
Defines functions import_observed_data

Documented in import_observed_data

#' @title Import observed data
#' @description Imports observed data from a dss file. All observed data needs
#' to be in one dss file and the pathnames should be exactly the same as what
#' is in unsteady flow file from HEC-RAS.  It is okay if the dss file name does not
#' match the dss file name from the unsteady flow file. Different versions of
#' HEC-DSSVue may change how the Part E (typically time interval: MIN, HOUR) is written.
#' @export
#' @param observed_dss_file                 jobjRef; open dss file where observed data is stored hydrograph using dssrip.
#' @param Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFileList    list; list containing the unsteady flow data for each plan;
#'                                          output from import_hecras_unsteadyflowfiles function.
#' @param plan_events                       list; The list of years in which the different events occurred

#' @return A list of data frames Each data frames contains the observed flow (Q) and water surface (WS) elevation for each cross-section.
#' @importFrom readr cols col_character col_double
#' @importFrom tibble add_column

import_observed_data <- function(observed_dss_file,
                                   plan_events) {

  #establish dataframe to check timeseries data
  #DSS stores NA values as really small negative numbers which are not possible for
  check_all <- c()

  #loop through each of the Formatted Unsteady Flow Files pathnames and pull the files out of dss
  for(p in 1:length(plan_events)){
    Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile <- Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFileList[[p]]
    event_year <- plan_events[p]

    #Recreate the paths for those DSS files
    Observed_Pathnames_Formatted <-c()

    for(j in 1:nrow(Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile)){ #for each row in the data frame
      Formmated_Pathname <- paste0("/",Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile[j,4],"/",

      Observed_Pathnames_Formatted  <- c(Observed_Pathnames_Formatted , Formmated_Pathname)

#now that we have all the path names, need to loop through a extract them from the dss file and rename the columns and dataframe.

    for(z in 1:length(Observed_Pathnames_Formatted)){ #loop through each path and make a data frame
      pathname <- Observed_Pathnames_Formatted[z]

      DSS_OBSERVED <-as.data.frame(dssrip::getFullTSC(observed_dss_file, pathname))

      check <- summary(DSS_OBSERVED <= -100000)
      check_all <- cbind(check_all, check[2])

      #for some reason why data brought in from DSS, missing data comes in as a very large negative numbers
      DSS_OBSERVED[DSS_OBSERVED <= -100000] <- NA

      if(Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile$Observed_C[z] == "FLOW"|Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile$Observed_C[z] == "FLOW- MERGE"){
        colnames(DSS_OBSERVED) <- "Obs_Q"
      } else {
        colnames(DSS_OBSERVED) <- "Obs_WS"

      DSS_OBSERVED <- tibble::rownames_to_column(DSS_OBSERVED, "DAY.TIME") #moving date from row name into the first column
      #Adds a new column after column 1 with the river mile
      DSS_OBSERVED <- add_column(DSS_OBSERVED, River_Sta = Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile[z,3], .after = 1)
      #Adds a new column after column 2 with the river
      DSS_OBSERVED <- add_column(DSS_OBSERVED, River = Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile[z,1], .after = 2)
      #Adds a new column after column 3 with the river reach
      DSS_OBSERVED <- add_column(DSS_OBSERVED, Reach = Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile[z,2], .after = 3)
      #Adds a new column after column 1 with the gage location
      DSS_OBSERVED <- add_column(DSS_OBSERVED, Gage_Location = Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile[z,5], .after = 4)

      #warnings will appear if the date is not in that format
      DAY.TIME.FORMAT <- parse_datetime(DSS_OBSERVED$DAY.TIME,format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

      format <- sapply(DAY.TIME.FORMAT , function(x) !all(is.na(as.Date(as.character(x), format=c('%Y-%m-%d',' %h:%m:%s')))))

      name <- paste("obs_data",Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile[z,6],Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile[z,3], event_year, sep="_")

      if(format[[1]]== "TRUE"){ #check formatting of date column in the dss file that was pulled
        DSS_OBSERVED <- add_column(DSS_OBSERVED, UnsteadyFlowFile = event_year)
        #identifies which unsteady flow file used this observed data
        assign(name, DSS_OBSERVED)
        #need to add a time stamp of  12.00 - for daily average values from USGS
        DSS_OBSERVED$DAILYTIME <- "23:59:00"
        #Concatenate Date and Time fields into a single character field
        #Reformat data frame back two columns
        DSS_OBSERVED <-  DSS_OBSERVED[,c(8,2:6)]
        colnames(DSS_OBSERVED)[1] <- "DAY.TIME"
        #identifies which unsteady flow file used this observed data
        DSS_OBSERVED <- add_column(DSS_OBSERVED, UnsteadyFlowFile = event_year)
        assign(name, DSS_OBSERVED)
    } #start with a new pathname within the same event_year

  } #start with a new unsteady flow plan

  #list of the individual time series which are now stored in data frames that were used as inputs in the HEC-RAS model
  observed_dataframes_list <- mget(ls(pattern="obs_data"))

  #Make a list of river miles where there are gage locations in the RAS model
  Locations <- unique(Formatted_UnsteadyFlowFile$RiverMile)

  for(p in 1:length(plan_events)){ #LOOP THROUGH REACH PLAN/event
    event_year <- plan_events[p]

    for (y in Locations){ #loop through all the UNIQUE LOCATION on the river where observed flow and stage data are recorded

      #need to pull from the list of data frames need to pull the ones that start with the same river mile
      subset <- observed_dataframes_list[grepl(y, names(observed_dataframes_list))]

      #then need to subset it for the plan
      subset <- subset[grepl(event_year, names(subset))]
      DF_1 <- subset[[1]]

      if(length(subset) == 2){
        DF_2 <- subset[[2]]
        OBS_DF <- merge(DF_1, DF_2, all = TRUE)
        OBS_DF <- DF_1

      #make a new name for the dataframe containing observed flow and stage data that was used for that plan.
      obs_name <- paste("observed_Q_WS_df", y , event_year, sep="_")

      #save the data frame under the new name
  #create a new list of the dataframes for each location along the river
  observed_Q_WS_df_list <- mget(ls(pattern="observed_Q_WS_df"))

mpdougherty/razviz documentation built on April 1, 2021, 4:16 p.m.