
Defines functions identicalCPO.CPO identicalCPO.CPOPrimitive getCPOAffect.CPO getCPOAffect.CPOPrimitive getCPOPredictType.CPO getCPOOperatingType.CPOTrained getCPOOperatingType.CPO getCPOConstructor.CPO getCPOConstructor.CPOTrained getCPOConstructor.CPOTrainedPrimitive getCPOConstructor.CPOPrimitive getCPOTrainedCPO.CPOTrained getCPOTrainedCPO.CPOTrainedPrimitive getCPOTrainedCapability.CPOTrained getCPOClass.CPOInverter getCPOClass.CPORetrafo getCPOClass.CPO getCPOClass.CPOConstructor setCPOId.CPOPrimitive setCPOId.CPO getCPOId.CPO getCPOId.CPOPrimitive getCPOName.CPOConstructor getCPOName.CPO getCPOProperties.CPO setHyperPars2.CPOTrained setHyperPars2.CPO getHyperPars.CPOTrained getHyperPars.CPOTrainedPrimitive getHyperPars.CPO getParamSet.CPOTrained getParamSet.CPOTrainedPrimitive getParamSet.CPO identicalCPO getCPOConstructor getCPOTrainedCPO getCPOOperatingType getCPOPredictType getCPOTrainedCapability getCPOClass getCPOAffect getCPOProperties getCPOId setCPOId.default setCPOId getCPOName

Documented in getCPOAffect getCPOClass getCPOConstructor getCPOId getCPOName getCPOName.CPOConstructor getCPOOperatingType getCPOPredictType getCPOProperties getCPOTrainedCapability getCPOTrainedCPO identicalCPO setCPOId

# properties.R contains getXXX and setXXX functions that apply to CPO objects.
#' @include callCPO.R

#' @title Get the CPO Object's Name
#' @description
#' Return the name associated with a \code{\link{CPO}} operation. This name
#' is set when creating a \code{\link{CPOConstructor}}, e.g. using
#' \code{\link{makeCPO}}, by the \dQuote{.cpo.name} parameter.
#' It is also the default \code{id}, as retrieved by \code{\link{getCPOId}},
#' of a CPO.
#' @template arg_cpo
#' @return [\code{character(1)}] the CPO's name.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @export
getCPOName = function(cpo) {

#' @title Set the ID of a CPO Object
#' @description
#' Sets the \emph{id} of a \code{\link{CPO}}. Setting the id
#' is also possible during construction by a \code{\link{CPOConstructor}}
#' using the \code{id} parameter.
#' The exported hyperparameters of a CPO will all have the
#' id as prefix. This makes it possible to
#' compose CPOs that have clashing parameter names.
#' @template arg_cpo
#' @param id [\code{character(1)} | \code{NULL}]\cr
#'   The ID. If this is \code{NULL}, the ID is set to the
#'   default for the CPO at hand, which is the CPO \dQuote{name}, see \code{\link{getCPOName}}.
#' @return [\code{CPO}] the CPO with modified id.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @family CPO ID related
#' @export
setCPOId = function(cpo, id) {
  if (!is.null(id)) {

#' @export
setCPOId.default = function(cpo, id) {
  stop("setCPOId for object not defined.")

#' @title Get the ID of a CPO Object
#' @description
#' Gets the \emph{id} of a \code{\link{CPO}}. The id can be set
#' during construction by a \code{\link{CPOConstructor}}
#' using the \code{id} parameter, or with \code{\link{setCPOId}}.
#' The exported hyperparameters of a CPO all have the
#' id as prefix. This makes it possible to
#' compose CPOs that have clashing parameter names.
#' @template arg_cpo
#' @return [\code{character(1)}] the CPO's id.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @family CPO ID related
#' @export
getCPOId = function(cpo) {

