version) {
    "Plan Data/Plan Information",
    "Plan Data/Plan Parameters"

# path to 2D area coordinates for results data
get_2d_coordinates_table = function(RAS.version, name, loctype) {
  if (loctype == "FACE")
    stop("face coordinates not implemented")
  else if (loctype == "FACEPOINT")
    get_coordinates_facepoint(RAS.version, name)
  else if(loctype == "CELL")
    get_coordinates_cell(RAS.version, name)
    stop("Location type ", loctype, " not recognized.")

# path to 2D area facepoint coordinates
get_coordinates_facepoint = function(RAS.version, name) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", name, 
      "FacePoints Coordinate"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", name, 
      "FacePoints Coordinate"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", name, 
      "FacePoints Coordinate")

# path to 2D area cell center coordinates
get_coordinates_cell = function(RAS.version, name) {
    "5.0.3" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", name, 
      "Cell Center Coordinate"),
    "5.0.4" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", name, 
      "Cell Center Coordinate"),
    "5.0.5" = file.path("Geometry", "2D Flow Areas", name, 
      "Cell Center Coordinate")

#' List 2D Area Coordinates
#' list the face point or cell center coordinates of a 2D area.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @param which.area The 2D area to get the coordinates for.
#' @param type The type of coordinates to get, i.e. `FacePoint`
#'  or `Cell` (center) coordinates.
#' @return a dataframe of XY coordinates for the 2D area.
#' @export
list_2d_coordinates = function(f, which.area, type = c("FacePoint", "Cell")) {
  type = str_to_upper(type)
  RAS.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  coords.table = get_2d_coordinates_table(RAS.version, which.area, type)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  get_dataset(x, coords.table)

#' List Plan Information
#' List basic plan information.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @param print Print the plan information to the console in a nice format.
  #' @return A list of plan information.
#' @export
list_plan_info = function(f, print = TRUE) {
  which.attr = c("Plan Name", "Plan ShortID", "Type of Run",
    "Time Window", "Computation Time Step", "Output Interval")
  metadata = get_plan_meta(f)[which.attr]
  if (print) {
    message(paste(names(metadata), unlist(metadata),
      sep = ": ", collapse = "\n"), "\n")

#' List Grain Classes
#' List sediment grain class labels.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of grain glass labels.
#' @examples
#' simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#'   package = "RAStestR")
#' RAStestR:::list_grain_classes(simple.quasi)
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
#' @export
list_grain_classes = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  run.type = get_run_type(f)
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  if (!(run.type %in% c("QuasiUnsteady", "Unsteady+Sediment")))
    stop(sprintf('No sediment data available for run type "%s"', run.type))
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  grainpath = get_grain_class_table(ras.version)
  c("ALL", str_trim(get_dataset(x, grainpath)))

#' List Output Times
#' List output times.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of cross section lengths.
#' @examples
#' simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#'   package = "RAStestR")
#' RAStestR:::list_output_times(simple.quasi)
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
#' @export
list_output_times = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  run.type = get_run_type(f)
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  timespath = get_timestep_table(run.type, ras.version)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  str_trim(get_dataset(x, timespath))

#' List Cross Section Lengths
#' List cross section lengths.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a matrix of cross section lengths.
#' @examples
#' simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#'   package = "RAStestR")
#' RAStestR:::list_lengths(simple.quasi)
#' @import hdf5r
#' @export
list_lengths = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  lengthpath = get_lengths_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = get_dataset(x, lengthpath),
    "5.0.4" = setNames(as.matrix(
      get_dataset(x, lengthpath)[c("Len Left", "Len Channel", "Len Right")]
      ), NULL),
    "5.0.5" = setNames(as.matrix(
      get_dataset(x, lengthpath)[c("Len Left", "Len Channel", "Len Right")]
      ), NULL)

#' List Bank Stations
#' List bank stations.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of bank stations
#' @examples
#' simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#'   package = "RAStestR")
#' RAStestR:::list_bank_stations(simple.quasi)
#' @import hdf5r
#' @export
list_bank_stations = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  bankpath = get_bank_stations_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = get_dataset(x, bankpath),
    "5.0.4" = setNames(as.matrix(
      get_dataset(x, bankpath)[c("Left Bank", "Right Bank")]
      ), NULL),
    "5.0.5" = setNames(as.matrix(
      get_dataset(x, bankpath)[c("Left Bank", "Right Bank")]
      ), NULL)

#' List Levees
#' List levee stations and elevations.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a matrix of levee stations and elevations. Column order is:
#'   left station, left elevation, right station, right elevation.
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
#' @export
list_levees = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  leveepath = get_levees_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = get_dataset(x, leveepath),
    "5.0.4" = setNames(as.matrix(
      get_dataset(x, leveepath)[c("Left Levee Sta", "Left Levee Elev",
        "Right Levee Sta", "Right Levee Elev")]
      ), NULL),
    "5.0.5" = setNames(as.matrix(
      get_dataset(x, leveepath)[c("Left Levee Sta", "Left Levee Elev",
        "Right Levee Sta", "Right Levee Elev")]
      ), NULL)

#' List River Stations
#' List river station labels.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of river station labels.
#' @examples
#' simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#'   package = "RAStestR")
#' RAStestR:::list_stations(simple.quasi)
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
#' @export
list_stations = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  stationpath = get_station_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, stationpath)),
    "5.0.4" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, stationpath)[["RS"]]),
    "5.0.5" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, stationpath)[["RS"]])

