Man pages for molepi/DNAmArray
Streamlined workflow for the quality control, normalization and bias-free analysis of Illumina methylation array data - The Leiden approach

detectionPdetectionP that accepts NA's
DMRfinderDMR finder
getSex.DNAmArrayDetermine sex based on X chr methylation status
plot_wbccValidation plots
predict_wbccPredict cell-type composition from methylation values
probeFilteringfilter on probe-level: number of beads and zero intensities
probeMaskingCross-reactive and Polymorphic Probe Masking
read.metharray.exp.parconstruct RGChannelSet in parallel
reduceExtract functional normalized data according to filter data
screeplotScree plot of the 450k control probe intensities
train_wbccTrain a predictor for cell-type composition
molepi/DNAmArray documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 1:42 p.m.