#--- unexported utility functions ----------------------------------------------
#' Construct the famil set.
#' @details Calculates `nper` estimates of Kendall tau for non-overlaping sets of `u1` and `u2`. If these are all positive, then can use any of the copula families. Otherwise, can only use those which allow bot positive and negative dependence.
#' **TODO:** Add rotated families for the case with only negative dependence.
#' @noRd
.get_family <- function(u1, u2, nper) {
# empirical tau on non-overlapping periods
etau <- .get_tau(u1, u2, nper)
if(all(etau > 0)) {
family <- c(1:5, 13:14) # only +ve dependence
} else if(all(etau < 0)) {
family <- c(1,2,5, 23:24, 33:34) # only -ve dependence
} else {
family <- c(1,2,5) # +ve and -ve dependence
#' Kendall's tau on non-overlaping sets.
#' @param u1, u2 Vectors of uniforms.
#' @param ntau Number of taus to calculate.
#' @return A vector of `ntau` taus.
#' @details Divides `u1` and `u2` into `ntau` non-overlaping sets and calculates the Kendall tau for each set.
#' @noRd
.get_tau <- function(u1, u2, ntau) {
n <- length(u1)
irng <- unique(round(seq(1, n, len = ntau+1)))
irng <- cbind(irng[1:ntau], irng[-1])
apply(irng, 1,
function(rng) {
ind <- rng[1]:rng[2]
cor(u1[ind], u2[ind], method = "kendall")
#' Get bandwidth set.
#' @noRd
.get_band <- function(x, nband) {
dx <- diff(sort(x),1)
h.min <- max(dx)
h.max <- max(x)-min(x)
# get nband+2 values and remove smallest two
log.seq <- seq(from=log(h.min), to=log(h.max), length.out = (nband+2))
band <- round(exp(log.seq),5)
#' Default optimization function.
#' @noRd
.optim_default <- function(obj) {
## # coarse optimization: gradient-free
## opt <- optim(par = obj$par, fn = obj$fn, gr = obj$gr,
## method = "Nelder-Mead",
## control = list(maxit = 50, reltol = 1e-2))
## # fine optimization: quasi-newton (gradient-based)
## opt <- optim(par = opt$par, fn = obj$fn, gr = obj$gr,
## method = "BFGS")
opt <- stats::nlminb(start = obj$par,
objective = obj$fn,
gradient = obj$gr)
# only need constant term since xc = 0 at x0 = x[ii]
#' Estimate `eta` and/or `nu` if required.
#' @param eta,nu Optional values of `eta` and/or `nu`. If either of these is missing or `NA`, then uses [VineCopula::BiCopEst()] to estimate the parameters.
#' @noRd
.get_etaNu <- function(u1, u2, family, degree, eta, nu) {
if(missing(eta)) eta <- NA
if(missing(nu)) nu <- NA
if(anyNA(eta) || (anyNA(nu) && family == 2)) {
res <- VineCopula::BiCopEst(u1 = u1, u2 = u2, family = family)
if(anyNA(eta)) {
eta <- BiCopPar2Eta(family = family, par = res$par, par2 =res$par2)$eta
if(degree == 1) eta <- c(eta, 0)
if(anyNA(nu)) {
nu <- if(family == 2) res$par2 else 0
list(eta = eta, nu = nu)
#' Determine whether to run code in parallel.
#' @noRd
.check_parallel <- function(cl) {
pareval <- !anyNA(cl)
if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
message("Package \"parallel\" needed for parallel evaluation. Running serially instead.")
pareval <- FALSE
#' Check that degree is valid.
#' @noRd
.check_degree <- function(degree) {
if(!degree %in% 0:1) stop("degree must be 0 or 1.")
## degree <- match.arg(degree)
## return(as.numeric(degree == "linear"))
## #' Local likelihood estimation at a single covariate value.
## #'
## #' @inheritParams CondiCopLocFun
## #' @return List with elements \code{eta} and \code{loglik}.
## #' @export
## CondiCopLocFit1 <- function(u1, u2, family,
## X, x0, wgt, degree = c("linear", "constant"),
## eta, nu = 0) {
## obj <- CondiCopLocFun(u1 = u1, u2 = u2, family = family,
## z = z, wgt = wgt, degree = degree, eta = eta, nu = nu)
## opt <- optim(par = obj$par, fn = obj$fn, gr = obj$gr,
## method = "BFGS")
## return(list(eta = as.numeric(opt$par), loglik = -opt$value))
## }
#' Check whether copula family is known and/or supported.
#' @noRd
.check_family <- function(family) {
if(length(family) != 1) stop("family must be a single integer. See `ConvertPar` for list of supported families.")
if((family %in% .FamilySet) &&
!(family %in% .FamilySet_supported)) {
stop("Unsupported copula family. See `?ConvertPar` for list of supported families.")
} else if(!family %in% .FamilySet) {
stop("Unknown copula family. See `?ConvertPar` for list of supported families.")
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