#' List Node Names
#' List node names.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of node names.
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
#' @export
list_node_names = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  nodepath = get_nodename_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, nodepath)),
    "5.0.4" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, nodepath)[["Node Name"]]),
    "5.0.5" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, nodepath)[["Node Name"]])

#' List Node Descriptions
#' List node descriptions.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of node descriptions.
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
#' @export
list_node_descriptions = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  descpath = get_nodedesc_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, descpath)),
    "5.0.4" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, descpath)[["Desc"]]),
    "5.0.5" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, descpath)[["Desc"]])

#' List River Names
#' List river names.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of river names.
#' @examples
#' simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#'   package = "RAStestR")
#' RAStestR:::list_rivers(simple.quasi)
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
#' @export
list_rivers = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  riverpath = get_river_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, riverpath)),
    "5.0.4" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, riverpath)[["River"]]),
    "5.0.5" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, riverpath)[["River"]])

#' List Reach Names
#' List reach names.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of reach names.
#' @examples
#' simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#'   package = "RAStestR")
#' RAStestR:::list_reaches(simple.quasi)
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
#' @export
list_reaches = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  reachpath = get_reach_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, reachpath)),
    "5.0.4" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, reachpath)[["Reach"]]),
    "5.0.5" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, reachpath)[["Reach"]])

# List Sediment Tables
# List grain class-specific tables of the specified type.
# @inheritParams read_standard
# @return a vector of grain glass labels.
# @examples
# simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#   package = "RAStestR")
# RAStestR:::list_sediment(simple.quasi, file.path("Results", "Sediment", 
  #     "Output Blocks", "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Sections", 
  #     "Vol In"))
# RAStestR:::list_sediment(simple.quasi, file.path("Results", "Sediment", 
  #     "Output Blocks", "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Sections", 
  #     "Vol Inactive"))
# RAStestR:::list_sediment(simple.quasi, file.path("Results", "Sediment", 
  #     "Output Blocks", "Sediment", "Sediment Time Series", "Cross Sections", 
  #     "Vol In Cum"))
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
list_sediment = function(f, table.name) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  group.x = x$open(dirname(table.name))
  on.exit(group.x$close(), add = TRUE)
    str_subset(group.x$ls(recursive = FALSE)$name,
      sprintf("%s\\b(\\s\\d+)*$", basename(table.name)))

# List Cross Section Tables
# List cross section tables.
# @inheritParams read_standard
# @param xs.block The HDF folder containing the cross section output tables.
# @return a vector of cross section output labels.
# @examples
# simple.quasi = system.file("sample-data/SampleQuasiUnsteady.hdf",
#   package = "RAStestR")
# RAStestR:::list_xs(simple.quasi, file.path("Results", "Sediment",
#     "Output Blocks", "Sediment SE", "Sediment Time Series", 
#     "Cross Section SE"))
#' @import hdf5r
#' @import stringr
list_xs = function(f, xs.block) {
  # nse workaround
  . = NULL
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  tblpath = file.path(dirname(xs.block), "Time Date Stamp")
  get_dataset(x, tblpath) %>% str_trim() %>%
    sprintf("Station Elevation (%s)", .) %>% unique()

#' List 2D Areas
#' List 2D flow areas
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return a vector of 2D flow area names.
#' @import hdf5r
#' @export
list_2dareas = function(f) {
  if (!file.exists(f))
    stop("Could not find ", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(f)))
  ras.version = get_RAS_version(f)
  x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
  flowareapath = get_2d_flow_area_table(ras.version)
    "5.0.3" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, flowareapath)),
    "5.0.4" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, flowareapath)[["Name"]]),
    "5.0.5" = str_trim(get_dataset(x, flowareapath)[["Name"]])


#' Force RAS Version
#' Force RAStestR to assume the specified RAS version. Useful for
#' working with RAS development environments or incomplete datasets 
#' that do not include RAS version info.
#' @param version The RAS version to use.
#' @export
force_RAS_version = function(version) {
  version = match.arg(version, supported_RAS_versions())
  if (missing(version))
  options(RAStestR.ForceVersion = version)

#' Get RAS Version
#' Get the RAS version that generated the specified file.
#' @inheritParams read_standard
#' @return The RAS version.
#' @export
get_RAS_version = function(f) {
  if (!is.null(options()[["RAStestR.ForceVersion"]]))
    v = options()[["RAStestR.ForceVersion"]]
  else {
    x = H5File$new(f, mode = 'r')
      meta.attr = get_group_attr(x)
    }, error = function(e) {
      stop("Could not find RAS metadata", call. = FALSE)
    v = str_split(meta.attr[["File Version"]], " ", simplify = TRUE)[2]
    if (v %in% names(options()[["RAStestR.VersionOverride"]]))

  if (!(v %in% supported_RAS_versions()))
    stop("RAS version ", v, " is not currently supported", call. = FALSE)

#' Override RAS Version
#' Specify RAS version overrides. Useful when working with files produced 
  #' from both RAS development and release versions, e.g. by assuming that
  #' files produced with RAS development x.x are structured in the same way
  #' as a specific release version.
#' @param v The RAS version to override.
#' @param override.v The RAS version to be assumed.
#' @export
override_RAS_version = function(v, override.v) {
  ops = options()[["RAStestR.VersionOverride"]]
  ops[[v]] = override.v
  options(RAStestR.VersionOverride = ops)

supported_RAS_versions = function() {
  c("5.0.3", "5.0.4", "5.0.5")
mkoohafkan/RAStestR documentation built on July 14, 2019, 11:41 p.m.