#' @title Get the Properties of the Given CPO Object
#' @description
#' The properties of a \code{\link{CPO}} object determine the kind of data the CPO will be able to handle, and how
#' it transforms data. Properties describe what kind of data a CPO can work with.
#' By default, this function returns a list of three values: \code{$handling}, \code{$adding}, and
#' \code{$needed}.
#' The \code{$handling} determines what data the CPO handles. If a CPO is applied to a data set
#' (using \code{\link{\%>>\%}} or \code{\link{applyCPO}}, or indirectly when a \code{\link{CPOLearner}} is trained)
#' that has a property not listed in \code{$handling}, an error will be given.
#' \code{$adding} can be one or many of the same values as \code{$handling}. These properties
#' get added to a \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}} or CPO coming after / behind this CPO. When a CPO imputes missing values, for example,
#' this is \dQuote{missings}. This is always a subset of \code{$handling}.
#' \code{$properties.needed} can be one or many of the same values as \code{$handling}. These properties
#' are required from a Learner (or CPO) coming after / behind this CPO. E.g., when a CPO converts factors to
#' numerics, this is \dQuote{numerics} (and \code{$adding} would be \dQuote{factors} in this case).
#' \code{$adding} and \code{$needed} never have any value in common.
#' There are two more properties mostly for internal usage: \code{$adding.min} and \code{$needed.max}.
#' These are for internal checking of trafo / retrafo function return values: If some
#' hyperparameter settings lead to a CPO returning values not conforming to properties (e.g. not
#' removing all \sQuote{missings}, or creating \sQuote{missings} where there were none before),
#' while in other cases the CPO \emph{does} conform, it is desirable to treat the CPO like
#' it behaves in the best case (and rely on the user to make good hyperparameter choices).
#' The properties discussed so far thus represent the CPO on its \sQuote{best} behaviour.
#' Internally, each CPO also has a list of properties that it minimally \sQuote{adds} to its successors
#' or maximally \sQuote{needs} from it in the worst case. These are \code{$adding.min} and \code{$needed.max}.
#' \code{$adding.min} is always a subset of \code{$adding}, \code{$needed.max} is always a superset of \code{needed}.
#' Their compliance is checked by the CPO framework, so a CPO that doesn't conform to these crashes.
#' @section Possible properties:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{data properties}{\dQuote{numerics}, \dQuote{factors}, \dQuote{ordered}, \dQuote{missings}:
#'     Whether any data column contains the type in question, or has missings. When \code{only.data}
#'     is \code{TRUE}, only these are returned.}
#'   \item{task type properties}{\dQuote{cluster} \dQuote{classif} \dQuote{multilabel} \dQuote{regr} \dQuote{surv}:
#'     The type of the task. \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} data objects have the implicit property \dQuote{cluster}.}
#'   \item{target properties}{\dQuote{oneclass} \dQuote{twoclass} \dQuote{multiclass}:
#'     Whether the target column of a \code{classif} task has one, two, or more classes.}
#' }
#' @template arg_cpo
#' @param only.data [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#'   Only get the CPO \emph{data properties} (not target or task type properties). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param get.internal [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#'   Also retrieve \code{$adding.min} and \code{$needed.max}. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return [\code{list}]. A \code{list} with slots \code{$handling}, \code{$adding}, and \code{$needed};
#'   also \code{$adding.min} and \code{$needed.max} if \code{get.internal} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @aliases CPOProperties
#' @family getters and setters
#' @export
getCPOProperties = function(cpo, only.data = FALSE, get.internal = FALSE) {

#' @title Get the Selection Arguments for Affected CPOs
#' @description
#' Get the \code{affect.*} arguments from when the \code{\link{CPO}} was constructed. These
#' are in one-to-one correspondence to the \code{affect.*} parameters given to the \code{\link{CPOConstructor}},
#' see the parameter documentation there.
#' @template arg_cpo
#' @param drop.defaults [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#'   Whether to only return the arguments that deviate from the default.
#'   Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return [\code{list}]. A named \code{list} of the \code{affect.*} arguments given to the \code{\link{CPOConstructor}}.
#'   The names are stripped of the \dQuote{affect.}-prefix.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @export
getCPOAffect = function(cpo, drop.defaults = TRUE) {

