
Defines functions geom_water geom_transit geom_roads geom_vector_tiles get_vector_tiles

Documented in geom_roads geom_transit geom_vector_tiles geom_water get_vector_tiles

#' Get vector tile data, expects option variable nextzen_API_key to be set
#' @param bbox bounding box for which to get vector tile data
#' @param width optional, width in pixels for the display image
#' @param height optional, width in height for the display image
#' @param bbox bounding box for which to get vector tile data
#' @param refresh results are cached for current session, optionally refresh cache
#' @param nextzen_api_key nextzen API key for vector tile data
#' @return a list of layers with vector tile data
#' @export
get_vector_tiles <- function(bbox,width=NULL,height=NULL,refresh=FALSE,
                             nextzen_api_key = getOption("nextzen_API_key")){
  if (is.null(nextzen_api_key)) nextzen_api_key <- Sys.getenv("nextzen_API_key")
  orig_crs <- sf::st_crs(bbox)
  if (is.na(orig_crs$epsg) | orig_crs$epsg != 4326) {
    bbox <- bbox_to_polygon(bbox) %>%
      sf::st_transform(4326) %>%
  tile_coords <- mz_box %>% rmapzen::as.mz_tile_coordinates(width=width,height=height)
  digest <- paste0("vector_tiles_",digest::digest(tile_coords %>% jsonlite::toJSON()  %>% as.character()),".Rda")
  if (refresh | !file.exists(path)) {
    vector_tiles <- rmapzen::mz_vector_tiles(tile_coords)
  } else {
    vector_tiles <- readRDS(path)

StatVectorTiles <- ggplot2::ggproto("StatVectorTiles", ggplot2::Stat,
                     compute_panel = function(data, scales, type,
                                              nextzen_api_key = getOption("nextzen_API_key"),
                                              tile_size_px=NULL, transform=function(d)d) {
                       if (inherits(data,"data.frame")) {
                         data <- sf::st_as_sf(data)
                       if (inherits(data,"sf")) {
                         data <- sf::st_bbox(data)

                       stopifnot("geom_vector_tiles needs sf or bbox object as data"=("bbox" %in% class(data)))
                       if ("roads" %in% type) type="roads" else type=type[1]
                       bbox <- sf::st_bbox(data)
                       vector_tiles <- get_vector_tiles(bbox,tile_size_px,tile_size_px)
                       tile_data <- suppressMessages(rmapzen::as_sf(vector_tiles[[type]]))
                       orig_crs <- sf::st_crs(bbox)
                       if (is.na(orig_crs$epsg) | orig_crs$epsg != 4326) {
                         tile_data <- tile_data %>% sf::st_transform(orig_crs)
                       tile_data %>% transform

#' Adds a vector tile layer for the map
#' @param type type of vector layer
#' @param nextzen_api_key nextzen API key for vector tile data
#' @param tile_size_px tile size in pixels, may increase resolution of tile data
#' @param transform transform function to apply to the vector tile data
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @return a geom_sf object
#' @export
geom_vector_tiles <- function(...,
                              type=c("water", "buildings", "places", "transit", "pois",
                                     "boundaries", "roads", "earth", "landuse"),
                              nextzen_api_key = getOption("nextzen_API_key"),
  if (is.null(nextzen_api_key)) nextzen_api_key <- Sys.getenv("nextzen_API_key")
  ggplot2::geom_sf(stat = StatVectorTiles,
          nextzen_api_key = nextzen_api_key,

#' Adds a roads layer for the map
#' @param color color for the roads
#' @param width width of roads
#' @param nextzen_api_key nextzen API key for vector tile data
#' @param tile_size_px tile size in pixels, may increase resolution of tile data
#' @param transform transform function to apply to the vector tile data, by default filter out ferry lines
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @return a geom_sf object with the layer
#' @export
geom_roads <- function(..., color = "black", width = 0.1,
                       nextzen_api_key = getOption("nextzen_API_key"),
                       tile_size_px = NULL,
                       transform = function(d)d[d$kind!="ferry",]){
  if (is.null(nextzen_api_key)) nextzen_api_key <- Sys.getenv("nextzen_API_key")
  geom_vector_tiles(...,type="roads", color = color, linewidth = width,
                    nextzen_api_key = nextzen_api_key,
                    tile_size_px = tile_size_px, transform = transform)

#' Adds a transit layer for the map
#' @param color color for the transit lines
#' @param width width of transit lines
#' @param nextzen_api_key nextzen API key for vector tile data
#' @param tile_size_px tile size in pixels, may increase resolution of tile data
#' @param transform transform function to apply to the vector tile data, by default filter out ferry lines
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @return a geom_sf object with the layer
#' @export
geom_transit <- function(..., color = "darkmagenta", width = 0.1,
                       nextzen_api_key = getOption("nextzen_API_key"),
                       tile_size_px = NULL,
                       transform = function(d)d[d$kind %in% c("subway", "train"),]){
  if (is.null(nextzen_api_key)) nextzen_api_key <- Sys.getenv("nextzen_API_key")
  geom_vector_tiles(...,type="transit", color = color, linewidth = width,
                    nextzen_api_key = nextzen_api_key,
                    tile_size_px = tile_size_px, transform = transform)

