
# Some RAPT heatmap color definitions
#colors <- list(
#	phase = c(
#		M=rapt_colors()[["yellow"]],
#		C=rapt_colors()[["orange"]],
#		X=rapt_colors()[["blue"]]
#	),
#	phase_txt = c(M="black",C="white",X="black"),
#	# Teal
#	dose = c(
#		`25mg`= "#D2EEEA",
#		`50mg`= "#88C3C8",
#		`75mg`= "#498EA4",
#		`100mg`= "#2A5676"
#	),
#	dose_txt = c(`25mg`="black", `50mg`="black",`75mg`="black",`100mg`="white"),
#	# BluYl colors
#	biopsy = c(
#		Screen =  "#F9FFAF",
#		Treat =  "#9CDAA1",
#		Paired =  "#028190"
#	),
#	biopsy_txt = c(Screen="black",Treat="black",Paired="white"),
#	# Oranges
#	charged = c(
#		Low = "#FEF5EC",
#		Med = "#FFBB80",
#		High = "#E96200"
#	),
#	charged_txt = c(Low="black",Med="black",High="black"),
#	# Terrain colors
#	bor = c(
#		NE = "#F1F1F1",
#		PD = "#FFC59E",
#		SD = "#E1BB4E",
#		PR = "#9BB306",
#		CR = "#26A63A"
#	),
#	bor_txt = c(NE="black",PD="white",SD="black",PR="black",CR="black")

# use colorRampPalette to get the first color after white
#purple_range <- c(colorRampPalette(c("white","#DA95CC"))(10)[c(2,10)])
#yellow_range <- c(colorRampPalette(c("white",rapt_colors()[["yellow"]]))(10)[c(2,10)], rapt_colors()[["orange"]])
#blue_range <- c(colorRampPalette(c("white",rapt_colors()[["blue"]]))(10)[c(2,10)], rapt_colors()[["dark blue"]])
#red_green_range <- c("#C1478A","white","#5CB35D")
#heat_range <- rev(sequential_hcl(6,"Heat"))
#bugn_range <- rev(sequential_hcl(6,"BuGn"))
#pkyl_range <- rev(sequential_hcl(4,"PinkYl"))
#lajo_range <- sequential_hcl(6,"Lajolla")
#powderblue_range <- c(colorRampPalette(c("white","#9FA2FF"))(10)[c(2,10)])
mkumar-rapttx/RAPTR documentation built on July 3, 2021, 10:14 p.m.