

# Generate the data sets for use in tests
n <- 250
nnbeta <- function(p, k) nbeta(c(1, p), k)
dgp_pl <- midas_pl_sim(n, m = 12, theta = nbeta(c(1.5, 2, 4), 24), gfun = function(x) 0.25 * x^3, ar.x = 0.9, ar.y = 0.5, n.start = 100)
dgp_si <- midas_si_sim(n, m = 12, theta = nnbeta(c(2, 4), 24), gfun = function(x) 0.03 * x^3, ar.x = 0.9, ar.y = 0.5, n.start = 100)

a100 <- midas_sp(y ~ mlsd(x, 0:23, y, nbeta) + mlsd(y, 1:2, y) | z,
  bws = 1, degree = 1, data = dgp_pl,
  start = list(x = c(1.5, 2, 4), y = c(0.5, 0)),
  method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 100)

b100 <- midas_sp(y ~ mlsd(y, 1:2, y) | mlsd(x, 0:23, y, nnbeta),
  bws = 1, degree = 1, data = dgp_si,
  start = list(x = c(2, 4), y = c(0.5, 0)),
  method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 100)
accuracy <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)

test_that("Plain and formula interface give the same results for PL", {
  X <- mls(dgp_pl$x, 0:23, 12)

  mpl <- midas_pl_plain(dgp_pl$y, X, dgp_pl$z,
    p.ar = 2L, nbeta, degree = 1,
    start_bws = 1, start_x = c(1.5, 2, 4), start_ar = c(0.5, 0),
    method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 100)

  mfr <- a100

  fmpl <- fitted(mpl)
  fmfr <- fitted(mfr)

  expect_true((sum(abs(mfr$coefficients - mpl$coefficients)) < accuracy) & (sum(abs(fmpl - fmfr)) < accuracy))

test_that("Plain and formula interface give the same results for SI", {
  X <- mls(dgp_si$x, 0:23, 12)

  mpl <- midas_si_plain(dgp_si$y, X,
    p.ar = 2L, nnbeta, degree = 1, start_bws = 1, start_x = c(2, 4), start_ar = c(0.5, 0),
    method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 100)

  mfr <- midas_sp(y ~ mlsd(y, 1:2, y) | mlsd(x, 0:23, y, nnbeta),
    bws = 1, degree = 1, data = dgp_si,
    start = list(x = c(2, 4), y = c(0.5, 0)),
    method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 100)

  cmap <- c(1, 4:5, 2:3)

  fmpl <- fitted(mpl)
  fmfr <- fitted(mfr)

  expect_true((sum(abs(mfr$coefficients[cmap] - mpl$coefficients)) < accuracy) & (sum(abs(fmpl - fmfr)) < accuracy))

test_that("Rearanging terms works", {
  mfr1 <- a100
  mfr2 <- midas_sp(y ~ mlsd(y, 1:2, y) + mlsd(x, 0:23, y, nbeta) | z,
    bws = 1, degree = 1, data = dgp_pl,
    start = list(x = c(1.5, 2, 4), y = c(0.5, 0)),
    method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 100)

  cmap <- c(1, 5:6, 2:4)

  expect_true(sum(abs(mfr1$coefficients[cmap] - mfr2$coefficients)) < accuracy)

test_that("Updating Ofunction works for sp", {
  a <- a100
  b <- update(a, Ofunction = "nls")
  c <- suppressWarnings(update(b, Ofunction = "optimx", method = c("BFGS", "spg"), itnmax = 10))

  expect_true(a$argmap_opt$Ofunction == "optim")
  expect_true(b$argmap_opt$Ofunction == "nls")
  expect_true(c$argmap_opt$Ofunction == "optimx")

  expect_true(inherits(b$opt, "nls"))
  expect_true(inherits(c$opt, "optimx"))

  expect_true(sum(abs(coef(a) - b$start_opt)) == 0)
  expect_true(sum(abs(coef(b) - c$start_opt)) == 0)

test_that("Updating Ofunction arguments  works", {
  a <- a100
  b <- update(a, method = "CG", control = list(maxit = 5))

  expect_true(b$argmap_opt$method == "CG")

test_that("Updating data and starting values works", {
  spd <- dgp_si[c("y", "x")]
  spd$y <- window(spd$y, start = 1, end = 200)
  spd$x <- window(spd$x, start = c(1, 1), end = c(200, 12))

  a <- b100

  b <- update(a, data = spd, start = list(x = c(2, 4), y = c(0.5, 0)), control = list(maxit = 1), method = "Nelder-Mead")

  m <- na.omit(cbind(spd$y, mlsd(spd$y, 1:2, spd$y), mlsd(spd$x, 0:23, spd$y)))

  expect_lt(sum(abs(m - b$model)), accuracy)

test_that("Predicting works for PL", {
  r <- predict(a100, newdata = dgp_pl) - fitted(a100)
  expect_equivalent(sum(abs(r)), 0)

test_that("Predicting works for SI", {
  r <- predict(b100, newdata = dgp_si) - fitted(b100)
  expect_that(sum(abs(r)), equals(0))

test_that("Predicting works for pure SI model", {
  bb <- midas_sp(y ~ mlsd(x, 0:23, y, nnbeta),
    bws = 1, degree = 1, data = dgp_si,
    start = list(x = c(2, 4)),
    method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 100)
  r <- predict(bb, newdata = dgp_si) - fitted(bb)
  expect_that(sum(abs(r)), equals(0))

test_that("g_np and g_np_mv works the same for numeric and for matrices in case of a vector", {
  oo <- midasr:::midas_sp_fit(a100)

  rn <- g_np(as.numeric(oo$y - oo$xi), as.numeric(oo$z), as.numeric(oo$z), coef(a100)[1], a100$degree)
  rm <- g_np_mv(oo$y - oo$xi, oo$z, oo$z, coef(a100)[1], a100$degree)
  expect_that(sum(abs(rn - rm)), equals(0))

test_that("cv_np works the same for numeric and for matrices in case of a vector", {
  oo <- midasr:::midas_sp_fit(a100)

  rn <- cv_np(as.numeric(oo$y - oo$xi), as.numeric(oo$z), coef(a100)[1], a100$degree)
  rm <- cv_np(oo$y - oo$xi, oo$z, coef(a100)[1], a100$degree)
  expect_that(sum(abs(rn - rm)), equals(0))
mpiktas/midasr documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 2:32 p.m.