#' @title Get the CPO Class
#' @description
#' Gets the relevant \code{\link{CPO}} class that distinguishes between steps in a CPO's
#' lifecycle.
#' There is a fundamental distinction between \code{\link{CPO}} objects
#' and \code{\link{CPOTrained}} objects, the latter of which can provide either
#' retrafo or inverter functionality, or both. \code{CPOTrained} are subclassed into
#' \code{\link{CPOInverter}} (only inverter functionality), or
#' \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} (retrafo, possibly also inverter). To get more information
#' about a \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} object's capabilities, use \code{\link{getCPOTrainedCapability}}.
#' @param cpo [\code{\link{CPOConstructor}} | \code{\link{CPO}} | \code{\link{CPOTrained}}]\cr
#'   The CPO.
#' @return [\code{character(1)}]. \dQuote{CPOConstructor} if the given object is a \code{\link{CPOConstructor}},
#'   \dQuote{CPO} for a \code{\link{CPO}},
#'   \dQuote{CPOInverter} for a \code{\link{CPOInverter}} only,
#'   \dQuote{CPORetrafo} for a \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} object (which may have inverter capabilities, see
#'   \code{link{getCPOTrainedCapability}}),
#'   \dQuote{NULLCPO} for a \code{\link{NULLCPO}}.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @family retrafo related
#' @family inverter related
#' @family CPOConstructor related
#' @family CPO classifications
#' @family CPO lifecycle related
#' @export
getCPOClass = function(cpo) {

#' @title Get the CPOTrained's Capabilities
#' @description
#' While \code{\link{CPOInverter}} is only used for inversion,
#' both \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} and \code{\link{CPOInverter}} objects could be used for inversion using
#' \code{\link{invert}} in principle. However, some \code{\link{CPORetrafo}}
#' objects forbid inversion (and one must use the \code{\link{CPOInverter}} object instead),
#' some \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} objects are NO-OPS when called with \code{\link{invert}},
#' some can be used both for transformation and inversion.
#' The \code{CPOTrainedCapability} is a named \code{integer(2)} with two slots: \dQuote{retrafo} and
#' \dQuote{invert}. Both can be \code{1} (\code{\link{CPOTrained}} does something when used in retrafo
#' / inversion), \code{0} (\code{\link{CPOTrained}} is a NO-OP when used in retrafo / inversion) or
#' \code{-1} (\code{\link{CPOTrained}} cannot be used in retrafo / inversion).
#' @section Inverter capability:
#' The invert capability of a \code{\link{CPOTrained}} depends on the \code{\link{CPO}} which was used to
#' create it. Whenever a \code{\link{CPO}} is applied to some data, the result has the \code{link{retrafo}}
#' and \code{\link{inverter}} attributes set that can be retrieved using the respectively named functions to
#' get the \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} and \code{\link{CPOInverter}} object.
#' Every \code{\link{CPO}} can be a
#' \dQuote{Feature Operation} CPO, a \dQuote{Target Operation} CPO, or a \dQuote{Retrafoless} CPO, or a composition
#' of these (see \link{OperatingType}).
#' If a (possibly compound) CPO contains only Feature Operation CPOs and Retrafoless CPOs, then it does not perform any operation
#' on the target column of a data set; hence there is no inversion to be performed, the resulting \code{\link{CPORetrafo}}
#' is a NO-OP when used with \code{\link{invert}}. The \code{\link{inverter}} attribute created is in fact a
#' \code{\link{NULLCPO}}), while the \code{\link{retrafo}} attribute contains a \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} with
#' capabilities \code{c(retrafo = 1, invert = 0)}.
#' If a (possibly compound) CPO also contains Target Operation CPOs, but they are independent of the prediction data features--e.g. a CPO that
#' takes the logarithm of the target column in a regression task--then the \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} object has enough information
#' to perform inversion and hence can also meaningfully be used with \code{\link{invert}}. In this case the capability
#' of the \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} will be \code{c(retrafo = 1, invert = 1)}. The \code{\link{CPOInverter}}
#' object retrieved using the \code{\link{inverter}} function can be used for the same task, but the benefit of the
#' \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} object is that it can be used for \emph{all} prediction data applied to it, while the
#' \code{\link{CPOInverter}} object needs to be retrieved for each prediction data set anew. The \code{\link{CPOInverter}}
#' object furthermore cannot be used for retrafo and hence has, like all \code{\link{CPOInverter}}, capabilities \code{c(retrafo = -1, invert = 1)}.
#' If a (possibly compound) CPO contains Target Operation CPOs that are not prediction data independent then the resulting
#' \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} has capability \code{c(retrafo = 1, invert = -1)}, since the inversion requires information about
#' the particular data set that was transformed.
#' A \code{\link{CPOInverter}} object \emph{always} has capabilities \code{c(retrafo = -1, invert = 1)}, since it can always be used
#' for \code{\link{invert}} and never used in the place of a \code{\link{CPORetrafo}}.
#' The only object with capabilities \code{c(retrafo = 0, invert = 0)} is \code{NULLCPO}. Other objects that don't have at least
#' one capability equal to \code{1} cannot be created.
#' @param cpo [\code{\link{CPOTrained}}]\cr
#'   The \code{\link{CPOTrained}} object to query.
#' @return [named \code{integer(2)}]. The first component is named \dQuote{retrafo} and specifies whether the object can perform
#'   retrafo operations; the second component is named \dQuote{invert} and specifies whether it can perform invert operations.
#'   \code{0} indicates no effect for the operation, \code{1} indicates an operation is performed, \code{-1} indicates the object
#'   cannot be used for the purpose.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @family retrafo related
#' @family inverter related
#' @family CPO classifications
#' @aliases CPOTrainedCapability
#' @export
getCPOTrainedCapability = function(cpo) {