#' Adds a water layer for the map
#' @param fill fill for the water featuers, default is `lightblue`
#' @param width width of outline
#' @param nextzen_api_key nextzen API key for vector tile data
#' @param tile_size_px tile size in pixels, may increase resolution of tile data
#' @param transform transform function to apply to the vector tile data
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @return a geom_sf object with the layer
#' @export
geom_water <- function(..., fill = "lightblue", width = 0,
                       nextzen_api_key = getOption("nextzen_API_key"),
                       tile_size_px = NULL,
                       transform=function(d)d) {
  if (is.null(nextzen_api_key)) nextzen_api_key <- Sys.getenv("nextzen_API_key")
  geom_vector_tiles(..., type="water",
                    fill = fill, linewidth = width,
                    nextzen_api_key = nextzen_api_key,
                    tile_size_px = tile_size_px,
                    transform = function(d)d %>%
                      transform %>%
                      dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(.) %in% c("MULTIPOLYGON","POLYGON")))

#' convenience function to cut off map at bounding box
#' @param bbox bounding box
#' @export
#' @return a coord_sf object cutting the map view to the bounding box
coord_bbox <- function(bbox){
  ggplot2::coord_sf(datum = NA,xlim=c(bbox$xmin,bbox$xmax),ylim=c(bbox$ymin,bbox$ymax))

#' get crs object for Lambert Conformal Conic projection centered at the input data
#' @param data sf object
#' @param center optional centre point for the crs
#' @return crs object
#' @export
lambert_conformal_conic_at <- function(data,center=NULL){
  bbox <- data %>%
    sf::st_transform(4326) %>%
  if (is.null(center)) {
    center <- list(X=as.numeric(bbox$xmin+bbox$xmax)/2,Y=as.numeric(bbox$ymin+bbox$ymax)/2)
  proj4string <- paste0("+proj=lcc +lat_1=",bbox$ymin," +lat_2=",bbox$ymax," +lat_0=",center$Y,
                        " +lon_0=",center$X," +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")


#' Manipulates gemetries by group to make them suitable for faceting in a plot
#' @description
#' The data in each group will be transformed using a Lambert Equal Area Conic centred at the
#' group's geometry and centered. The projection preserves area, so this is useful if area comparisons
#' desired. Alternatively the `scale_to_fill``option can be used to scale the geometry to fill each
#' facet to the specified `aspect_ratio`.
#' @param data datafrae with the geometries
#' @param ... arguments to group by, these should be the same arguments used for faceting
#' @param scale_to_fill logical, will scale the geometries to fill each facet
#' @param aspect_ratio the aspect ratio for each facet, only used if scale_to_fill is `TRUE`
#' @export
#' @return a data frame with transformed geometries and `NA` crs
facet_transform_geos_by_group <- function(data,...,scale_to_fill=FALSE,aspect_ratio=1) {
  data %>%
    dplyr::group_by(...) %>%
    dplyr::group_modify(.f = ~{
      center <- .x %>%
        sf::st_bbox() %>%
        sf::st_as_sfc() %>%
        sf::st_centroid() %>%
        sf::st_transform(4326) %>%
        sf::st_coordinates() %>%
        as.list() %>%

      proj4string <- paste0("+proj=leac +lat_1=",center$Y, " +lon_0=",center$X,
                            " +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")
      g <- .x %>%

      geometry_column <- attr(g,"sf_column")
      bbox <- sf::st_bbox(g)
      centre <- as.numeric(c(bbox$xmax+bbox$xmin,bbox$ymax+bbox$ymin)) /2
      ar <- as.numeric((bbox$xmax-bbox$xmin)/(bbox$ymax-bbox$ymin))
      if (!scale_to_fill) {
      } else if (ar>aspect_ratio) {
        scale <- as.numeric(2/(bbox$xmax-bbox$xmin))
      } else {
        scale <- as.numeric(2/(bbox$ymax-bbox$ymin))
      g <- g %>%
      g %>%
    }) %>%
    sf::st_sf() %>%

#' Vector tiles for Metro Vancouver
#' @param clipped should part of Nroth Shore mountains be clipped?
#' @export
#' @return a bounding box
metro_van_bbox <- function(clipped=TRUE){
  if (clipped==TRUE) {
    bbox <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = -123.43189, xmax = -122.40864, ymin = 49.00193, ymax = 49.4806169), crs = sf::st_crs(4326))
  } else if (clipped=="tight") {
    bbox <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = -123.38, xmax = -122.5, ymin = 49.02, ymax = 49.4), crs = sf::st_crs(4326))
  } else {
    bbox <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = -123.43189, xmax = -122.40864, ymin = 49.00193, ymax = 49.57428), crs = sf::st_crs(4326))

#' Vector tiles for City of Vancouver
#' @param include_ubc include UBC area in boundng box
#' @export
#' @return a bounding box
cov_bbox <- function(include_ubc=TRUE){
  if (include_ubc) {
    bbox <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = -123.280, xmax = -123.013, ymin = 49.194, ymax = 49.320), crs = sf::st_crs(4326))
  } else {
    bbox <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = -123.229, xmax = -123.013, ymin = 49.194, ymax = 49.320), crs = sf::st_crs(4326))

#' Vector tiles for Metro Vancouver
#' cached vector tiles for Metro Vancouver
#' @export
#' @return rmapzen type vector tile object
metro_van_vector_tiles <- function(){

#' Vector tiles for City of Vancouver + UBC
#' cached vector tiles for the City of Vancouver
#' @return rmapzen type vector tile object
#' @export
cov_vector_tiles <- function(){
mountainMath/mountainmathHelpers documentation built on May 3, 2024, 5:55 p.m.