

AsciiToInt(LETTERS) # gave '.. embedded nul ..' warning

## just for fun -- typically shows "iso-latin1 charset

## Checking the new 'ndigits' default argument for digitsBase():
ee <- 0:30
for(base in 2:64)
    stopifnot((be <- base^ee) > 0, any(ok <- be < 2^52),
	      ee == floor(1e-9+ log(be, base)),
              0 == as.integer(digitsBase(0, base=base)), # failed
	      be[ok] == as.integer(digitsBase(be[ok], base=base)))
## failed, e.g. for 3^5, in sfsmisc <= 1.0-22

## Tests for is.whole (taken from the examples)
a <- array(runif(24), dim = c(2, 3, 4))
a[4:8] <- 4:8
m <- matrix(runif(12), 3, 4)
m[2:4] <- 2:4
v <- complex(real = seq(0.5, 1.5, by = 0.1),
             imaginary = seq(2.5, 3.5, by = 0.1))

## Find whole entries
stopifnot(identical(is.whole(a), a == round(a)),
          identical(is.whole(m), m == round(m)),
          which(is.whole(v)) == 6)

## Numbers of class integer are always whole
stopifnot(is.whole(dim(a)), is.whole(length(v)), is.whole(-1L))

## From: Liping Seng <rainey_tree@yahoo.com.sg>
## Subject: Bug with integrate.xy()?
## Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 12:24:12 +0000
##  MM simplified
y <- rnorm(200)
fit <- density(y, bw = 0.3773427, n=1024, kernel="epanechnikov")
integrate.xy(fit$x, fit$y, min(fit$x), 1.7927854, xtol=3.16228e-7)
## Fixed (2017-06-08)
## Error in seq.default(a, length = max(0, b - a - 1)) :
##   'length.out' must be a non-negative number
mmaechler/sfsmisc documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 5:04 a.m.