#' @title Get the CPO \code{predict.type}
#' @description
#' Get the possible predict.types a \code{\link{CPO}} is able to handle.
#' The concept of a \code{predict.type} originates from \code{\link[mlr]{predict.WrappedModel}}, which
#' allows the estimation of different aspects of a prediction. This is, currently:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\dQuote{response}}{A best estimate of the actual target value}
#'   \item{\dQuote{prob}}{An estimate of probabilities of different target values}
#'   \item{\dQuote{se}}{An estimate of the target value, together with an estimate of the standard error of this first estimation}
#' }
#' A Target Operation CPO is able to change the type of a \code{\link[mlr]{Task}}, but it can also enhance the type of predictions
#' that a \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}} can make for it. Thus a CPO that converts a binary classification into a regression task can
#' use a regression learner to not only predict the \dQuote{response} class, but also the estimated probability (\dQuote{prob})
#' distribution over the two classes. For this, the CPO declares
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item what \code{predict.type}s a \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}}, when attached to it, can provide, and
#'   \item what \code{predict.type} the \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}}, in each case, must be capable of.
#' }
#' This information is provided in the form of a named \code{character}, where the names are the provided predict type capabilities,
#' and the values are the predict type that the underlying \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}} must provide for this.
#' The CPO converting classification to regression mentioned above would thus have the \code{predict.type} of:
#' \code{c(response = "response", prob = "response")}
#' Another example would be a CPO that converts a multiclass classification problem into an ordinary classification problem, but
#' uses the \dQuote{prob} prediction of the underlying learner to make both the \dQuote{response} and \dQuote{prob} predictions.
#' It would have the \code{predict.type} of:
#' \code{c(response = "prob", prob = "prob")}
#' If this second CPO is attached to a \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}} that does not have the \dQuote{prob} property (see
#' \code{\link[mlr]{LearnerProperties}}), an error is given.
#' CPOs that are not Target Operating always have the \code{predict.type} of:
#' \code{c(response = "response", prob = "prob", se = "se")}
#' @template arg_cpo
#' @return [\code{character}]. A named \code{character} that maps potential predict types that a CPO may provide to the required
#' predict type of an underlying learner.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @aliases PredictType
#' @export
getCPOPredictType = function(cpo) {

