
#' @title irace backend configuration
#' @description
#' Create an \code{AutomlrBackendConfig} object that can be fed to
#' \code{\link{automlr}} to perform optimization with the "irace" backend.
#' @param nbIterations [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#'   Thinning of sampling distribution happens as if irace expected to run for
#'   \code{nbIterations} generations.
#' @param newpopulation [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#'   Size of the population, \emph{additinal to} the \code{2 + log2(dimParams)}
#'   elite size.
#' @param resampling [\code{ResampleDesc}]\cr
#'   resampling to evaluate model performance.
#' @export
makeBackendconfIrace = registerBackend("irace",
    function(nbIterations = 10, newpopulation = 20,
        resampling = hout) {
      assertClass(resampling, "ResampleDesc")

amaddprior.amirace = function(env, prior) {

amgetprior.amirace = function(env) {

noResTimeout = "Premature timeout: No result in irace."

amsetup.amirace = function(env, opt, prior, learner, task, measure, verbosity) {
  requirePackages("irace", why = "optIrace", default.method = "load")
  #try(attachNamespace("irace"), silent = TRUE)
  env$learner = learner
  env$task = task
  env$measure = measure
  env$rdesc = makeResampleDesc("Holdout")

  dimParams = getParamNr(getSearchspace(learner), TRUE)

  # the 'default', but I'm not taking chances
  minNbSurvival = as.integer(2 + log2(dimParams))
  mu = 5L
  firstTest = 5L
  eachTest = 1L

  # expPerIter: how many experiments (evaluations) to perform during one
  # iteration. If this value is too small, irace aborts prematurely. (This var
  # will be called 'currentBudget' in irace)
  # irace calculates the number of additional configurations to create in each
  # iteration from this.
  # 'mu' is really max(mu, firstTest)
  # 'numInstances': the number of instances each configuration was evaluated on
  # savedBudget <- numElites * numInstances
  # 'savedBudget' because it counts the values which are already known
  # n <- max(mu + eachTest * min(5, iter),
  #          numInstances + elitistNewInstances [rounded up to next eachTest])
  # (n is the number of evaluations per instance to expect.
  #  grows as numInstances + 1)
  # nbConfigurations <- floor((expPerIter + savedBudget) / n)
  # ( around numElites ~ minNbSurvival plus a little)
  # (used to be called nbCandidates)
  # nbConfigurations must be > minSurvival (happens automatically if enough
  #                                         elites survive)
  #                          > numElites (this should automatically be true?)
  # (nbConfigurations - numElites) * mu +
  #     numElites * min(elitistNewInstances, mu)
  #   must be <= expPerIter
  # nbNewConfigurations <- nbConfigurations - numElites

  # So reasoning backward:
  # nbNewConfigurations should be opt$newpopulation
  # -> nbConfiguration should be opt$newpopulation + minNbSurvival
  # --> expPerIter must be
  #     >= opt$newpopulation * mu + minNbSurvival * min(elitistNewInstances, mu)
  #        since opt$newpopulation is calculated by subtracting the number of
  #        elite configs (which can be smaller than minNbSurvival), this is
  #     <= (opt$newpopulation + minNbSurvival) * mu
  # -> expPerIter should be (opt$newpopulation + minNbSurvival) * n + 1
  #     (ignoring savedBudget)
  expPerIter = function(iraceResults) {
    indexIter = iraceResults$state$indexIteration
    eni = iraceResults$scenario$elitistNewInstances
    targetInst = nrow(iraceResults$experiments) + eni

    iraceN = max(firstTest + eachTest * min(5, indexIter),
        ceiling((targetInst / eachTest) * eachTest))
    expPerIter = (opt$newpopulation + minNbSurvival) * iraceN + 1L

    effMu = max(mu, firstTest)
    expPerIter = max(expPerIter, (opt$newpopulation + minNbSurvival) * effMu)
  #expPerIter = as.integer((opt$newpopulation + minNbSurvival + 1) *
  #        (max(firstTest, mu) + 5))

  # could also be adapted: elitistLimit (def 2), elitistNewInstances (def 1)

  env$ctrl = makeTuneControlIrace(
      maxTime = 0,  # If we were to use irace's time constraint
                    # Irace's time constraint works by first estimating the
                    # average solution time and then estimates the remaining
                    # budget (number of evals) by dividing maxTime by
                    # average runtime.
      softRestartThreshold = 1e-3,  # when to soft restart b/c vals too similar
      minNbSurvival = minNbSurvival,
      mu = mu,
      softRestart = TRUE,
      firstTest = firstTest,
      eachTest = eachTest,
      testType = "friedman",
      confidence = 0.95,
      # We need to enter the main loop even though remainingBudget is 0:
      nbIterations = -1L,
      # some seed matrix is generated in the beginning, so maxExperiments limits
      # the number of experiments possible with this object absolutely.
      maxExperiments = 100000L,
      nbExperimentsPerIteration = -1,  # needs to be filled in ad hoc
      nbConfigurations = minNbSurvival + opt$newpopulation,
      impute.val = generateRealisticImputeVal(measure, learner, task),
      n.instances = 100,
      log.fun = logFunQuiet)  # make our life easy for now

  # we do the following to imitade mlr::tuneParams()
  env$opt.path = mlr:::makeOptPathDFFromMeasures(getSearchspace(env$learner),
      list(env$measure), include.extra = env$ctrl$tune.threshold)

  # the following generates the wrapper around irace::irace that checks our
  # budget constraints and ensures continuation
  iraceFunction = irace::irace
  env$iraceOriginal = iraceFunction

  # hard time limit, to be enforced even when progress may be lost. This will be
  # set by amoptimize.amirace
  env$hardTimeout = 0

