createSimulation: Create simulated data

Description Usage Arguments Author(s) See Also

View source: R/toy_data_generation.R


Simulate data with noise from a network and a perturbation scheme


createSimulation(input_network, perturbations = "", measured = "",
  inhibitions = 0.5, noise = 0, replicates = 3)



The input network. A 2 or 3 columns matrix representing an adjacency list, or an adjacency matrix. Alternatively, the name of a csv file where such matrix is writen (without headers for an adjacency list, with the nodes names in the first line for an adjacency matrix). In case of a 2 columns adjacency list, the values of all links is assumed to be 1, if 3 columns, the 3rd columns is used as coefficient.


The experimental design. A matrix where the column names are the names of the perturbation: NODE for a stimulation and NODEi for an inhibition. Alternatively, the name of csv file where the matrix is writen, the first line is used as column names.


A list of nodes to be the measured nodes


A single value, a list of values or NA. Values in ]0, -inf] to use for the inhibition, representing the log2-fold change in activity of the node (alternatively, a value between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of activity remaining after inhibition compared to basal). If NA, the values fitted for the inhibition will be used, or -1 if an inhibition is requested for a node that was not inhibited in the experiment.


A numeric between 0 and 1 giving the noise level, interpreted as a coefficient of variation. 0 means no noise at all.


Number of replicates to simulate


Mathurin Dorel

See Also


Other toy data generation: addLayerLinks, generateToyDesign, generateToyNetwork

molsysbio/STASNet documentation built on May 29, 2019, 5:45 a.m.