
Defines functions .onLoad get_data_frame

Documented in get_data_frame


mne <- NULL

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # push MNE into global environment
  mne <<- reticulate::import("mne", delay_load = TRUE)
      "Importing MNE version=%s, path='%s'\n", mne$`__version__`,
  assign("mne", mne, .GlobalEnv)

#' Get data from MNE into R data.frame
#' \code{get_data_frame} helps importing MNE data structures
#' The code will call the \code{.to_data_frame} method of the MNE
#' data container and returns a dataframe readily usable in R. Note
#' that the type definitions below refer to Python types. Please see
#' the reticulate documentation to learn about R-to-Python
#' \href{https://rstudio.github.io/reticulate/articles/calling_python.
#' html}{conversion rules}. Note that this function requires, next to
#' MNE, a working [Pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org) installation.
#' For background information on exporting MNE objects
#' to dataframes, consider the designated \href{https://martinos.org/
#' mne/dev/auto_tutorials/plot_epochs_to_data_frame.html}{MNE
#' tutorial}.
#' @param inst An instance of MNE data containsers, e.g,
#'        \code{mne$Epochs}, \code{mne$io$Raw}, \code{mne$Evoked}.
#' @param picks A zero-indexed integer array, a string, list, slice or
#'        None.
#' @param index The columns to be uesed as pandas index. tuple of str
#'        or None.
#' @param scaling_time Scaling to be applied to time units. Float.
#' @param scalings Scaling to be applied to the channels picked.
#' @param copy Whether to make a copy of the data.
#' @param start If it is a Raw object, this defines a starting index
#'        for creating the dataframe from a slice. The times will be
#'        interpolated from the index and the sampling rate of the
#'        signal. Int or None.
#' @param stop If it is a Raw object, this defines a stop index for
#'        creating the dataframe from a slice. The times will be
#'        interpolated from the index and the sampling rate of the
#'        signal. Int or None.
#' @param long_format If True, the dataframe is returned in long
#'        format where each row is one observation of the signal at a
#'        unique coordinate of channels, time points, epochs and
#'        conditions. The number of factors depends on the data
#'        container. For convenience, a ch_type column is added when
#'        using this option that will facilitate subsetting the
#'        resulting dataframe.
#'        If False, mne-r is making sure that the channel names
#'        are cleaned from white spaces to esnure that the R-formulas
#'        will work. In the case that epochs are passed, the pandas
#'        muliti-index is unpacked and the columns "condition",
#'        "epochs", and "time" are prepended. Unliker the
#'        MNE-Python function, the default is True.
#' @return Returns a data.frame. The layout depends on the options
#'         (e.g. \code{long_format}) and the type of instance
#'         (e.g. Epochs vs Raw).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(mne)
#' fname <- paste(mne$datasets$testing$data_path(),
#'                "MEG", "sample", "sample_audvis_trunc_raw.fif",
#'                sep = "/")
#' raw <- mne$io$read_raw_fif(fname, preload = T)
#' raw_df <- get_data_frame(raw)
#' print(head(raw_df))
get_data_frame <- function(inst, picks = NULL, index = NULL,
                           scaling_time = 1e3, scalings = NULL,
                           copy = T, start = NULL, stop = NULL,
                           long_format = T) {
  # handle MNE python version
  inspect <- reticulate::import("inspect")
  to_df_args <- inspect$getargspec(inst$to_data_frame)$args

  .args <- list(picks = picks, index = index,
                scaling_time = 1e3, scalings = scalings,
                copy = copy, start = start, stop = stop,
                long_format = long_format)

  if ("long_format" %in% to_df_args & long_format) {
    out <- do.call(inst$to_data_frame, .args)
  } else if (!("long_format" %in% to_df_args) & long_format) {
    .args$long_format <- NULL
    .args$inst <- inst
    out <- do.call(get_long_format, .args)
  } else {
    out <- do.call(inst$to_data_frame, .args)
    cat("Deleting whitespace in channel names ...")
    colnames(out) <- colnames(out) %>%
      gsub(" ", "", x = ., fixed = T)
   if ("mne.epochs.BaseEpochs" %in% class(inst)) {
     mindex <- attr(
       out, "pandas.index")$values %>% reticulate::py_to_r(.)
     out <- data.frame(
       condition = sapply(mindex, "[[", 1) %>% as.factor(),
       epoch = sapply(mindex, "[[", 2) %>% as.factor(),
       time= sapply(mindex, "[[", 3) %>% as.numeric(),

get_long_format <- function(inst, picks, index, scaling_time,
                            scalings, copy, start, stop){
  .args <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  .args$inst <- NULL
  out <- do.call(inst$to_data_frame, .args)
  # Order used in MNE
  # Raw + evoked
  # c('time',  'channel',  'observation', 'ch_type')
  # Epochs
  # c('condition', "epoch", 'time',  'channel',  'observation',ś
  #    'ch_type')

  # common steps
  ch_idx <- 0L:(inst$info["nchan"] - 1L)
  ch_type <- sapply(
    ch_idx, function(.) mne$io$pick$channel_type(inst$info, .)) %>%

  if ("mne.epochs.BaseEpochs" %in% class(inst)) {
    observation <- out %>%
      as.matrix() %>%
      t() %>%
      matrix(nrow =  prod(out %>% dim(.)))
    channel <- out %>% colnames() %>% rep(., times = dim(out)[1])

    mindex <- attr(
      out, "pandas.index")$values %>% reticulate::py_to_r(.)
    condition <- sapply(mindex, "[[", 1)
    epoch <- sapply(mindex, "[[", 2)
    time <- sapply(mindex, "[[", 3)

    # we mostly trust base-R grid expansion magic ...
    out_df <- data.frame(
      condition = condition,
      epoch = epoch %>% as.factor() %>% rep(each = dim(out)[2]),
      time = time %>% as.numeric() %>% rep(each = dim(out)[2]),
      channel = channel,
      observation = observation,
      ch_type = ch_type
  } else {
    observation <- as.vector(t(out))
    channel <-  out %>% colnames()
    time <- out %>%
      rownames() %>%
      as.numeric() %>%
      rep(each = length(channel))

    # we trust base-R grid expansion magic ...
    out_df <- data.frame(
      time = time,
      channel = channel,
      observation = observation,
      ch_type = ch_type
  # XXX source estimate class is not yet handled.
  # Add error or support.
mne-tools/mne-r documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 9:45 p.m.