#' Create C++ code to export \pkg{TMB} models from package.
#' @param pkg Character string: any subdirectory of the package source code.
#' @return Invisible; called for its side effects.
#' @details \pkg{TMB} models should be saved as C++ header files of the form \code{src/TMB/*.hpp}, and written almost exactly as with usual \pkg{TMB} \code{*.cpp} models. So for example, \code{src/TMB/ModelA.hpp} would be written as:
#' \preformatted{
#' // __DO NOT__ '#include <TMB.hpp>' as file is not include-guarded
#' #define TMB_OBJECTIVE_PTR obj
#' // name of function _must_ match file name (ModelA)
#' template<class Type>
#' Type ModelA(objective_function<Type>* obj) {
#' // _exactly_ the same code as for usual 'ModelA.cpp'
#' }
#' #define TMB_OBJECTIVE_PTR this
#' }
#' The function \code{export_models} creates a file \code{src/TMB/pkgname_TMBExports.cpp} containing a single \pkg{TMB} model object which dispatches the appropriate \code{ModelA.hpp}, \code{ModelB.hpp}, etc. using \code{if/else} statements. At the \R level, the correct model is invoked from \code{TMB::MakeADFun} exactly as for a single \pkg{TMB} model, except the \code{data} list argument gets an additional element \code{model} specifying the name of the model, e.g., \code{model = "ModelA"}.
#' \code{export_models} assumes that each file of the form \code{src/TMB/*.hpp} contains \emph{exactly one} \pkg{TMB} model. In order for these to \code{#include} additional \code{.hpp} files, these additional files must be placed either in a subfolder of \code{src/TMB}, or in (a subfolder of) \code{inst/include}. The advantage of the latter approach is that the additional files are available to other \R packages via \code{LinkingTo: pkgname} is the other package's \code{DESCRIPTION}. If the latter approach is used, the \code{TMB} compiler must be notified of the additional include directory. This is done by setting the \code{TMB_FLAGS} in \code{src/Makevars[.win]} to
#' \preformatted{
#' TMB_FLAGS = -I"../../inst/include"
#' }
#' Other flags specific to the \pkg{TMB} compiler can be set here as well, as can the usual \code{CXX_FLAGS}, etc. for other source code in \code{src}, which is compiled independently of that in \pkg{src/TMB}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{use_tmb}}
#' @export
export_models <- function(pkg = ".") {
currwd <- getwd()
usethis::local_project(pkg, quiet = TRUE)
root <- usethis::proj_get() #.package_root(pkg)
pkg_name <- get_package(root)
tmb_path <- file.path("src", "TMB")
tmb_main <- file.path(tmb_path, paste0(pkg_name, "_TMBExports.cpp"))
# if not TMB-generated don't overwrite
# determine template values:
# include files
model_files <- list.files(path = tmb_path, pattern = "[.]hpp$",
ignore.case = TRUE)
incl_lines <- paste0('#include "', model_files, '"', collapse = '\n')
# if statements
# model names: no path and no extension
model_names <- sub(pattern = "(.*?)\\..*$",
replacement = "\\1", basename(model_files))
if(length(model_names) > 0) {
if_lines <- paste0('if(model == "', model_names, '") {\n',
' return ', model_names, '(this);\n',
' }', collapse = ' else ')
if_lines <- paste0(if_lines, ' else {\n',
' Rf_error("Unknown model.");\n }')
} else {
if_lines <- ' Rf_error("Unknown model.");'
use_template(template = "TMBExports.cpp", package = "TMBtools",
data = list(pkg = pkg_name,
includes = incl_lines,
switches = if_lines),
save_as = tmb_main)
## ' @param model_files Character vector of header files relative to \code{src/TMB} listing the \pkg{TMB} models to export. If missing defaults to all \code{hpp} files in \code{src/TMB}. \strong{Note:} Always use forward slash "/" to separate directories, even on Windows.
## # path to TMB templates
## .template_file <- function(...) {
## system.file("templates", ..., package = "TMBtools")
## }
## # find package root: basically copied from devtools
## .package_root <- function(path = ".") {
## if(!is.character(path) || length(path) != 1) {
## stop("'path' must be a string.", call. = FALSE)
## }
## path <- sub("/*$", "", normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE))
## if(!file.exists(path)) {
## stop("Can't find '", path, "'.", call. = FALSE)
## }
## if(!file.info(path)$isdir) {
## stop("'", path, "' is not a directory.", call. = FALSE)
## }
## while(!file.exists(file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
## path <- dirname(path)
## if(identical(path, dirname(path))) {
## stop("Could not find package root.", call. = FALSE)
## }
## }
## path
## }
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