
Defines functions copulaCorrection_linearmodel

#' @importFrom Formula as.Formula
#' @importFrom stats lm coef model.frame update
copulaCorrection_linearmodel <- function(F.formula, data, names.vars.continuous, names.vars.discrete,
                                         verbose, cl, num.boots, ...){
  l.ellipsis <- list(...)

  # Tell what is done -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    message("Fitting linear model with additional PStar copula data for ", length(names.vars.continuous),
            " continuous and ", length(names.vars.discrete), " discrete endogenous regressors.")
  # Warn if unnecessary parameters except for lm are given because user seemingly doesnt understand what he is doing
    warning("Additional parameters given in the ... argument are ignored because they are not needed.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  # Function that fits lm with additional pstar data ------------------------------------------------------------
  fct.fit.lm.pstar <- function(F.formula, data, names.vars.continuous, names.vars.discrete){

    # Generate PStar data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    l.pstar.data.continuous <- NULL # init so that they exists for cbind
    l.pstar.data.discrete   <- NULL

    # MF is only used for the (numeric) endovars. The full data then is used again in lm()
    mf.data <- model.frame(F.formula, rhs=1, lhs=0, data=data)

    # Warn if the data is binomial=only has to values=dummy
    #   can only be done after the data was transformed
    checkinput_copulacorrection_warnbinomialendodata(data = mf.data,
                                                     names.vars.continuous = names.vars.continuous,
                                                     names.vars.discrete   = names.vars.discrete)

    if(length(names.vars.continuous) > 0){
      l.pstar.data.continuous <- lapply(names.vars.continuous, function(n){
        copulaCorrectionContinuous_pstar(vec.data.endo=mf.data[[n]]) })
      names(l.pstar.data.continuous) <- paste0("PStar.", names.vars.continuous, sep="")

    if(length(names.vars.discrete) > 0){
      l.pstar.data.discrete   <- lapply(names.vars.discrete, function(n){
      names(l.pstar.data.discrete) <- paste0("PStar.", names.vars.discrete, sep="")

    df.data.pstar <- do.call(cbind, c(l.pstar.data.continuous, l.pstar.data.discrete))
    colnames(df.data.pstar) <- make.names(colnames(df.data.pstar))

    # Update formula to include PStar data ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # use the formula RHS1 and also include P.star to fit lm
    F.lm  <- formula_build_mainmodel_data(F.formula = F.formula, data=df.data.pstar)

    # Run linear model ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    df.data.copula <- cbind(data, df.data.pstar)

    return(lm(formula = F.lm, data = df.data.copula))

  # Fit on the original data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  res.lm.real.data <- fct.fit.lm.pstar(F.formula = F.formula, data = data,
                                       names.vars.continuous=names.vars.continuous, names.vars.discrete=names.vars.discrete)

  # Bootstrap params --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    message("Running ",num.boots," bootstraps.")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(initial = 0, max = num.boots, style = 3)

  boots.params <-
    sapply(seq(num.boots), USE.NAMES = TRUE, function(i){
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

      boot.indices <- sample.int(n = NROW(data), replace = TRUE)
      boot.data    <- data[boot.indices, ,drop=FALSE]
      return(coef(fct.fit.lm.pstar(F.formula = F.formula, data = boot.data,
                                   names.vars.continuous=names.vars.continuous, names.vars.discrete=names.vars.discrete)))


  # Return object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Coefs to calculate fitted and residuals are withouth pstar
  #   however, pstar names are part of names.main.coefs so that they are shown in the coef table in summary()
  names.main.coefs <- setdiff(names(coef(res.lm.real.data)),
                              make.names(c(paste0("PStar.", names.vars.discrete,   sep=""),
                                           paste0("PStar.", names.vars.continuous, sep=""))))

  # Only coefs and data without pstar
  X <- model.matrix(res.lm.real.data)[, names.main.coefs, drop=FALSE]
  main.coefs <- coef(res.lm.real.data)[names.main.coefs]

  res.lm.mf  <- model.frame(res.lm.real.data)
  y <- model.response(res.lm.mf)

  fitted.vals   <- drop(X %*% main.coefs)
  residual.vals <- drop(y - fitted.vals)

  return(new_rendo_copula_correction(call             = cl,
                                     F.formula        = F.formula,
                                     mf               = res.lm.mf,
                                     names.main.coefs = names(coef(res.lm.real.data)),
                                     coefficients     = coef(res.lm.real.data),
                                     residuals        = residual.vals,
                                     fitted.values    = fitted.vals,

                                     boots.params     = boots.params,
                                     copula.case      = 2,
                                     names.vars.continuous = names.vars.continuous,
                                     names.vars.discrete   = names.vars.discrete,

                                     res.lm.real.data  = res.lm.real.data))
mmeierer/REndo documentation built on July 16, 2024, 4:25 a.m.