#' @title Determine the Operating Type of the CPO
#' @description
#' Gives the \emph{operating type} of a CPO or Retrafo, i.e. the part of a given data set it operates on.
#' This can be \dQuote{target} for a CPO / Retrafo / Inverter that
#' manipulates target columns, \dQuote{feature} for
#' a CPO / Retrafo that manipulates non-target columns,
#' or \dQuote{retrafoless} for a CPO that only handles training data
#' (and hence can manipulate both feature and target columns, but produces no retrafo).
#' For a composite CPO / Retrafo of different operating types, all
#' types are returned. \code{NULLCPO} has no operating type.
#' @section Operating types:
#' There are three types of \code{\link{CPO}} that differ in their effects on the data: \dQuote{\emph{Feature Operation}},
#' \dQuote{\emph{Target Operation}}, and \dQuote{\emph{Retrafoless}}.
#' Feature Operation CPOs (\bold{FOCPO}) only change the feature columns
#' of a data set, and don't change the target column(s). They therefore cannot change the type of a \code{\link[mlr]{Task}}, and
#' will never change the number of rows of a data set. They are the easiest CPO to handle, as they do not require
#' inversion of predictions made with processed data. Examples of Feature Operation CPOs is the scaling of individual features
#' to have unit variance (\code{\link{cpoScale}}), or the projection on principal components (\code{\link{cpoPca}}).
#' Target Operation CPOs (\bold{TOCPO}) only change the target column(s) of a data set, not the feature columns. They can thus
#' also change the type
#' of a \code{\link[mlr]{Task}}, and the \link{PredictType}s admitted by a \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}}. They are thus a powerful
#' instrument, but they are harder to handle, since predictions made with data sets processed with this kind of CPO need to be
#' \emph{inverted} using the \code{\link{invert}} function and possibly an \code{\link{CPOInverter}} object (see documentation there).
#' (Note that attaching a Target Operation CPO to a \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}} will hide this complexity from the user and is the
#' recommended way of handling it.)
#' Examples of Target Operation CPOs are the log-transformation of the target column of a regression task, the conversion of a
#' binary classification task into a 0-1-regression task, or the substitution of the target values into the residuals after a
#' \code{\link[mlr:makeLearner]{Learner}} was applied to the task. Note that the last of these examples distinguishes itself by the fact that
#' the inversion operation is dependent on the \emph{prediction} data used. While for the first two examples, the
#' \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} object can be used for inversionk, the last one requires the \code{\link{CPOInverter}} object. See
#' \code{\link{CPOTrainedCapability}} for more on this.
#' Retrafoless CPOs (\bold{ROCPO}) can change the feature \emph{and} target columns of a task, but this comes at the cost of not
#' allowing retransformations. When getting the
#' \code{\link{CPORetrafo}} object using \code{\link{retrafo}}, one will always get an identity transformation.
#' While other CPOs can be understood as \emph{transforming} the space of features or target values,
#' respectively, the Retrafoless CPO can only \emph{add} or \emph{subtract} points in the given space. Examples of this operation
#' are subsampling and supersampling.
#' @param cpo [\code{\link{CPO}} | \code{\link{CPOTrained}}]\cr
#'   The CPO, Retrafo, or Inverter to inspect.
#' @return [\code{character(1)}]. Zero or more of \dQuote{target}, \dQuote{feature}, \dQuote{retrafoless}.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @family retrafo related
#' @family inverter related
#' @family CPO classifications
#' @aliases OperatingType
#' @export
getCPOOperatingType = function(cpo) {

#' @title Get CPO Used to Train a Retrafo / Inverter
#' @description
#' Get the \code{\link{CPO}} used to create a \code{\link{CPOTrained}} object. The
#' retrieved \code{\link{CPO}} will usually have all its hyperparameters and \code{affect.*}
#' settings set to the values used to create the particular \code{\link{CPOTrained}} object.
#' The only case where this is \emph{not true} is if \code{cpo} is a \code{\link{CPOTrained}}
#' that was created using \code{\link{makeCPOTrainedFromState}}.
#' @param cpo [\code{\link{CPOTrained}}]\cr
#'   The Retrafo or Inverter to get the original \code{\link{CPO}} from.
#' @return [\code{\link{CPO}}]. The original \code{\link{CPO}}.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @family retrafo related
#' @family inverter related
#' @family CPO lifecycle related
#' @export
getCPOTrainedCPO = function(cpo) {

#' @title Get the CPOConstructor Used to Create a CPO Object
#' @description
#' Get the \code{\link{CPOConstructor}} used to create a \code{\link{CPO}} or \code{\link{CPOTrained}} object.
#' Only primitive \code{\link{CPO}} or \code{\link{CPOTrained}} objects have an originating \code{\link{CPOConstructor}}.
#' @param cpo [\code{\link{CPO}} | \code{\link{CPOTrained}}]\cr
#'   The CPO, Retrafo, or Inverter to get the original \code{\link{CPOConstructor}} from.
#' @return [\code{\link{CPOConstructor}}]. The original \code{\link{CPOConstructor}}.
#' @family getters and setters
#' @family CPO lifecycle related
#' @family CPOConstructor related
#' @export
getCPOConstructor = function(cpo) {

