
# Tests that the correct learners are chosen for a given task and wrappers.


# give empty result or error if searchspace has no appropriate or bad searchspace
test_that("trivial learners are returned when appropriate", {
  taskNormal = createTestClassifTask("t1", 20, nNumeric = 1)
  taskWWeights = createTestClassifTask("t1", 20, nNumeric = 1, weights = rpois(20, 1))
  trivialLearner1 = list(autolearner(testLearner("test", makeParamSet(), c("numerics", "twoclass"))))
  trivialLearner2 = list(autolearner(testLearner("test", makeParamSet(), c("factors", "twoclass"))))

  # using learner that fits the task works
  expect_class(buildLearners(trivialLearner1, taskNormal), "RLearnerClassif")

  # empty searchspace gives NULL result
  expect_warning(lrns <- buildLearners(list(), pid.task), 'No model fits the given task')

  # searchspace with no fitting learner gives NULL result
  expect_warning(res <- buildLearners(trivialLearner2, taskNormal), 'No model fits the given task')

  # duplicate learner ID gives error
  expect_error(buildLearners(c(trivialLearner1, trivialLearner1), taskNormal), "Base learners must all have unique ids")

  # weights are not supported
  expect_error(buildLearners(trivialLearner1, taskWWeights), "Tasks with weights are currently not supported")
  expect_error(buildLearners(trivialLearner2, taskWWeights), "Tasks with weights are currently not supported")

# the learners that remain in the searchspace fit to the task and the possible transformations
test_that("the right kind of learners are filtered out", {
  # first we need different tasks with different properties
  # binary classification
  t.n2 = createTestClassifTask("t.n2", 200, nNumeric = 1)
  t.f2 = createTestClassifTask("t.f2", 200, nFactor = 1)
  t.o2 = createTestClassifTask("t.o2", 200, nOrdered = 1)
  # multiclass classification
  t.nx = createTestClassifTask("t.nx", 200, nNumeric = 1, nClasses = 25)
  t.fx = createTestClassifTask("t.fx", 200, nFactor = 1, nClasses = 25)
  t.ox = createTestClassifTask("t.ox", 200, nOrdered = 1, nClasses = 25)
  # binary with missings
  t.nm2 = createTestClassifTask("t.nm2", 200, nNumeric = 1, missings = TRUE)
  t.fm2 = createTestClassifTask("t.fm2", 200, nFactor = 1, missings = TRUE)
  t.om2 = createTestClassifTask("t.om2", 200, nOrdered = 1, missings = TRUE)
  # multi with missings
  t.nmx = createTestClassifTask("t.nmx", 200, nNumeric = 1, nClasses = 3, missings = TRUE)
  t.fmx = createTestClassifTask("t.fmx", 200, nFactor = 1, nClasses = 3, missings = TRUE)

  # test that from the autolearners, the present learners in the resulting searchspace fit to the task.
  # checkLearnersPresent is called for each of the above tasks which checks the appropriate learner is present for it.
  # the transformation function returns a list of vectors that represent possible requirements to the present learners
  checkWrapperEffect = function(autolearnersPL, transformation = list, ...) {
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.n2, transformation(c("numerics", "twoclass")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.f2, transformation(c("factors", "twoclass")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.o2, transformation(c("ordered", "twoclass")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.nx, transformation(c("numerics", "multiclass")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.fx, transformation(c("factors", "multiclass")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.ox, transformation(c("ordered", "multiclass")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.nm2, transformation(c("numerics", "twoclass", "missings")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.fm2, transformation(c("factors", "twoclass", "missings")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.om2, transformation(c("ordered", "twoclass", "missings")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.nmx, transformation(c("numerics", "multiclass", "missings")), ...)
    checkLearnersPresent(autolearnersPL, t.fmx, transformation(c("factors", "multiclass", "missings")), ...)

  # wrappers that anounce that they perform transformations:
  # removing missings, factors, ordereds, missings-and-factors
  # converting ordereds to numerics, factors to numerics
  # combined removing of factors and missings and conversion of factors to numerics
  MRemover = list(nimp1, fimp1, oimp1)
  FRemover = list(fnconv1)
  ORemover = list(onconv1)
  MFRemover = c(MRemover, FRemover)
  MFORemover = c(MRemover, FRemover, ORemover)

  # check that without wrappers, exactly those learners remain that fit the tasks
  autolearnersPL = autolearnersBASIC

  # learners that cannot handle a certain property are present if the appropriate removing wrapper is present.
  # test for: missings, factors, ordereds, factors-and-missings
  # test for combination of multiple wrappers: missings + factors, factors-and-missings + ordereds,
  # test interplay of converters and removers
  autolearnersPL = c(autolearnersBASIC, MRemover)
  checkWrapperEffect(autolearnersPL, function(x) list(setdiff(x, "missings")))
  checkWrapperEffectEx(autolearnersPL, function(x) list(setdiff(x, "missings")))

  autolearnersPL = c(autolearnersBASIC, FRemover)
  conv = function(x) {
    c(if ("factors" %in% x) {
        list(union(setdiff(x, "factors"), "numerics"))
      }, list(x))
  checkWrapperEffect(autolearnersPL, conv)
  checkWrapperEffectEx(autolearnersPL, conv)

  autolearnersPL = c(autolearnersBASIC, MFRemover)
  conv = function(x) {
    c(if ("factors" %in% x) {
        list(union(setdiff(x, c("factors", "missings")), "numerics"))
      }, if ("missings" %in% x) {
           list(union(setdiff(x, c("factors", "missings")), "numerics"),
             union(setdiff(x, "missings"), "numerics"))
      }, list(setdiff(x, "missings")))
  checkWrapperEffect(autolearnersPL, conv)
  checkWrapperEffectEx(autolearnersPL, conv)

  autolearnersPL = c(autolearnersBASIC, MFORemover)
  conv = function(x) {
    xnew = unique(c(if ("factors" %in% x) {
        list(union(setdiff(x, c("factors", "missings")), "numerics"))
      }, if ("missings" %in% x) {
           list(union(setdiff(x, c("factors", "missings")), "numerics"),
             union(setdiff(x, "missings"), "numerics"))
         }, list(setdiff(x, "missings"))))
    unlist(lapply(xnew, function(x) c(list(x),
      if ("ordered" %in% x) {
        list(union(setdiff(x, "ordered"), "numerics"))
      })), recursive = FALSE)
  checkWrapperEffect(autolearnersPL, conv)
  checkWrapperEffectEx(autolearnersPL, conv)

mlr-org/automlr documentation built on May 23, 2019, 3:02 a.m.