#' ForestIV Main Function
#' This function implements the main ForestIV approach.
#' @param data_test Testing dataframe for random forest, must have a column named "actual" that contains the ground truth, and all trees' predictions.
#' @param data_unlabel Unlabel dataframe for random forest, must have all trees' predictions.
#' @param control A character vector of control variable names. Pass an empty vector if there are no control variables
#' @param method "Lasso" for ForestIV method and "IIV" for EnsembleIV method.
#' @param iterative Whether to perform iterative IV selection or not, default to TRUE. Only relevant when method = "Lasso"
#' @param ntree Number of trees in the random forest.
#' @param model_unbias Unbiased estimation.
#' @param family Model specification, same as in the family parameter in glm.
#' @param diagnostic Whether to output diagnostic correlations for instrument validity and strength, default to TRUE.
#' @param select_method method of IV selection. One of "optimal" (LASSO based), "top3", and "PCA".
#' @return ForestIV estimation results
#' @export
ForestIV = function(data_test, data_unlabel, control, method, iterative = TRUE, ntree, model_unbias, family, diagnostic, select_method) {
result = list()
for (i in 1:ntree) {
# use i-th tree as the endogenous covariate
regressor = paste0("X", i)
if (method == "Lasso") {
output = LassoSelect(data_test, data_unlabel, iterative, ntree, regressor)
IVs = output$IVs
data_unlabel_new = data_unlabel
if (method == "IIV") {
output = IIVSelect(data_test, data_unlabel, ntree, regressor, select_method)
IVs = output$IVs
data_unlabel_new = output$data_unlabel_new
# Estimate 2SLS
# TODO: family parameter unnecessarily messy for now. Will clean up after deciding what to do with GLMs
if (length(IVs) > 0) {
if (family$family == "gaussian" & family$link == "identity") {
f = make_formula(regressor, control, IVs, "all")
model_IV = AER::ivreg(f, data = data_unlabel_new)
beta_IV = stats::coef(model_IV)
vcov_IV = stats::vcov(model_IV)
se_IV = sqrt(diag(vcov_IV))
# the convergence code is not useful for linear case - 2SLS always converges
convergence = 0
else {
link = switch (family$family,
"binomial" = "logit",
"poisson" = "logadd",
# implementation via OneSampleMR, only supports logit and poisson
f = make_formula(regressor, control, IVs, "all")
model_IV = OneSampleMR::tsri(f, data = data_unlabel_new, link = link)
# tsri produces a lot of estimates, what we care about starts with (Intercept) and excludes "resres"
allcoefs = stats::coef(model_IV$fit)
start = which(names(allcoefs) == "(Intercept)")
varlist = c(start, start+1, (start+3):length(allcoefs))
beta_IV = stats::coef(model_IV$fit)[varlist]
vcov_IV = stats::vcov(model_IV$fit)[varlist,varlist]
se_IV = sqrt(diag(vcov_IV))
# note that the TSRI estimation may not converge - we want to keep only the convergent ones when reporting results
convergence = model_IV$fit$algoInfo$convergence
# implementation via ivtools, support all glm families
# f1 = make_formula(regressor, control, IVs, "XZ")
# fitX.LZ = stats::glm(f1, data = data_unlabel_new)
# f2 = make_formula(regressor, control, IVs, "YX")
# fitY.LX = stats::glm(f2, data = data_unlabel_new, family = family)
# model_IV = ivtools::ivglm(estmethod = "ts", fitX.LZ = fitX.LZ, fitY.LX = fitY.LX, data = data_unlabel_new, ctrl = TRUE)
# # for control function estimation, a variable named "R" is attached to the end and need to be removed
# nvar = length(model_IV$est)
# beta_IV = model_IV$est[-nvar]
# vcov_IV = model_IV$vcov[-nvar,-nvar]
# se_IV = sqrt(diag(vcov_IV))
H_stats = hotelling(beta_IV, vcov_IV, model_unbias)
corrs = output$correlations
result[[i]] = c(beta_IV, se_IV, H_stats, convergence, corrs)
if (diagnostic) {
result = do.call(rbind.data.frame, result)
colnames(result) = c(paste0("beta_", c(1:length(beta_IV))), paste0("se_", c(1:length(se_IV))), "Hotelling", "Convergence", "pp_abs_before", "pe_abs_before", "pp_abs_after", "pe_abs_after")
else {
result = do.call(rbind.data.frame, result)
result = result[,1:(ncol(result) - 4)]
colnames(result) = c(paste0("beta_", c(1:length(beta_IV))), paste0("se_", c(1:length(se_IV))), "Hotelling", "Convergence")
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