#' @title Check Whether Two CPO are Fundamentally the Same
#' @description
#' Check whether two \code{\link{CPO}} perform the same operation. This
#' compares the inner workings of a \code{\link{CPO}}, but not the hyperparameter,
#' hyperparameter-export, or \code{affect.*} settings of the \code{\link{CPO}}.
#' Internally, this checks whether the \code{\link{CPOConstructor}} used to create
#' the two \code{\link{CPO}}s is identical. When creating new \code{\link{CPOConstructor}}s with
#' \code{\link{makeCPO}} and related functions, it may be necessary to overload this function,
#' if the resulting \code{\link{CPO}}s should be differentiated in a different way.
#' This function is used in \code{\link{cpoCbind}} to check for equality of underlying
#' \code{\link{CPO}}s.
#' @param cpo1 [\code{\link{CPO}}]\cr
#'   The \code{\link{CPO}} to compare.
#' @param cpo2 [\code{\link{CPO}}]\cr
#'   The \code{\link{CPO}} to compare.
#' @return [\code{logical(1)}]. \code{TRUE} if the \code{\link{CPO}}s are fundamentally
#'   the same.
#' @family CPO lifecycle related
#' @family CPOConstructor related
#' @export
identicalCPO = function(cpo1, cpo2) {

# Param Sets and related

#' @export
getParamSet.CPO = function(x) {

#' @export
getParamSet.CPOTrainedPrimitive = function(x) {
  c(x$element$cpo$bare.par.set, x$element$cpo$unexported.par.set)

#' @export
getParamSet.CPOTrained = function(x) {
  stop("Cannot get param set of compound retrafo. Use as.list to get individual elements")

#' @export
getHyperPars.CPO = function(learner, for.fun = c("train", "predict", "both")) {

#' @export
getHyperPars.CPOTrainedPrimitive = function(learner, for.fun = c("train", "predict", "both")) {

#' @export
getHyperPars.CPOTrained = function(learner, for.fun = c("train", "predict", "both")) {
  stop("Cannot get parameters of compound retrafo. Use as.list to get individual elements")

#' @export
setHyperPars2.CPO = function(learner, par.vals = list()) {
  badpars = setdiff(names(par.vals), names(learner$par.set$pars))
  if (length(badpars)) {
    stopf("CPO %s does not have parameter%s %s", getLearnerName(learner),
          ifelse(length(badpars) > 1, "s", ""), collapse(badpars, ", "))
  checkParamsFeasible(learner$par.set, par.vals)
  learner$par.vals = insert(learner$par.vals, par.vals)

#' @export
setHyperPars2.CPOTrained = function(learner, par.vals = list()) {
  stopf("Cannot change parameter values of retrafo / inverter object\n%s\n%s\n",
    "To create a retrafo / inverter with a specific state use makeCPOTrainedFromState.",
    "Get the state of an existing retrafo / inverter using getCPOTrainedState.")

# Properties

#' @export
getCPOProperties.CPO = function(cpo, only.data = FALSE, get.internal = FALSE) {
  if (only.data) {
    ret = lapply(cpo$properties, intersect, y = cpo.dataproperties)
  } else {
    ret = cpo$properties
  if (!get.internal) {
    ret$adding.min = NULL
    ret$needed.max = NULL

#' @family retrafo related
#' @family inverter related
#' @rdname getCPOProperties
#' @export
getCPOProperties.CPOTrained = getCPOProperties.CPO  # nolint


#' @export
getCPOName.CPO = function(cpo) {

#' @family retrafo related
#' @family inverter related
#' @rdname getCPOName
#' @export
getCPOName.CPOTrained = getCPOName.CPO  # nolint

#' @family CPOConstructor related
#' @rdname getCPOName
#' @export
getCPOName.CPOConstructor = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOId.CPOPrimitive = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOId.CPO = function(cpo) {
  stop("Compound CPOs have no IDs.")

#' @export
setCPOId.CPO = function(cpo, id) {
  stop("Cannot set ID of compound CPO.")

