cpgInfo | nearestGenes |
detectionP | detectionP that accepts NA's |
DMRfinder | DMR finder |
getSex.DNAmArray | Determine sex based on X chr methylation status |
plot_wbcc | Validation plots |
predict_wbcc | Predict cell-type composition from methylation values |
preprocessFunnorm.DNAmArray | preprocessFunnormv2 |
probeFiltering | filter on probe-level: number of beads and zero intensities |
probeMasking | Cross-reactive and Polymorphic Probe Masking |
read.metharray.exp.par | construct RGChannelSet in parallel |
reduce | Extract functional normalized data according to filter data |
screeplot | Scree plot of the 450k control probe intensities |
train_wbcc | Train a predictor for cell-type composition |
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