#' Synthesizes a tide table
#' @description Synthesizes a tide table, built with BuildTT().
#' @references \url{https://www.bsh.de/DE/PUBLIKATIONEN/_Anlagen/Downloads/Meer_und_Umwelt/Berichte-des-BSH/Berichte-des-BSH_50_de.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=13/}
#' @references \url{https://doi.org/10.5194/os-15-1363-2019}
#' @param tmodel The model you built with BuildTT()
#' @param ssdate Start date of the synthesis. Format: "yyyy/mm/dd"
#' @param sstime Start time of the synthesis Format: "hh:mm:ss".
#' @param sedate End date of the synthesis. Format: "yyyy/mm/dd"
#' @param setime End time of the synthesis. Format: "hh:mm:ss"
#' @return Returns a tide table as a data.table, which is identical to c.table computed with TideTable().
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{SynTT(tmodel = tt_model, ssdate = "1991/01/01",
#' sstime = "12:00:00", sedate = "1992/01/01", setime = "12:00:00")}
#' @export
SynTT <- function(tmodel = NULL, ssdate, sstime, sedate, setime) {
stopifnot(class(tmodel) == "tidetable")
chron.origin <- chron(dates. = "1900/01/01",
times. = "00:00:00",
format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"))
#retrieving objects
otz <- tmodel[["otz"]]
omega_t <- tmodel[["omega_t"]]
tm24 <- tmodel[["tm24"]]
tplus <- tmodel[["tplus"]]
tmhwi <- tmodel[["tmhwi"]]
fitting.coef <- tmodel[["fitting.coef"]]
#Synthesis period
ssdate.time <- chron(dates. = ssdate,
times. = sstime,
format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s")) - chron.origin
sedate.time <- chron(dates. = sedate,
times. = setime,
format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s")) - chron.origin
#NumCulm Synthesis
start.nummculm <- NumCulm(t = ssdate.time, tmhwi = tmhwi)
end.nummculm <- NumCulm(t = sedate.time, tmhwi = tmhwi)
time1 <- vector(mode = "double")
height <- vector(mode = "double")
afunc <- vector(mode = "double")
coeff <- vector(mode = "double")
st.transit <- vector(mode = "double")
time.height <- matrix(0.0, ncol = 6,
nrow = ((end.nummculm[["numm"]] - start.nummculm[["numm"]] + 1) * 4))
m <- 0L
ii <- 0L
stz24 <- otz / 24
for (i in start.nummculm[["numm"]] : end.nummculm[["numm"]]) {
ii <- ii + 1L
afunc <- ComputeAfunc(xi = i, omega = omega_t)[[3]] #optimize?
for (k in 1 : 4) {
m <- m + 1L
for (l in c("stunden.transit", "height")) {
coeff <- fitting.coef[[k]][[l]]
summe <- coeff %*% afunc
if (l == "stunden.transit") {
st.transit <- summe
tmmt.numm <- i * tm24 + tplus
time1 <- (tmmt.numm + summe / 24 + stz24)
else {
height <- summe
if (k == 1 | k == 3){
ihn <- 1
} else {
ihn <- 0
if (k == 1 | k == 2) {
trans <- 1
} else {
trans <- 0
time.height[m, ] <- c(time1, ihn, trans, height,
st.transit, ii)
date_time <- NULL
prediction_date <- NULL
prediction_time <- NULL
V1 <- NULL
time.height <- as.data.table(time.height)
time.height[ , date_time := format(chron(dates. = V1,
origin. = c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1900)),
"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" )]
time.height[, c("prediction_date", "prediction_time") := tstrsplit(date_time, split = " ")]
setnames(time.height, c("V6","V5","V4","V3","V2", "V1"),
c("i", "st.transit", "height", "upper_or_lower_transit",
"high_or_low_water", "transit"))
time.height[, date_time := NULL]
setcolorder(time.height, c("transit",
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