# When changing the ID, we need to change each parameter's name, which
# should have the form <ID>.<bare.par.name>
# This means we need to modify $par.set AND $par.vals
#' @export
setCPOId.CPOPrimitive = function(cpo, id) {

  cpo$id = id
  cpo$debug.name = if (is.null(id) || id == cpo$name) cpo$name else sprintf("%s<%s>", cpo$id, cpo$name)
  cpo$par.vals = getBareHyperPars(cpo, FALSE)
  cpo$par.set = cpo$bare.par.set
  pars = cpo$par.set$pars
  if (!is.null(id) && length(pars)) {
    trans = setNames(paste(id, names(pars), sep = "."), names(pars))
    names(pars) = trans
    pars = lapply(pars, function(x) {
      x$id = trans[x$id]
      if (!is.null(x$requires)) {
        x$requires = renameNonfunctionNames(x$requires, trans)
    cpo$par.set$pars = pars
    names(cpo$par.vals) = trans[names(cpo$par.vals)]

# CPO Type

#' @export
getCPOClass.CPOConstructor = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOClass.CPO = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOClass.CPORetrafo = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOClass.CPOInverter = function(cpo) {

# CPO capability

#' @export
getCPOTrainedCapability.CPOTrained = function(cpo) {

# original CPO, CPOConstructor

#' @export
getCPOTrainedCPO.CPOTrainedPrimitive = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOTrainedCPO.CPOTrained = function(cpo) {
  pipeCPO(lapply(as.list(cpo), getCPOTrainedCPO))

#' @export
getCPOConstructor.CPOPrimitive = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOConstructor.CPOTrainedPrimitive = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOConstructor.CPOTrained = function(cpo) {
  stop("Compound CPOTrained cannot be queried for the CPOConstructor.")

#' @export
getCPOConstructor.CPO = function(cpo) {
  stop("Compound CPO cannot be queried for the CPOConstructor.")

# Operating Type

#' @export
getCPOOperatingType.CPO = function(cpo) {

#' @export
getCPOOperatingType.CPOTrained = function(cpo) {
  cap = getCPOTrainedCapability(cpo)
  c(character(0), if (cap["retrafo"] > 0) "feature", if (cap["invert"] > 0) "target")

# Predict Type

#' @export
getCPOPredictType.CPO = function(cpo) {

#' @family retrafo related
#' @family inverter related
#' @rdname getCPOPredictType
#' @export
getCPOPredictType.CPOTrained = getCPOPredictType.CPO  # nolint

# Normalize "affect.*" arguments of CPOs

#' @export
getCPOAffect.CPOPrimitive = function(cpo, drop.defaults = TRUE) {
  affect.args = cpo$affect.args
  if (!drop.defaults) {
    if (!length(getCPOAffect(cpo))) {
      affect.args$type = c("numeric", "factor", "ordered", "other")
  if (setequal(affect.args$type, c("numeric", "factor", "ordered", "other"))) {
    affect.args$type = NULL
  if (!length(affect.args$index)) {
    affect.args$index = NULL
  if (!length(affect.args$names)) {
    affect.args$names = NULL
  if (is.null(affect.args$pattern)) {
    affect.args$pattern.ignore.case = NULL
    affect.args$pattern.perl = NULL
    affect.args$pattern.fixed = NULL
  Filter(function(x) !is.null(x) && !identical(x, FALSE), affect.args)

#' @export
getCPOAffect.CPO = function(cpo, drop.defaults = TRUE) {
  stop("Compound CPOs have no affect arguments.")

#' @export
identicalCPO.CPOPrimitive = function(cpo1, cpo2) {
  assertClass(cpo2, "CPO")
  identical(class(cpo1), class(cpo2)) &&

#' @export
identicalCPO.CPO = function(cpo1, cpo2) {
  assertClass(cpo2, "CPO")
  cpo1list = as.list(cpo1)
  cpo2list = as.list(cpo2)
  (length(cpo1list) == length(cpo2list)) &&
    all(vlapply(seq_along(cpo1), function(idx) {
      identicalCPO(cpo1list[[idx]], cpo2list[[idx]])
mlr-org/mlrCPO documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 11:25 p.m.