Defines functions scidbupdate_ARGOS.incoming

Documented in scidbupdate_ARGOS.incoming

#' @title Argos incoming
#' @param  cnf  configuration variables are obtained from an external file config file. 
#'         default to config::get().
#' @param daysBefore converted to  Sys.Date() - 365 and passed to read_email_attachements(lastdate=). 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scidbupdate_ARGOS.incoming()
scidbupdate_ARGOS.incoming <- function(cnf = config::get(), daysBefore = 365 ) {

		host = cnf$host$name
		db   = cnf$db$argos
		user = cnf$host$dbadmin
		pwd  = cnf$host$dbpwd

		con = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user = user, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = db)

		from = as.POSIXct(Sys.Date() - 365)

		P = dbGetQuery(con, 'select tableName FROM projects WHERE active = "Y"')
		P = rbind(P, data.frame(tableName = 'incoming'))
		done = P[, dbGetQuery(con, paste('select distinct filenam from', tableName, 
											'where filenam is not NULL') ) , by = tableName ]

		# already uploaded to db 

		if(nrow(done) > 0 )
		x = read_email_attachements(maildir='ARGOS', sep = ";", lastdate = from, exclude = done$filenam , sepDate = "")

		if(nrow(done) == 0 )
		x = read_email_attachements(maildir='ARGOS', sep = ";", lastdate = from, sepDate = "")

		if(nrow(x) > 0) {

			x = x[!is.na(PTT)]

			# write to DB
			setnames(x, make.names(names(x)))

			x = x[, .(PTT, Satellite, Location.date, Message.date, Location.class, Compression.index, Latitude, Longitude, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, filenam)]

			setnames(x, c("tagID", "satellite", "locationDate", "messageDate", "locationClass", "compressionIndex", "latitude", "longitude", "S1","S2","S3","S4","S5","S6","S7","S8", "filenam") )

			x[, locationDate := anytime(locationDate)]
			x[, messageDate := anytime(messageDate)]

			# announce last pk
			lpk = dbGetQuery(con, 'select max(pk) pk from incoming')$pk
			message(paste('----------> last pk in incoming = ', lpk))

			dbWriteTable(con, 'incoming', x, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
			n_rows = nrow(x)
			} else n_rows = 0



#' @title Argos: move from incoming to YYYY_SSSS
#' @param  cnf  configuration variables are obtained from an external file config file. 
#'         default to config::get().
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scidbupdate_ARGOS.flush_incoming()
scidbupdate_ARGOS.flush_incoming <- function(cnf = config::get() ) {

	host = cnf$host$name
	user = cnf$host$dbadmin
	db   = cnf$db$argos
	pwd  = cnf$host$dbpwd

	con = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user = user, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = db)

	P = dbGetQuery(con, 'select  tagIDs, startDate, tableName 
					FROM projects  WHERE active = "Y" ')

	# find pk-s in incoming not yet in YYYY_SSSS tables
	P[, tagIDs := str_replace(tagIDs, '\\[', "(")]
	P[, tagIDs := str_replace(tagIDs, '\\]', ")")]

	P[, q := paste('SELECT pk from incoming WHERE locationDate >=', shQuote(startDate), 'and tagID in', tagIDs )]

	x = P[, dbGetQuery(con, q), by = tableName]
	if(nrow(x) > 0) {

		x = x[, .(hot = sqlin(pk), n = .N ), by = tableName]
		x[, colnams :=  paste(setdiff( 
					dbGetQuery(con, paste('select * from',tableName, 'where FALSE')) %>% names , 
					'pk') , collapse = ','), by = tableName ]

		x[, q := paste('INSERT INTO', tableName, '(', colnams, ') 
							SELECT ', colnams, 'FROM incoming 
									WHERE pk in',  hot )]
		# RUN
		x[n > 0, run := as.character(try(dbExecute(con, q), silent = TRUE)) , by = tableName]

		# when RUN ok then remove entries in incoming
		z = x[as.numeric(run) > 0, .(tableName, hot)]

		z[, q := paste('DELETE FROM incoming where pk in', hot)]
		if(nrow(z) > 0) {
			z[, run := dbExecute(con, q) , by = tableName]
			out = nrow(z)
		} else out = 0

		} else out = 0


mpio-be/dup documentation built on April 15, 2024, 8:10 p.m.