
# -*- tab-width:2;indent-tabs-mode:t;show-trailing-whitespace:t;rm-trailing-spaces:t -*-
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# (c) Copyright Rosetta Commons Member Institutions.
# (c) This file is part of the Rosetta software suite and is made available under license.
# (c) The Rosetta software is developed by the contributing members of the Rosetta Commons.
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feature_analyses <- c(feature_analyses, methods::new("FeaturesAnalysis",
id = "anchor_transform_correlation",
filename = "scripts/analysis/plots/loops/anchor_transform_correlation.R",
author = "Brian D. Weitzner",
brief_description = "",
long_description = "
This features analysis computes the correlation between the six dimensions of a
coordinate frame transformation pairwise

feature_reporter_dependencies = c("loop_anchor_features"),
run=function(self, sample_sources, output_dir, output_formats){

# maximum number of rows to select
limit <- 10^7

# minimum number of hits to make it worthwhile to plot
min_number_of_examples <- 10

plotmatrix <- function (input_data, mapping = aes(),
												columns = names(input_data), colour = "black")
	data <- input_data[,columns]
	grid <- expand.grid(x = 1:ncol(data), y = 1:ncol(data))
	grid <- subset(grid, x != y)
	all <-"rbind", lapply(1:nrow(grid), function(i) {
		xcol <- grid[i, "x"]
		ycol <- grid[i, "y"]
		# NOTE: xvar and yvar refer to the position of the panel in the grid
		# while x and y refer to the data being plotted in that panel.
		# Becase of this, xvar and x refer to different variables.
		data.frame(xvar = names(data)[ycol], yvar = names(data)[xcol],
							 x = data[, xcol], y = data[, ycol], input_data)
	all$xvar <- factor(all$xvar, levels = names(data))
	all$yvar <- factor(all$yvar, levels = names(data))

	densities <-"rbind", lapply(1:ncol(data), function(i) {
		data.frame(xvar = names(data)[i], yvar = names(data)[i],
							 x = data[, i],
							 subset(input_data, select = !(names(input_data) %in% columns)))

	faceted_density <- mapply(function(d){
		stat_density(aes(x = x,
										 y = ..scaled.. * diff(range(x))+ min(x)),
								 data = d,
								 position = "identity", geom = "line")
	}, dlply(densities, .(xvar, yvar)))

	mapping <- plyr::defaults(mapping, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"))
	class(mapping) <- "uneval"

	p <- ggplot(all, mapping) + facet_grid(xvar ~ yvar, scales="free",
																				 labeller=label_parsed) +
		stat_bin2d(aes(alpha=..density.. * 50, fill=sample_source),
							 show_guide = FALSE) +
		faceted_density +
		scale_y_continuous("Degree of freedom") +
		scale_x_continuous("Degree of freedom") +
		#coord_equal(ratio=1) +
		ggtitle(paste("Scatterplot matrix for loop anchor transform",
									"degrees of freedom for", input_data$length,
									"residue loops.", sep = " "))

	if(nrow(sample_sources) <= 3){
		p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal")

sele <- paste("SELECT residue_begin, residue_end, x, y, z, phi, psi, theta",
							"FROM loop_anchor_transforms LIMIT", limit)

f <- query_sample_sources(sample_sources, sele)

# Add length information to data frame
f$length <- as.factor(f$residue_end - f$residue_begin + 1)

# Scale phi to be on the domain [0, 2pi)
f$phi <- ifelse( f$phi < 0, f$phi + 2*pi, f$phi)

# Split data frame into sub-frames by length of loop
# Plot the results for each loop length and save the plots to disk
d_ply(f, .(length), function(df){
	plot_and_save_to_disk <- TRUE
	for (sample_source in sample_sources$sample_source) {
		if (nrow(df[df$sample_source == sample_source,]) < min_number_of_examples){
			plot_and_save_to_disk <- FALSE

	if (plot_and_save_to_disk) {
		# data columns are all columns that do not contain position, length or
		# sample source information
		data_columns <- !(names(df) %in% c("residue_begin","residue_end","length",
		p <- plotmatrix(df, aes(colour=sample_source), subset(names(df),
		save_plots(self, paste("anchor_transform_scatterplot_matrix_for",
													df$length[1], "residue_loops", sep = "_"),
							 sample_sources, output_dir, output_formats)

})) # end FeaturesAnalysis
momeara/RosettaFeatures documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:07 a.m.