  # we use some dark magic to run irace with our custom budget
  iraceWrapper = function(scenario, parameters, ...) {
    if (exists("iraceResults", envir = env)) {
      # 'env' is the backendprivatedata env.
      # if iraceResults is in the environment then we are continuing, so we load
      # the optimization state into the recover file
      iraceResults = env$iraceResults
      # use the newly generated file
      iraceResults$scenario$logFile = scenario$logFile
      # take this round's hookRun, not the one from file.
      iraceResults$scenario$targetRunnerParallel =
      # everything else stays the same from last round
      scenario = iraceResults$scenario
      # don't carry the heavyweight hookRun function's environment to the
      # savefile.
      iraceResults$scenario$targetRunnerParallel = NULL
      evals.zero = iraceResults$state$experimentsUsedSoFar
    } else {
      # this is the first round.
      assert(scenario$maxExperiments == 100000)
      assert(scenario$maxTime == 0)
      assert(scenario$nbIterations == -1)
      scenario$recoveryFile = NULL

      # we start but deliberately stop immediately because nbIterations < 0
      iraceFunction(scenario, parameters, ...)

      # .... and load the state file to play with it
      # since the hookRun's environment gets broken up by saving and restoring
      # (this seems to be unnecessary since irace 2.0, strictly speaking, but
      # the scenario = iraceResults$scenario step is much cleaner like this)
      iraceResults$scenario$targetRunnerParallel =
      # the above assignment is for us to keep the hookRun in our scenario
      scenario = iraceResults$scenario
      # this is a heavyweight object which would get saved every iteration, even
      # though we also give it as argument
      iraceResults$scenario$targetRunnerParallel = NULL

      # influences how discrete probability weights are scaled
      # this will be set to min(indexIteration, nbIterations), so only affects
      # the first few rounds.
      # After opt$nbIterations iters, it will behave as if in the final
      # iteration.
      iraceResults$state$nbIterations = opt$nbIterations
      # the following guarantees that irace only ever goes through one iteration
      iraceResults$scenario$nbIterations = 0
      # in theory this is loaded from the recovery file, but you never know
      scenario$nbIterations = 0
      # timeUsed and maxTime are ignored now
      # timeUsedSoFar: arbitrary positive number
      # iraceResults$state$timeUsed = 1
      # timeBudget: arbitrary positive number smaller than timeUsedSoFar
      # --> we abort after one loop
      # iraceResults$state$maxTime = 0.5
      evals.zero = 0

    scenario$recoveryFile = paste0(scenario$logFile, ".recovery")
    while (TRUE) {

      scenario$nbExperimentsPerIteration = expPerIter(iraceResults)
      iraceResults$scenario$nbExperimentsPerIteration = expPerIter(iraceResults)

      # remainingBudget must be positive on first iteration, and negative on
      # second.
      iraceResults$state$remainingBudget = 1
      save(iraceResults, file = scenario$recoveryFile)

      # perform iraceFunction as a kind of transaction: If it is aborted due to
      # timeout, we return the old env$res and reinstate the old env$opt.path.
      optPathBackup = deepcopy(env$opt.path)
      res = runWithTimeout(iraceFunction(scenario, parameters, ...),
          env$hardTimeout - proc.time()[3],
          backend = "native")
      if (res$timeout) {
        env$opt.path = optPathBackup
        if (!exists("res", envir = env)) {
      env$res = res$result
      env$usedbudget["evals"] =
          iraceResults$state$experimentsUsedSoFar - evals.zero
      env$usedbudget["walltime"] =
          as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), env$starttime, units = "secs"))

      env$iraceResults = iraceResults

      if (stopcondition(env$stepbudget, env$usedbudget)) {
        # since we are guaranteed to have finished one iteration, this is never
        # empty *I hope*

  env$iraceWrapper = iraceWrapper


amresult.amirace = function(env) {
  res = env$tuneresult
  list(learner = env$learner,
      opt.point = removeMissingValues(res$x),
      opt.val = res$y,
      opt.path = res$opt.path,
      result = res)

# now this is where the fun happens
amoptimize.amirace = function(env, stepbudget, verbosity, deadline) {
  env$starttime = Sys.time()
  env$stepbudget = stepbudget
  env$usedbudget = c(walltime = 0, evals = 0)
  curtime = proc.time()[3]
  env$hardTimeout = deadline + curtime

            myAssignInNamespace("irace", env$iraceOriginal, "irace")

  myAssignInNamespace("irace", env$iraceWrapper, ns = "irace")
#  myAssignInNamespace("tuneIrace", workingTuneIrace, ns = "mlr")

  myTuneIrace = mlr:::tuneIrace
  environment(myTuneIrace) = new.env(parent = asNamespace("mlr"))
  environment(myTuneIrace)$convertParamSetToIrace = function(par.set) {
        text = convertParamSetToIrace(iraceRequirements(par.set),
            as.chars = TRUE),
        digits = .Machine$integer.max)
  ctrl = env$ctrl
  ctrl$extra.args$show.irace.output = verbosity.traceout(verbosity)

      env$tuneresult = myTuneIrace(env$learner, env$task, env$rdesc,
          list(env$measure), getSearchspace(env$learner), ctrl,
          env$opt.path, verbosity.traceout(verbosity), resample)
    }, error = function(e) {
      if (conditionMessage(e) == noResTimeout) {
        # NOOP
      } else {
  # FIXME: why was this here? It interferes with my 'rollback' mechanism in
  # iraceWrapper
  # env$opt.path = env$tuneresult$opt.path

  # the following avoids endless restarts when hardTimeout is hit.
  env$usedbudget["walltime"] = proc.time()[3] - curtime
mlr-org/automlr documentation built on May 23, 2019, 3:02 a.m.