data("titanic_train", package = "titanic")
data("titanic_test", package = "titanic")
convertCamelCase = function(x) {
tolower(gsub("((?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z]|(?!^)[A-Z](?=[a-z]))", "_\\1", x, perl = TRUE))
titanic = rbindlist(list(titanic_train, titanic_test), fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
setnames(titanic, convertCamelCase(colnames(titanic)))
titanic[, passenger_id := NULL]
titanic[, survived := factor(ifelse(survived, "yes", "no"), levels = c("yes", "no"))]
titanic[, pclass := factor(pclass, ordered = TRUE)]
titanic[, sex := as.factor(sex)]
titanic[!nzchar(cabin), cabin := NA_character_]
titanic[!nzchar(embarked), embarked := NA_character_]
titanic[, embarked := as.factor(embarked)]
usethis::use_data(titanic, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
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